I hate Cipro!


New member
lol... Did you guys ever think of using AIM? This seems very cumbersome for a chitchat. I know you both have screennames, because I know them both. Haha.


New member
Cipro is nice when it works for me... but whether it works on my lungs or not, it always gives me the WORST joint pain! Anyone else?


New member
Jarod, I assume you have shared this experience with your doctors. What do they have to say when you tell them that? Have you had a chance to review your labs and the sensitivity cultures and what you are sensitive and resistent to.

Just curious on your approach with the doctors thusfar,



New member
I haven't talked to my doctors yet about it yet. I just started a little bit ago, so I haven't really had time. i would have asked for a different med. if I remembered how much I hated Cipro, but I forgot. =-) Anyway, I've already payed for it, so i might as well see if it makes a difference. =-)

Strawberry and Sham, you guys always make me laugh! =-)


New member
Hey guys. Medication is funny - the same med can work for one but not the other. I'm 23 with CF and I do pharmaceutical sales. I SELL antibiotics and even though data shows it works in a certain disease state, it's not always the case.

That's why it's so important to be bold with your doc and let them know what works and what doesn't. My former nurse at my CF Clinic used to always say that there's one rule you need to follow when treating CF patients:

<UL></UL>The patient is ALWAYS right

So you guys that don't get relief from cipro - tell you doc. Be vocal. Try something else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

-Amy 23yrs