I got my transplant


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Hello there~
Well the first appointment is a lot of conversation. You meet with the nurse practitioner and meet with the doctor. The doctor goes over all of the aspects of transplant with you. This is basically an informational session and they are very honest with statistics and complications and all that is expected from your daughter and the family after transplant. They do a quick examination and then decide if you are a good candidate for the testing. When we went for this meeting it was all very overwhelming. But in hindsight, it's a lot easier than what they make it out to be. They do purposely get people a little worried to "weed" people out in my opinion. Once they say you are a good candidate for transplantation you will set up appointments for your three day evaluation. These three days are very long. It is a lot of blood work, x-rays, scans, and exercise tolerance tests. But once that is all over and you get listed it is so worth it. My mother was terrified through this whole thing and i can tell you right now she is the happiest I've ever seen her after all is said and done. You are going to worry, its just part of it. But know that all that worrying that you will do is well worth it. Remember at the first appointment they basically tell you everything that can go wrong with a transplant, but these aren't necessarily going to happen to you. The doctors just have to tell you. To be honest with you, once I made my decision that I was going to definitely get the transplant I tried my best to not think about that stuff and even at some point tuned out the doc. Only cause i had already made the decision because i knew i had to do it. Where are you guys from and where are you looking to get listed? If you can relocate keep Ochsner Medical Center in mind. My mom and I moved down here temporarily together and it worked out wonderfully. The wait time is just so much shorter and it was so well worth the move and being away from my friends. My friends all came to visit me while i waited so your daughter can still see her friends. And the doctors are just the best. I literally trust them with my life. Its a small center and it really does feel like a family. It takes a few months to get an appointment though so if you want to do that you should call! If you want to chat more feel free to e-mail me at lapsansm@lafayette.edu. I would be happy to give you all of the info I can and you could also chat with my mom. My mom spoke to the mother of a child who had a transplant before I did and it made her feel a lot better. I hope this helps. No worries!


New member
thanks margaret that was very helpful! we live in chicago and we r going through loyola hospital.dont know if you heard of them but.......they r suppose to be the best around here. we shall see what happens in december. im scared but i know in the end things get brighter just the thought of cf being out of the lungs is worth it all. please keep in touch let me know how your doing ..reading your posts made me cry because i was so happy for you..lots of luck to you margaret.your in my prayers. i will keep you posted on our first visit as well!!

mom(Gail)//w/cf daughter (Traci)......


New member
The wait at several lung tx centers is very short right now

Ochsner, Duke, Cleveland, Mayo- Jacksonville - are the shortest waits.

But.... The New Lung Allocation Rules are going to take effect in April of 2005. The new allocation will mean that the sickest go first. The wait for lungs will no longer be based on "time on the list", but rather, expected survial with present lungs and expected benefit of lung tx.

Here is a general outline of how it works.

Children under 12 are on their own list.

The point score reflects a weighted balance of
1. how long a patient is likely to survive on the transplant list
2. how long the patient should benefit from receiving a transplant
3. it also accounts for the orginal lung diagnosis.

The Lung Allocation Score Values is calculated for each patient from the following diagnosis information:
1. functional status
2. 6 minute walk distance
3.ventilator use
4. pulmonary capillary wede pressure
5. creatine
6. diagnosis
7. forced vital capacity
8. PA systolic
9. O2 at rest
10. age
11. body mass index
12. insulin dependent diabetes

Here is some information that I just got from Medscape about the new Lung Allocation which will go into effect in April 2005.

Medscape coverage of: International Society for Heart and Lung
Transplantation 24th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions |

Will There Be a New Lung Allocation Scheme?
When a patient is listed for lung transplantation, regardless of the
severity of his or her disease, the new candidate is placed in the queue
behind previously listed candidates. Priority is given to those who have
been on the list the longest. Only the candidates with IPF receive 90
days waiting time upon listing. Recently, a proposal has been made by the
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) for altering the lung
transplantation allocation scheme, which was presented by Tom Egan,
MD,[14] of Chapel Hill, North Carolina; advantages of the proposed change
and how it would determine priority for donor lung offers was explained.
Dr. Egan described the proposed allocation model, which is based on
clinical data from patients listed for first transplant and from
candidates who received a lung transplant between January 1, 1999 and
December 31, 2001. Pediatric patients under age 12 were not included.
Transplant candidates were categorized into 4 major groups based on
diagnosis; all groups included patients age 12 years and older:Group A: patients with emphysema, bronchiectasis,
lymphangioleiomyomatosis, and sarcoidosis with a mean pulmonary artery
pressure (PAP) </= 30 mm HgGroup B: patients with pulmonary vascular diseasesGroup C: patients with cystic fibrosis and immunodeficiency disordersGroup D: patients with restrictive lung disease such as IPF, pulmonary
fibrosis (other causes), sarcoidosis with mean PAP >/= 30 mm Hg, and
nontransplant-related OB.
Factors that predicted death in waitlisted candidates included FVC,
ventilator use, age, body mass index, insulin-dependent diabetes,
6-minute walk distance, New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification,
and disease diagnosis. Other important risk factors in certain diagnosis
groups were the requirement for oxygen at rest and systolic PAP.
Ventilator use, age, serum creatinine, NYHA classification, and diagnosis
predicted survival after transplantation. FVC and pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure were important risk factors in certain groups.
The Lung Allocation ScoreThe new system is based on a lung allocation
score. The method of deriving this score is as follows. First, data on
the clinical variables listed above are collected for each candidate.
Estimated number of days alive over the next year on the waiting list
without a transplant (called the waitlist urgency measure [WUM]) is then
calculated from Cox models of the clinical variables. The WUM range is
0-365 days. Next, estimated number of days alive in the first year after
transplantation (called the posttransplant survival measure [PTSM]) is
calculated from Cox models of the clinical variables. The PTSM range is
0-365 days. Finally, a candidate's transplant benefit measure (TBM) is
calculated as the difference between the PTSM and the WUM (PTSM-WUM). The
TBM range is -365 days to +365 days.
Next, from the proposed computations as described above, a raw allocation
score is determined. The raw allocation score is calculated as the
difference between the TBM and the WUM (TBM-WUM). The raw allocation
score range is -730 days to +365 days. Finally, the raw allocation score
is normalized to a 0 to 100 scale and termed the lung allocation score.
The higher the candidate's lung allocation score, the higher the priority
on the waiting list. The mathematical formulas for calculating these
scores are as follows:

Raw allocation score = TBM-WUM; TBM = PTSM-WUM. Therefore, raw allocation
score = PTSM-WUM-WUM, then = PTSM – 2(WUM)Lung allocation score = [(Raw allocation score + 730)/1095] x 100
The proposal is that each lung transplant candidate will have a lung
allocation score calculated and updated as deemed necessary by the
transplant physician. The lung allocation score should facilitate a more
efficient and equitable distribution of donor lungs to transplant
candidates and achieve the goal of reducing mortality on the lung
transplant waiting list while simultaneously improving the transplant
benefit for those who undergo lung transplantation.
Not Everyone AgreesDr. Robert Frantz, MD,[15] of Rochester, Minnesota,
argued that the proposed changes for the lung transplantation allocation
scheme are fundamentally flawed. First he contended, not only are the
data that will be used to derive the lung allocation score more than 2
years old, but much of the data collected is at the time of listing for
transplantation, which could add another 2 years by the time the
transplant occurs. Also, patients have been removed from the transplant
waiting list when they were deemed to be too sick for lung
transplantation; as a result, the risk of death without transplantation
has been underestimated. Other flaws of the proposal include the
variables used, such as the actual distance walked in 6 minutes, and the
absence of other important prognostic factors to make the above
calculations, such as use of intravenous (IV) antibiotics, presence or
absence of Burkholderia species, or level of arterial carbon dioxide
tension. Nonetheless, Dr. Frantz concluded that it is time for a change
and that the latest UNOS lung allocation proposal is an important step in
this direction.
Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary HypertensionCystic fibrosis and pulmonary
hypertension diagnostic groups have more refined criteria for predicting
outcomes without lung transplantation. A recently published study by Liou
and colleagues[16] on maximizing survival benefit of lung transplantation
in patients with cystic fibrosis is based on data sources from the UNOS
database and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation patient registry.
Implementing Liou's recommendations may shorten the waiting list by
eliminating patients deemed too healthy for transplantation whose
survival rates without transplantation are superior to survival rates
with transplantation. Liou also pointed out that patients infected with
Burkholderia cenocepacia have a predictably worse transplant outcome than
patients not infected with this organism.[16]
Patients with primary pulmonary hypertension, once considered by the late
Eugene Robin, MD, of Stanford as "denizens of the kingdom of the near
dead," have realized significant improvements in their functional
performance and quality of life over the last decade as a result of IV
prostacyclin and the development of endothelin-1 antagonists. These
developments have altered the appropriate time to list this particular
group of patients, which certainly has changed in the last 5 years. An
argument can be made that the 6-minute walk distance of 300 meters as
described by Sitbon and colleagues[17] might be the best discriminator of
outcome in this population. In addition, brain natriuretic peptide level
may need to be incorporated in a prognostic equation to best identify who
would derive the greatest transplant benefit.
I agree with some elements of the new proposal with the caveats mentioned
above; however, it should be noted that expected days of life on the
transplant waiting list and after transplantation may simply be days not
dead, which begs the question, Should there be some measure of functional
survival? Also, it is important to know whether all patients listed for
each of the diagnostic groups (A-D) are listed in accordance with the
international consensus guidelines published by ISHLT working group.[18]
The Liou article suggests that some candidates may have been too healthy
for listing or that our original criteria for listing are flawed.[16] I
suspect a little of both. Also, as suggested by Dr Frantz, we should
strongly consider evaluating outcomes well beyond 1 year after
transplantation, perhaps out to 5 years or beyond.
To derive the optimal lung transplant benefit from such a scarce
resource, it continues to boil down to what the late James Theodore, MD,
from Stanford taught us, "the time to list a patient for lung
transplantation is when they are sick enough to need it, well enough to
survive it, and psychosocially capable enough to endure it." As we
continue to refine our experiences and change what we believe is best for
all lung transplant candidates, we will need to be cautious about
blurring the boundaries between nonbeneficial overtreatment and
discriminatory undertreatment.

Joanne M. Schum

Cystic Fibrosis
Bi-lateral Lung Transplant Recipient
September 12, 1997
University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill
Residence: Upstate New York
email: luckylungsforjo@aol.com
Manager of: Transplant Support - Lung, Heart/Lung, Heart

"Taking Flight - Inspirational Stories of Lung Transplantation"
Compiled by Joanne Schum
Authored by lung recipients around the world

The Holidays are here. Want to start your shopping early? Why not shop
for great gifts and help those with cystic fibrosis! Check out our CF
Shop and shop until your hearts content...

Lungs for Life Foundation
Joanne's Bracelet, Transplant Awareness Bracelet, CF Awareness Bracelet


New member
Gail and Tracy--
I'm glad I could be of help! Please keep me updated on your visit. I would love to hear how it went! keep your head up till then. There is a rainbow at the end of the road!



New member
We are so happy for you!!! My husband is on the tx list. We wish you all the best, and will eagerly wait to read what you will share with us. He is most concerned about being on the ventilator.

Again, congrats and you are in our prayers - Jan


New member
I'm not going to lie, I didn't like the vent. I was agitated with it, but I was on it for less than 24 hours which is great. I'm going to rehab now and I"m actaully enjoying the exercise. I gained 2 pounds in 5 days and am eating everything in sight. Everything tastes good now...I don't have that mucousy taste anymore. You have so much to look forward to with your husband! Keep us updated.
Double lung 11/11/04 cf


New member
Hey Margaret. I gatta say when I read the origanal post i was pretty happy to hear your doing well after the tx. for a couple reason.
1. because I think its great your doing well. i hope your doing well and hope the future holds good things for you.
2. I dont have cf myself but i have a close friend that does. Its nice to hear a positive result. Kinda gives me hope that when it comes down to it down the road that shes got a good chance of being all right.

once again I hope your doing well.


New member
hi margaret...
just wanting to see how you r doing? i know rehab is for 3 months how many days a week do you go? our appt is on dec 21st seems like that day is taking forever to get here.traci had a port put in a couple weeks ago. this is her second iv since july. so the port is best right now. and she did really well placing it .she didnt complain once. please keep me posted on how your doing ,i know you must be busy with rehab .. you take care and lots of prayers for you.

gailw/cf daughter traci


New member
Hi gail-
I'm doing great. I had a bronchoscopy today to check everything out and they sucked out some mucous that was there from the surgery. But other than that i'm wonderful! Rehab is three times a week for an hour a day. And then I have doctors appointments twice a week. So it is a pretty full schedule. I'm glad to hear that traci did well with the port. I don't have one, i just get picc lines put in. don't worry dec. 21st willl come. Its right around the corner. Keep me posted. And thank you to everyone for the support and thoughts!
Double Lung Tx 11/11/04 CF


New member
Hi all--
I just wanted to give you a quick update. I had a bronchoscopy on Tuesday. I have slight bronchitis from the surgery and some slight/moderate acute rejection. This is nothing to worry about it happens in the beginning the most after transplant. I'm on some high doeses of steroids to treat it and my numbers have already gone back up! They didn't even fall, they just didn't go up as much as my doc would have liked. That's why i got the bronch though and everything is well! I feel great. I was on the treadmill for a half hour today walking at 3.0! Its such a wonderful feeling. and i'm eating so much. We actually took a before picture of my lunch the other day cuase my family bet me I couldn't finish it. Hahahah. Oh i did though. Everyone else keep me update on your situations too.
Thanks guys
Double Lung tx 11/11/04 cf
waited 4 1/2 months


New member
hi margaret,
glad to hear your ok i think about you everyday and also tell traci how your doing.believe it or not just telling her about you is helping her. and as far as the rejection i know that happens a lot as long as your feeling great and eating well....can you send me the pic of what you ate?.lol i think thats wonderful...please keep writing i always look for you<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">well you take care and in my prayers.

gail/mother w.cf daughter


New member
Gail I don't have a digital camera <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">. But If i can figure out a way to get it on my computer I will send it! I would love to send a card to traci too so maybe I can mail it to you if you would want to exchange addresses. My e-mail address is lapsansm@lafayette.edu. But i will tell you it was a huge plate of speghetti and three meatballs with shredded mozzerlla on top. Hahahaha it was so funny!
Double lung transplant 11/11/04
Waited 4 1/2 months


New member
hi margaret
how ya feeling? hope your having a wonderful weekend. my e-mail is maptcb@comcast.net.yes we can exchange addys if you want.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">keep in touch with me please!
