I feel denied. People with jobs and CF?


New member
Matt, come on now. Listen to good conservative radio and realize our healthcare/social support system is just fine, and that the free market needs to dictate what happens!!! There is nothing that needs to be fixed. Keep the big profits rolling right in!!! $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$!!!!

/sarcasm off

Sorry to hear you have had to go through so much. Isn't it nice how your insurance company can just drop you regardless of need? You know why? Because everything is based on profit. You weren't profitable, so off ya go! Have fun kiddo! I would love for some of these hot air wind bags on talk radio to have a child with a degenerative catastrophic illness, and have them keep their opinions that health care needs to stay how it is. It's very easy to feel health care is just peachy when you are healthy and the most you have to deal with is an occasional flu, and see the doc maybe once a year.

I'm an independent, but I work with two very hardcore republicans. Just like everything else in life, they had no clue what someone in my situation has to go through, and the stiffling requirements placed upon me. After getting to know me, and me filling them in on how real life is for others, they now also believe our system is a giant festering disgusting lump of greed feces that needs to change. I worked for a little over 2 years full time, but now I have to quit working, and go EXTREMELY part time. Not because I have to physically, but in order to keep my safety net of disability status and insurance.

If our healthcare system doesn't go through a massive overhaul from people with new eyes, we atleast need something where you can keep your disability status and insurance, and just don't receive monthly payments. The way it is now, it's way too harsh punishment/requirement wise. "Hi you have a degenerative terminal disease and need insurance? Ok great. You won't be able to make more than 12 dollars an hour, and not be able to work more than 17 hours a month, or we will strip you of any and all protection you have against descrimination, and any insurance programs the government says you qualify for. Have a nice life!"

Sorry to politicize this and be so bitter, but it's impossible not to. We need a self sustaining system where people pay a reasonable amount monthly from what they earn/receive, regardless of hours worked or disability, and the government subsidizes the rest/what it needs to, and the patients get the care their doctors say they need. Medicare is broken. Medicaid is broken. Our current "Free market" healthcare is broken (what the conservatives want to keep). I'm scared of all 3 candidates for pres for various reasons, but one thing I will *NOT* do is vote for a candidate who feels the free market healthcare system is fine and needs to stay that way. If a CF or close family member/friend of a CF votes any other way, they are harming CF's in the big picture. Harsh as it may be to say, that's the truth.


New member
Matt, come on now. Listen to good conservative radio and realize our healthcare/social support system is just fine, and that the free market needs to dictate what happens!!! There is nothing that needs to be fixed. Keep the big profits rolling right in!!! $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$!!!!

/sarcasm off

Sorry to hear you have had to go through so much. Isn't it nice how your insurance company can just drop you regardless of need? You know why? Because everything is based on profit. You weren't profitable, so off ya go! Have fun kiddo! I would love for some of these hot air wind bags on talk radio to have a child with a degenerative catastrophic illness, and have them keep their opinions that health care needs to stay how it is. It's very easy to feel health care is just peachy when you are healthy and the most you have to deal with is an occasional flu, and see the doc maybe once a year.

I'm an independent, but I work with two very hardcore republicans. Just like everything else in life, they had no clue what someone in my situation has to go through, and the stiffling requirements placed upon me. After getting to know me, and me filling them in on how real life is for others, they now also believe our system is a giant festering disgusting lump of greed feces that needs to change. I worked for a little over 2 years full time, but now I have to quit working, and go EXTREMELY part time. Not because I have to physically, but in order to keep my safety net of disability status and insurance.

If our healthcare system doesn't go through a massive overhaul from people with new eyes, we atleast need something where you can keep your disability status and insurance, and just don't receive monthly payments. The way it is now, it's way too harsh punishment/requirement wise. "Hi you have a degenerative terminal disease and need insurance? Ok great. You won't be able to make more than 12 dollars an hour, and not be able to work more than 17 hours a month, or we will strip you of any and all protection you have against descrimination, and any insurance programs the government says you qualify for. Have a nice life!"

Sorry to politicize this and be so bitter, but it's impossible not to. We need a self sustaining system where people pay a reasonable amount monthly from what they earn/receive, regardless of hours worked or disability, and the government subsidizes the rest/what it needs to, and the patients get the care their doctors say they need. Medicare is broken. Medicaid is broken. Our current "Free market" healthcare is broken (what the conservatives want to keep). I'm scared of all 3 candidates for pres for various reasons, but one thing I will *NOT* do is vote for a candidate who feels the free market healthcare system is fine and needs to stay that way. If a CF or close family member/friend of a CF votes any other way, they are harming CF's in the big picture. Harsh as it may be to say, that's the truth.


New member
Matt, come on now. Listen to good conservative radio and realize our healthcare/social support system is just fine, and that the free market needs to dictate what happens!!! There is nothing that needs to be fixed. Keep the big profits rolling right in!!! $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$!!!!

/sarcasm off

Sorry to hear you have had to go through so much. Isn't it nice how your insurance company can just drop you regardless of need? You know why? Because everything is based on profit. You weren't profitable, so off ya go! Have fun kiddo! I would love for some of these hot air wind bags on talk radio to have a child with a degenerative catastrophic illness, and have them keep their opinions that health care needs to stay how it is. It's very easy to feel health care is just peachy when you are healthy and the most you have to deal with is an occasional flu, and see the doc maybe once a year.

I'm an independent, but I work with two very hardcore republicans. Just like everything else in life, they had no clue what someone in my situation has to go through, and the stiffling requirements placed upon me. After getting to know me, and me filling them in on how real life is for others, they now also believe our system is a giant festering disgusting lump of greed feces that needs to change. I worked for a little over 2 years full time, but now I have to quit working, and go EXTREMELY part time. Not because I have to physically, but in order to keep my safety net of disability status and insurance.

If our healthcare system doesn't go through a massive overhaul from people with new eyes, we atleast need something where you can keep your disability status and insurance, and just don't receive monthly payments. The way it is now, it's way too harsh punishment/requirement wise. "Hi you have a degenerative terminal disease and need insurance? Ok great. You won't be able to make more than 12 dollars an hour, and not be able to work more than 17 hours a month, or we will strip you of any and all protection you have against descrimination, and any insurance programs the government says you qualify for. Have a nice life!"

Sorry to politicize this and be so bitter, but it's impossible not to. We need a self sustaining system where people pay a reasonable amount monthly from what they earn/receive, regardless of hours worked or disability, and the government subsidizes the rest/what it needs to, and the patients get the care their doctors say they need. Medicare is broken. Medicaid is broken. Our current "Free market" healthcare is broken (what the conservatives want to keep). I'm scared of all 3 candidates for pres for various reasons, but one thing I will *NOT* do is vote for a candidate who feels the free market healthcare system is fine and needs to stay that way. If a CF or close family member/friend of a CF votes any other way, they are harming CF's in the big picture. Harsh as it may be to say, that's the truth.


New member
Matt, come on now. Listen to good conservative radio and realize our healthcare/social support system is just fine, and that the free market needs to dictate what happens!!! There is nothing that needs to be fixed. Keep the big profits rolling right in!!! $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$!!!!

/sarcasm off

Sorry to hear you have had to go through so much. Isn't it nice how your insurance company can just drop you regardless of need? You know why? Because everything is based on profit. You weren't profitable, so off ya go! Have fun kiddo! I would love for some of these hot air wind bags on talk radio to have a child with a degenerative catastrophic illness, and have them keep their opinions that health care needs to stay how it is. It's very easy to feel health care is just peachy when you are healthy and the most you have to deal with is an occasional flu, and see the doc maybe once a year.

I'm an independent, but I work with two very hardcore republicans. Just like everything else in life, they had no clue what someone in my situation has to go through, and the stiffling requirements placed upon me. After getting to know me, and me filling them in on how real life is for others, they now also believe our system is a giant festering disgusting lump of greed feces that needs to change. I worked for a little over 2 years full time, but now I have to quit working, and go EXTREMELY part time. Not because I have to physically, but in order to keep my safety net of disability status and insurance.

If our healthcare system doesn't go through a massive overhaul from people with new eyes, we atleast need something where you can keep your disability status and insurance, and just don't receive monthly payments. The way it is now, it's way too harsh punishment/requirement wise. "Hi you have a degenerative terminal disease and need insurance? Ok great. You won't be able to make more than 12 dollars an hour, and not be able to work more than 17 hours a month, or we will strip you of any and all protection you have against descrimination, and any insurance programs the government says you qualify for. Have a nice life!"

Sorry to politicize this and be so bitter, but it's impossible not to. We need a self sustaining system where people pay a reasonable amount monthly from what they earn/receive, regardless of hours worked or disability, and the government subsidizes the rest/what it needs to, and the patients get the care their doctors say they need. Medicare is broken. Medicaid is broken. Our current "Free market" healthcare is broken (what the conservatives want to keep). I'm scared of all 3 candidates for pres for various reasons, but one thing I will *NOT* do is vote for a candidate who feels the free market healthcare system is fine and needs to stay that way. If a CF or close family member/friend of a CF votes any other way, they are harming CF's in the big picture. Harsh as it may be to say, that's the truth.


New member
Matt, come on now. Listen to good conservative radio and realize our healthcare/social support system is just fine, and that the free market needs to dictate what happens!!! There is nothing that needs to be fixed. Keep the big profits rolling right in!!! $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$ $$MORE$$!!!!
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />/sarcasm off
<br />
<br />Sorry to hear you have had to go through so much. Isn't it nice how your insurance company can just drop you regardless of need? You know why? Because everything is based on profit. You weren't profitable, so off ya go! Have fun kiddo! I would love for some of these hot air wind bags on talk radio to have a child with a degenerative catastrophic illness, and have them keep their opinions that health care needs to stay how it is. It's very easy to feel health care is just peachy when you are healthy and the most you have to deal with is an occasional flu, and see the doc maybe once a year.
<br />
<br />I'm an independent, but I work with two very hardcore republicans. Just like everything else in life, they had no clue what someone in my situation has to go through, and the stiffling requirements placed upon me. After getting to know me, and me filling them in on how real life is for others, they now also believe our system is a giant festering disgusting lump of greed feces that needs to change. I worked for a little over 2 years full time, but now I have to quit working, and go EXTREMELY part time. Not because I have to physically, but in order to keep my safety net of disability status and insurance.
<br />
<br />If our healthcare system doesn't go through a massive overhaul from people with new eyes, we atleast need something where you can keep your disability status and insurance, and just don't receive monthly payments. The way it is now, it's way too harsh punishment/requirement wise. "Hi you have a degenerative terminal disease and need insurance? Ok great. You won't be able to make more than 12 dollars an hour, and not be able to work more than 17 hours a month, or we will strip you of any and all protection you have against descrimination, and any insurance programs the government says you qualify for. Have a nice life!"
<br />
<br />
<br />Sorry to politicize this and be so bitter, but it's impossible not to. We need a self sustaining system where people pay a reasonable amount monthly from what they earn/receive, regardless of hours worked or disability, and the government subsidizes the rest/what it needs to, and the patients get the care their doctors say they need. Medicare is broken. Medicaid is broken. Our current "Free market" healthcare is broken (what the conservatives want to keep). I'm scared of all 3 candidates for pres for various reasons, but one thing I will *NOT* do is vote for a candidate who feels the free market healthcare system is fine and needs to stay that way. If a CF or close family member/friend of a CF votes any other way, they are harming CF's in the big picture. Harsh as it may be to say, that's the truth.
<br />


New member
How hard would it be to have a system that says: "Ok, you want to work? Fine, we want you to work. You have a chronic, degenerative, terminal disease? Ok You can work as much and earn as much as you want, we will put your payments you would normally receive on pause, but keep all your benefits/insurance and legal protection active. When you reach the point where you can no longer work due to your condition getting worse, you stop working and receive payments again. If down the road you become better and want to work again, we repeat the whole process but never fully take away any of your benefits. The only things we would ever regulate are your payments, depending on your health status and how much you earn."

How could that possibly be a bad idea in general?

if I had the energy and felt I wouldn't mostly be surrounded by oxygen thieves, i'd run for office.


New member
How hard would it be to have a system that says: "Ok, you want to work? Fine, we want you to work. You have a chronic, degenerative, terminal disease? Ok You can work as much and earn as much as you want, we will put your payments you would normally receive on pause, but keep all your benefits/insurance and legal protection active. When you reach the point where you can no longer work due to your condition getting worse, you stop working and receive payments again. If down the road you become better and want to work again, we repeat the whole process but never fully take away any of your benefits. The only things we would ever regulate are your payments, depending on your health status and how much you earn."

How could that possibly be a bad idea in general?

if I had the energy and felt I wouldn't mostly be surrounded by oxygen thieves, i'd run for office.


New member
How hard would it be to have a system that says: "Ok, you want to work? Fine, we want you to work. You have a chronic, degenerative, terminal disease? Ok You can work as much and earn as much as you want, we will put your payments you would normally receive on pause, but keep all your benefits/insurance and legal protection active. When you reach the point where you can no longer work due to your condition getting worse, you stop working and receive payments again. If down the road you become better and want to work again, we repeat the whole process but never fully take away any of your benefits. The only things we would ever regulate are your payments, depending on your health status and how much you earn."

How could that possibly be a bad idea in general?

if I had the energy and felt I wouldn't mostly be surrounded by oxygen thieves, i'd run for office.


New member
How hard would it be to have a system that says: "Ok, you want to work? Fine, we want you to work. You have a chronic, degenerative, terminal disease? Ok You can work as much and earn as much as you want, we will put your payments you would normally receive on pause, but keep all your benefits/insurance and legal protection active. When you reach the point where you can no longer work due to your condition getting worse, you stop working and receive payments again. If down the road you become better and want to work again, we repeat the whole process but never fully take away any of your benefits. The only things we would ever regulate are your payments, depending on your health status and how much you earn."

How could that possibly be a bad idea in general?

if I had the energy and felt I wouldn't mostly be surrounded by oxygen thieves, i'd run for office.


New member
How hard would it be to have a system that says: "Ok, you want to work? Fine, we want you to work. You have a chronic, degenerative, terminal disease? Ok You can work as much and earn as much as you want, we will put your payments you would normally receive on pause, but keep all your benefits/insurance and legal protection active. When you reach the point where you can no longer work due to your condition getting worse, you stop working and receive payments again. If down the road you become better and want to work again, we repeat the whole process but never fully take away any of your benefits. The only things we would ever regulate are your payments, depending on your health status and how much you earn."
<br />
<br />
<br />How could that possibly be a bad idea in general?
<br />
<br />
<br />if I had the energy and felt I wouldn't mostly be surrounded by oxygen thieves, i'd run for office.
<br />
<br />


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote></div>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote></div>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote></div>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>
<br />
<br />Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote>
<br />
<br />I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play
<br />
<br />


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Justsmurfin</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote></div>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play</end quote></div>

Rebekah, I understand your concern. Yes, I have 100% put a high-risk pool into play for myself. So your assumptions are wrong. For those who own their own business and make a fair amount of money (he stated he can make as much as $60,000) it is a better option than not being covered and being restricted in what you make. I will concede that I did forget to mention that they are very expensive. My cost in TX was around $700 a month. I was simply trying to point out that there are a few options for CFers who want to own their own business. They are very expensive; however, it is much better than not being covered or being restricted to earning pennies every month. My research was very very extensive and I found and moved to a state that was a good option for me. So, I was mearly conveying what I found that worked for me. I hate it that CFers get trapped into being dictated by their healthcare needs and I was simply challenging him to look at some bigger options since he has a desire to have a business and earn more money. It is workable, not easy, but I have done it and I bet there are more on this site who have. Please don't take this as an endorsement of our current healthcare system. I think it is broken and needs to be fixed. I think there is no freedom in not being able to pursue the American dream because you are stuck working for someone to get healthcare. I found a way around that. You better believe I am going to share it with others.

I would also like to add that there are a lot of young CFers on here who consider not carrying insurance or not be covered for many reasons. Not being covered in some form is NOT an option for anyone in America right now. I challenge you to do whatever you can to make sure that you get and keep coverage. No, it is absolutely not easy; but, once you have a break in coverage things can get even more difficult. Things may be very stable for you righ now; but, CF can get very expensive and complicated. Please please stay under Medicaid until you find another option. Do not just jump ship. Make sure you have another option in place before you change coverage. It is just too important.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Justsmurfin</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote></div>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play</end quote></div>

Rebekah, I understand your concern. Yes, I have 100% put a high-risk pool into play for myself. So your assumptions are wrong. For those who own their own business and make a fair amount of money (he stated he can make as much as $60,000) it is a better option than not being covered and being restricted in what you make. I will concede that I did forget to mention that they are very expensive. My cost in TX was around $700 a month. I was simply trying to point out that there are a few options for CFers who want to own their own business. They are very expensive; however, it is much better than not being covered or being restricted to earning pennies every month. My research was very very extensive and I found and moved to a state that was a good option for me. So, I was mearly conveying what I found that worked for me. I hate it that CFers get trapped into being dictated by their healthcare needs and I was simply challenging him to look at some bigger options since he has a desire to have a business and earn more money. It is workable, not easy, but I have done it and I bet there are more on this site who have. Please don't take this as an endorsement of our current healthcare system. I think it is broken and needs to be fixed. I think there is no freedom in not being able to pursue the American dream because you are stuck working for someone to get healthcare. I found a way around that. You better believe I am going to share it with others.

I would also like to add that there are a lot of young CFers on here who consider not carrying insurance or not be covered for many reasons. Not being covered in some form is NOT an option for anyone in America right now. I challenge you to do whatever you can to make sure that you get and keep coverage. No, it is absolutely not easy; but, once you have a break in coverage things can get even more difficult. Things may be very stable for you righ now; but, CF can get very expensive and complicated. Please please stay under Medicaid until you find another option. Do not just jump ship. Make sure you have another option in place before you change coverage. It is just too important.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Justsmurfin</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote></div>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play</end quote></div>

Rebekah, I understand your concern. Yes, I have 100% put a high-risk pool into play for myself. So your assumptions are wrong. For those who own their own business and make a fair amount of money (he stated he can make as much as $60,000) it is a better option than not being covered and being restricted in what you make. I will concede that I did forget to mention that they are very expensive. My cost in TX was around $700 a month. I was simply trying to point out that there are a few options for CFers who want to own their own business. They are very expensive; however, it is much better than not being covered or being restricted to earning pennies every month. My research was very very extensive and I found and moved to a state that was a good option for me. So, I was mearly conveying what I found that worked for me. I hate it that CFers get trapped into being dictated by their healthcare needs and I was simply challenging him to look at some bigger options since he has a desire to have a business and earn more money. It is workable, not easy, but I have done it and I bet there are more on this site who have. Please don't take this as an endorsement of our current healthcare system. I think it is broken and needs to be fixed. I think there is no freedom in not being able to pursue the American dream because you are stuck working for someone to get healthcare. I found a way around that. You better believe I am going to share it with others.

I would also like to add that there are a lot of young CFers on here who consider not carrying insurance or not be covered for many reasons. Not being covered in some form is NOT an option for anyone in America right now. I challenge you to do whatever you can to make sure that you get and keep coverage. No, it is absolutely not easy; but, once you have a break in coverage things can get even more difficult. Things may be very stable for you righ now; but, CF can get very expensive and complicated. Please please stay under Medicaid until you find another option. Do not just jump ship. Make sure you have another option in place before you change coverage. It is just too important.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Justsmurfin</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>

Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote>

I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play</end quote>

Rebekah, I understand your concern. Yes, I have 100% put a high-risk pool into play for myself. So your assumptions are wrong. For those who own their own business and make a fair amount of money (he stated he can make as much as $60,000) it is a better option than not being covered and being restricted in what you make. I will concede that I did forget to mention that they are very expensive. My cost in TX was around $700 a month. I was simply trying to point out that there are a few options for CFers who want to own their own business. They are very expensive; however, it is much better than not being covered or being restricted to earning pennies every month. My research was very very extensive and I found and moved to a state that was a good option for me. So, I was mearly conveying what I found that worked for me. I hate it that CFers get trapped into being dictated by their healthcare needs and I was simply challenging him to look at some bigger options since he has a desire to have a business and earn more money. It is workable, not easy, but I have done it and I bet there are more on this site who have. Please don't take this as an endorsement of our current healthcare system. I think it is broken and needs to be fixed. I think there is no freedom in not being able to pursue the American dream because you are stuck working for someone to get healthcare. I found a way around that. You better believe I am going to share it with others.

I would also like to add that there are a lot of young CFers on here who consider not carrying insurance or not be covered for many reasons. Not being covered in some form is NOT an option for anyone in America right now. I challenge you to do whatever you can to make sure that you get and keep coverage. No, it is absolutely not easy; but, once you have a break in coverage things can get even more difficult. Things may be very stable for you righ now; but, CF can get very expensive and complicated. Please please stay under Medicaid until you find another option. Do not just jump ship. Make sure you have another option in place before you change coverage. It is just too important.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Justsmurfin</b></i>
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<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Skye</b></i>
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<br />Matt, if you own your own business, there may be some options for you. It depends a lot on what state you live in. Most states have a high risk pool set up for people like you who are self-employed and don't have access to group insurance and have a pre-existing condition. </end quote>
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<br />I know you are trying to be helpful but I am assuming that rsearch is as far as you've gone. While those ideas sound good in theory do you have any idea how much the "high risk pools" cost??? I don't know about every state but it worked out cheaper to pay for my healthcare than it would have for the high risk pool type thing. Nice ideas but not always very realistic. Just coming from someone with no insurance who has been around the block and back with all these options and people who try to be helpful but don't know how hard it is to put these ideas into play</end quote>
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<br />Rebekah, I understand your concern. Yes, I have 100% put a high-risk pool into play for myself. So your assumptions are wrong. For those who own their own business and make a fair amount of money (he stated he can make as much as $60,000) it is a better option than not being covered and being restricted in what you make. I will concede that I did forget to mention that they are very expensive. My cost in TX was around $700 a month. I was simply trying to point out that there are a few options for CFers who want to own their own business. They are very expensive; however, it is much better than not being covered or being restricted to earning pennies every month. My research was very very extensive and I found and moved to a state that was a good option for me. So, I was mearly conveying what I found that worked for me. I hate it that CFers get trapped into being dictated by their healthcare needs and I was simply challenging him to look at some bigger options since he has a desire to have a business and earn more money. It is workable, not easy, but I have done it and I bet there are more on this site who have. Please don't take this as an endorsement of our current healthcare system. I think it is broken and needs to be fixed. I think there is no freedom in not being able to pursue the American dream because you are stuck working for someone to get healthcare. I found a way around that. You better believe I am going to share it with others.
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<br />I would also like to add that there are a lot of young CFers on here who consider not carrying insurance or not be covered for many reasons. Not being covered in some form is NOT an option for anyone in America right now. I challenge you to do whatever you can to make sure that you get and keep coverage. No, it is absolutely not easy; but, once you have a break in coverage things can get even more difficult. Things may be very stable for you righ now; but, CF can get very expensive and complicated. Please please stay under Medicaid until you find another option. Do not just jump ship. Make sure you have another option in place before you change coverage. It is just too important.
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