Hypertonic Saline/insurance


New member
Is anyone on this and their insurance will not pay for? My 6 yr old is starting it and it is going to cost $41.00 per month. For us with 6 in our family and only one income that is alot. Usually his insurance picks up most of his med's costs. Our insurance only will pick up $1.82. Any feedback on others situations with it will be appeciated.

Step mom, to 15 yr old girl no cf
Mom to 13 yr old boy, no cf, cf carrier
Mom to 6 yr old boy with cf
Mom to 4 yr old girl with chromosome 9q deletion 21.2 22.1


New member
Is anyone on this and their insurance will not pay for? My 6 yr old is starting it and it is going to cost $41.00 per month. For us with 6 in our family and only one income that is alot. Usually his insurance picks up most of his med's costs. Our insurance only will pick up $1.82. Any feedback on others situations with it will be appeciated.

Step mom, to 15 yr old girl no cf
Mom to 13 yr old boy, no cf, cf carrier
Mom to 6 yr old boy with cf
Mom to 4 yr old girl with chromosome 9q deletion 21.2 22.1


New member
Is anyone on this and their insurance will not pay for? My 6 yr old is starting it and it is going to cost $41.00 per month. For us with 6 in our family and only one income that is alot. Usually his insurance picks up most of his med's costs. Our insurance only will pick up $1.82. Any feedback on others situations with it will be appeciated.

Step mom, to 15 yr old girl no cf
Mom to 13 yr old boy, no cf, cf carrier
Mom to 6 yr old boy with cf
Mom to 4 yr old girl with chromosome 9q deletion 21.2 22.1


New member
we too are getting ready to start and our insurance won't pay for the premixed saline and he has the waiver and BCMH. If we go with a different company and mix it ourselves they may pay, but clinic is checking on that to make sure. Ours is going to be $31 if we go for the premixed.


New member
we too are getting ready to start and our insurance won't pay for the premixed saline and he has the waiver and BCMH. If we go with a different company and mix it ourselves they may pay, but clinic is checking on that to make sure. Ours is going to be $31 if we go for the premixed.


New member
we too are getting ready to start and our insurance won't pay for the premixed saline and he has the waiver and BCMH. If we go with a different company and mix it ourselves they may pay, but clinic is checking on that to make sure. Ours is going to be $31 if we go for the premixed.


New member
Mine, before insurance, is about $47.50 a month- after, $22.50. I use a small, local pharmacy
. I mix mine.

Last time I got it filled (at a new pharmacy), the insurance called the 10% a "non prefered drug" ??? (which is the most expensive, and my insurance will only pay for one- I get the .9% out of pocket) and I had to go ahead and get a 100 vials for it to come to the usual $25 a month copay ($50 copay for nonprefered) My pharmacist even called to find out what was going on, asked "This is a drug?" and that's what the lady told him.

I forgot to call them about that- thanks for the unintentional reminder!
I am really happy they will pay that much, though, however it goes through
face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0


New member
Mine, before insurance, is about $47.50 a month- after, $22.50. I use a small, local pharmacy
. I mix mine.

Last time I got it filled (at a new pharmacy), the insurance called the 10% a "non prefered drug" ??? (which is the most expensive, and my insurance will only pay for one- I get the .9% out of pocket) and I had to go ahead and get a 100 vials for it to come to the usual $25 a month copay ($50 copay for nonprefered) My pharmacist even called to find out what was going on, asked "This is a drug?" and that's what the lady told him.

I forgot to call them about that- thanks for the unintentional reminder!
I am really happy they will pay that much, though, however it goes through
face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0


New member
Mine, before insurance, is about $47.50 a month- after, $22.50. I use a small, local pharmacy
. I mix mine.

Last time I got it filled (at a new pharmacy), the insurance called the 10% a "non prefered drug" ??? (which is the most expensive, and my insurance will only pay for one- I get the .9% out of pocket) and I had to go ahead and get a 100 vials for it to come to the usual $25 a month copay ($50 copay for nonprefered) My pharmacist even called to find out what was going on, asked "This is a drug?" and that's what the lady told him.

I forgot to call them about that- thanks for the unintentional reminder!
I am really happy they will pay that much, though, however it goes through
face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0


New member
I was going to say the same thing about pre-mixed.
My son doesn't do HS but insurance won't pay for his duoneb pre-mixed, we have to mix it ourselves.


New member
I was going to say the same thing about pre-mixed.
My son doesn't do HS but insurance won't pay for his duoneb pre-mixed, we have to mix it ourselves.


New member
I was going to say the same thing about pre-mixed.
My son doesn't do HS but insurance won't pay for his duoneb pre-mixed, we have to mix it ourselves.


Super Moderator
What pharmacy do you get your HTS? Have you tried Cf Services Pharmacy? I know alot of people do not like them BUT they will advocate for CF meds for you, esp something like HTS which is relatively new and Specific for CF. Also, right now they are doing thing where after your 6 th hts order the 7th is free. HTH.


Super Moderator
What pharmacy do you get your HTS? Have you tried Cf Services Pharmacy? I know alot of people do not like them BUT they will advocate for CF meds for you, esp something like HTS which is relatively new and Specific for CF. Also, right now they are doing thing where after your 6 th hts order the 7th is free. HTH.


Super Moderator
What pharmacy do you get your HTS? Have you tried Cf Services Pharmacy? I know alot of people do not like them BUT they will advocate for CF meds for you, esp something like HTS which is relatively new and Specific for CF. Also, right now they are doing thing where after your 6 th hts order the 7th is free. HTH.


New member
Faith is on the kind you mix yourself and our insurance company did pay for it. We looked into getting the pre-mixed kind just for traveling, but it really wasn't a big deal to mix it. We're actually off of it now. They think she may be swallowing some of and making her nauseous.


New member
Faith is on the kind you mix yourself and our insurance company did pay for it. We looked into getting the pre-mixed kind just for traveling, but it really wasn't a big deal to mix it. We're actually off of it now. They think she may be swallowing some of and making her nauseous.