I got a Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member

I went to work today to help out because they were short staffed... My boss was there and she told me that she has talked to all the patient care managers and basically she let me know where I could get a spot....

I put my resume on a few peoples desks... I went back to my bosses office and I was telling her that I didn't understand why no one was calling me.. as I was in there..a manager called her and she said Oh yes Jennifer.. you want a reference.... and she went on and on about me.. I left the room.. but when I went back in she told me that when he asked what my weakness is she told him that I was to friendly and that I talked all the time" She also told him about my CF... which I dont' really care about...

So anyway, she put lipstick on me, gave me a stick of gum and sent me upstairs to talk to this guy...

As I walked in the room, he said, " the only requirement for this job is that you be too friendly and that you talk alot" Of course that made me crack up...He didn't look at my resume, he told me if Jan ( who is my boss) recommends me, I am hired.. Yippie

He was really nice, told me I could have what ever hours I wanted, I could work 3 12 hour shifts or 5 8 hours... and he told me my salary.. Which is unbelivable.. I almost passed out I was thrilled

He told me to relax and enjoy my last few weeks of school and I asked him what I have to do next and he said all you have to do is pass the boards and call him.. I was hired... I can't sign the contract until I am offically and RN.. but I have his verbally agreement.

Oh the spot I was offered in on a post surgical floor, it is considered a clean floor, no germs allowed kind of thing..it is for patients who just got out of surgury....

I have never been admitted to this floor, every time I have been admitted, they never would allow me to go there because I am too germy....so though I know the nurses, they have never taken care of me as a Cfer, so my dignity is in tact still...

My future boss said he really could use me on the floor, most of the nurses there are older and looking to retire,, he said bring on the optimism.... I told him I hope I don't annoy the nurse because I am usually pretty happy and he laughed at me..

Even though I knew he knew I have CF before he offered me the job, I told him, and I told him what it meant for me, that sometimes I was hospitalized, I told him about the PICC line etc.. He said so you have CF, and then he told me the name of the disease he had and said "we are twins"

He said he would recommend me taking the hours that I seem to be used to since that will be less stress on my body.. that is why I was thinking the 3-11 shift, but the thought of working 3 12s appeals to me as well

That being said, I took the job, though I didn't sign yet, but I also have two other interveiws at two other hospitals, but I am afraid to leave a place that I have it so good... I think I may stay at my hosptial, and after a while, If I want to leave, I can stay Per Diem this way I don't have to break ties with them

Anyway. Just wanted to post.. since I have dragged you guys through the emotional rollercoaster I have been on lately..

Thanks for letting me share...



New member
That is FRACKIN FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*takes Jenn out to a strip club and gives her a wad of singles*


New member
Ha Allie no CF, he has something called Malignant hypertension.. It is severe high blood pressure that can damage your organs.. Not exactly twins..

He told me so that I didn't feel like I was at a disadvanatge.. I really appreciated the fact that he was so great about it.

As long as he can relate to the fact that I have to be in the hospital a lot he can call me twins all he wants.

.. I am grateful for the understanding he is giving me.. and the lack of attention he is giving to the fact that I have to be out of work...

Thanks for being happy for me Allie, you are always so supportive




New member

Congrats! That is awesome. I am a labor and delivery nurse and have been for 13 years. Nursing is a great career, I love it and I know you will too. It can be so flexible. I have worked per diem since my kids were born. That way when they are sick I can do my minimum, but when they are doing good, I can pick up full time hours. Not many jobs out their quite as flexible. Plus I work 12 hour nights and they barely miss me, they are asleep for a majority of my shift. Good luck with the rest of school and boards.


New member

When I got on tonight and saw the post, before I even saw it was from you, I was thinking and praying it was.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO so so so so happy for you. I know what a heavy load this was for you to be worrying about and I am so glad that you got a job!! Plus it comes with a nice boss and flexible hours AND good pay.... girl you scored!!!! It's finally working out for both of us. Funny how life works isn't it???

I am so freaking happy for you. It's so hard to express that online but I think you know how happy I am for you and I've been thinking of you about this job and graduation thing.

Good for you!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Congratulations Jennifer!<br>
You sound like you have all the qualities that are needed to be a
great nurse! Once again, congratulations from a fellow nurse on the
other side of the world <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Way to go Jennifer!!!!! Sounds like you are gonna have a great job, and a nice supervisor!!! Your hard work is really paying off for you! Best of Luck on your Boards!!! Awesome news!!!


New member
Congratulations!!!! It's nice to see everything has worked out so well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Congratulations Jennifer! I am so happy for you. I just knew something good was going to happen for you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
That great!! Congratulations!!!

I remember how excited I was when I first became a 'career girl' - it makes all that school worth it! Plus, it's a great ego rush to know all those people may be fighting over you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Congrats again,


New member
Rock the house girl, would have responded earlier but somehow I missed this thread. Grats to you big time.