WeloveDavid, this is going to be rough, so I apologize ahead of time, but you got my ire up.
I'm a 35 year old male, daddy to a 3 yr old girl by virtue of IVF, and more specifically, ICSI. I like to joke that the way they had to get my end of the deal ended up hurting as much as labor, just so I can see every woman's eyes in the room roll. Before we had our daughter, we had my wife tested for CF and the 1001 mutations, and she was negative. That drove our decision to jump in. I'm reading some of these posts with a little bit of chagrin, because I had no idea there were any resources out there to make it less financially taxing - we coughed up the full 25K (well, not at once... I'm getting ready to cough up the last payment in two months...), but let me tell you - it was the BEST 'investment' I will ever make in my life. Our 'baby' girl is a thriving, amusing as all get-out whippersnapper that is everything my parents ever wished on me when I was growing up. There's the background. Now for the KMA...
I know my life may - MAY - be shorter than most 'normal' people. But A)that's in God's hands, and His only, and B)the risk that I may not be around for everything in my daughter's life that I want to be there for is worth it, because even 'normal' people aren't guaranteed anything. I've seen younger dads than me get wiped out by freak accidents, leaving behind more kids than just one. I find it ABSOLUTELY MORONIC that those outside of the CF brother- and cysterhood want to put even more constraints on us than the damn disease does. Get a grip. Where did David's so-called consideration get him? Oh yea, dead. Where we all end up, CF or not. I daresay his life could have been filled with much more joy on the way out if he had a kid.
Round 2: Your comments seem to intimate that life with CF is no life at all. Given the choice - and I have that choice, whether it's illegal to end it on my own, or not - I'll take life with CF over no life at all ANY GASPING DAY OF THE WEEK. My 'such an existence' flat rocks: married to the woman of my dreams, daddy to the best kid on the planet (ok, moms and dads, you're all welcome to your own opinion, I don't want to do the back-and-forth email 'No, MY kids is the best on the planet!'... hee), and praising God that I get to go to work every day! Quit focusing on how much it sucks that David is gone, and realize that the rest of us on here have a unique perspective that makes us want to milk every last drop out of every minute of every day. And passing that perspective on to the next generation is about the best thing a person can do.