i have a personal question.......


New member
i have a very personal question for everyone who would like to answer but if you feel uncomfortabl i am sorry!
does anybody find that they have a hard time breathing or that they get very tired during sex???? alot of times when me and my boyfriend are having intercouse we have to stop so i can get my inhaler or try n catch my breath....i was just wondering if this happens to other ppl or just me.....feel free to reply in a private mess. if you feel uncomfortable...thanks!


New member
i have a very personal question for everyone who would like to answer but if you feel uncomfortabl i am sorry!
does anybody find that they have a hard time breathing or that they get very tired during sex???? alot of times when me and my boyfriend are having intercouse we have to stop so i can get my inhaler or try n catch my breath....i was just wondering if this happens to other ppl or just me.....feel free to reply in a private mess. if you feel uncomfortable...thanks!


New member
Oh for sure!!! especially if your getting right into it your breathing all heavy and stuff girl I go into huge coughing fits!!! it really sucks we just stop for the second as I cough my face off and than continue. Just make sure your enhalor is real close by so it doesnt kill the mood. I think our wondreful other gets used to it so it doesnt wreck "the moment" and luckily they can continue. Sometimes you cant but hey that's ok there is always later.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh for sure!!! especially if your getting right into it your breathing all heavy and stuff girl I go into huge coughing fits!!! it really sucks we just stop for the second as I cough my face off and than continue. Just make sure your enhalor is real close by so it doesnt kill the mood. I think our wondreful other gets used to it so it doesnt wreck "the moment" and luckily they can continue. Sometimes you cant but hey that's ok there is always later.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I dont have that problem, I do just fine, but I think everyone even thos that dont have cf get tired, I dont get out of breath either, but there has been a thread on here before I think, if my memory serves me right about something like this.


New member
I dont have that problem, I do just fine, but I think everyone even thos that dont have cf get tired, I dont get out of breath either, but there has been a thread on here before I think, if my memory serves me right about something like this.


New member
I totally know what you mean- I get embarassed by it. Thats why I never want to do it anymore. I feel bad for him, but sometimes I just can't do it.


New member
I totally know what you mean- I get embarassed by it. Thats why I never want to do it anymore. I feel bad for him, but sometimes I just can't do it.


New member
Yep, that happens to me too. Luckily, my lung function is pretty good so I usually don't have a problem during, but after its over I'm so tired that all I want to do is take about a three-hour nap! Plus, my 'better half' is very understanding. He doesn't mind the occasional coughing fit. To prevent any interruption, I usually do a puff of my inhaler beforehand to open things up a little. That usually helps, or if I'm feeling a little on the crappy side, I'll do a full treatment an hour or so before I expect to have my boyfriend over. It helps quite a bit!

Hope this helps you some!


New member
Yep, that happens to me too. Luckily, my lung function is pretty good so I usually don't have a problem during, but after its over I'm so tired that all I want to do is take about a three-hour nap! Plus, my 'better half' is very understanding. He doesn't mind the occasional coughing fit. To prevent any interruption, I usually do a puff of my inhaler beforehand to open things up a little. That usually helps, or if I'm feeling a little on the crappy side, I'll do a full treatment an hour or so before I expect to have my boyfriend over. It helps quite a bit!

Hope this helps you some!


New member
I don't have that problem. I've never gotten short of breath during sex, or even gotten tired afterwards. Once though we had to stop because I started to have a hemoptysis episode - that's a real mood killer!


New member
I don't have that problem. I've never gotten short of breath during sex, or even gotten tired afterwards. Once though we had to stop because I started to have a hemoptysis episode - that's a real mood killer!


New member
I usually only have coughing fits if I am too hot.....not the way that sounds. Well maybe....like if the temp in the house is turned up or we are under a bunch of blankets etc. That is when I cough the most, but it passes. Tho we cant do the "traditional" position because his weight is too much on me so we adapt accordingly & I would definitely say that hemoptysis kills the mood much quicker than coughing. I can continue thru coughing, I dont dare thru hemoptysis!


New member
I usually only have coughing fits if I am too hot.....not the way that sounds. Well maybe....like if the temp in the house is turned up or we are under a bunch of blankets etc. That is when I cough the most, but it passes. Tho we cant do the "traditional" position because his weight is too much on me so we adapt accordingly & I would definitely say that hemoptysis kills the mood much quicker than coughing. I can continue thru coughing, I dont dare thru hemoptysis!


New member
Yes it didn't start happening to me till about 2 yrs ago. Just really try to concentrate on your breathing. I know that's difficult at that time. But you kind of got to think of it like your cardio. Breathing slow and deep. Heeheeee. But it will help. We also stop for a sec if I'm coughing or out of breath. Try not to get to self consciece about it. Your partner understands I'm sure. I also started Oygen at night so if I'm super out of breath I keep my O2 on the floor so I can use it whenever. It doesn't seem real attractive to me yet to wear my O2 during. Someday I guess I may have to but not yet. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes it didn't start happening to me till about 2 yrs ago. Just really try to concentrate on your breathing. I know that's difficult at that time. But you kind of got to think of it like your cardio. Breathing slow and deep. Heeheeee. But it will help. We also stop for a sec if I'm coughing or out of breath. Try not to get to self consciece about it. Your partner understands I'm sure. I also started Oygen at night so if I'm super out of breath I keep my O2 on the floor so I can use it whenever. It doesn't seem real attractive to me yet to wear my O2 during. Someday I guess I may have to but not yet. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Me and my wife don't make love like we used to, I have a hard time breathing and start coughing a lot. It kinda scares her, so now we just cudle a lot.


New member
Me and my wife don't make love like we used to, I have a hard time breathing and start coughing a lot. It kinda scares her, so now we just cudle a lot.