I hate Cipro!


New member
Iv told my doc yes I know it says Im senstitve but it never does anything for me! He sometimes listens and sometimes doesnt!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>-(strawbery hopes jarod hugs her back!)-<hr></blockquote>

*Jarod tries to be serious* I don't hug!


*hugs back anyway* =-)


New member
Honestly, sometimes you have to make that darn doctor listen. My husband and I generally go with the flow for whatever our doctor says and such. But there are a few issues where we have put our foot down, and sometimes have had to demand that something be done the way it works for my husband (whether it's meds, treatments, labs...) If you don't stand up for yourself, nobody else is going to stand up for you. I know it's hard, but you know what is best for yourself and your body.



New member
I remember when Cipro first appeared on the market. I had ran out of oral Antibiotics to use, It was such a godsend. there are times I am not sensitive to the drug but 90% it comes back to being the drug of choice and I am thankful for it.


New member
Cipro kills my joints too, my knees have been awful since I started it, I feel like an arthritic old woman whenever I have to struggle to kneel down or get up from a kneeling position!

Cipro used to always be my last resort before tune-ups, I'd be on it very briefly and it did nothing. I just switched back on it for the first time in years at the end of the summer, and for some reason this time it actually seems to be working! Maybe because this time we switched at the first sign of my health starting to slip it was able to be more effective, as opposed to other times when I guess I had already hit the point of no return? Dunno, but I'm glad it's buying me some more tune-up free time!


New member
I hate Cipro too...such a waste of time for me. It sort of puts my invection in hiding for a week or two then bam, I have it again. Plus I love milk and being outside..two things Cipro doesn't like.