I need someone to talk to,in my age group.


New member
Hello, My name is shena.. My father had cystic fibrosis.. I would just like to talk to anyone who would like to.. I understand somethings granted i dont know or understand it all but this is my hello. Thank you.


New member
Diane, Hello im shena um my father was 39 and i was wondering about alot of things.. um maybe you could answer some of my questions please email me at sms192@lycos.com. Maybe you could help me out...Thank you


New member
hey morganmy name is Jennine I'm 18 tomorrow and i have cf and i know how shitty it is to have cf i've been hospitalized so many times like 86 days since this sept. and i was so sick a few years ago i was in ICU and i was just praying to God that i would die because i was sooooo tired it was soooo hard to breath my FEV was at 18 and my CO2 levels were really high and iwas just tired of living breathing was and still is just too much of a chore. so i totally understand life still isn't that great but i think that it really sucks u don't have any friends with cf because 3 of my best friends have cf and i don't know where i'd be without them because i can talk to them about problems i'm having and they understand because no matter how close u are with anyone else they can never know what it's like so if u ever wanna talk u can email me at candie2000@hotmail.com k


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Hey Morgan, My name is Rachel. I was diagnosed with cf when I was 4 days old. I no exsactly how u feel. I would love to talk to you some time. IM me @ BoOrOo216 on AIM. Love ya lots rach<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Morgan this is Sara. I'm 16 and I have CF. I know how you feel, but you said that your friends look at you like a freak. A real friend would be there for you, so they are obviously not your friends. And don't worry about the girls that dumped you. You are only 13, there are more fish in the sea. It wasn't too long ago when I told my friends about my disease and my real friends accepted me how I am. My brother who is 15 also has CF and although he does, I still feel very alone. We are close, but no one in my family talks about CF. For a while I quit doing work at school or anything because I felt like it was a waste of my time and I would never live long enough to amount to anything anyways. But remember this, you don't know when your time is up and live life to the fullest while you have a chance. I know that what I'm writing to you probably won't change how you feel, but you can e-mail me if you want to. my e-mail adress is jakzgurl04@yahoo.com


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Hi,Could the girl BRIGID who left a mgs in this form please leave an e mail or something( where i can see it!!!!!) i'd like to talk with you if thats ok. i'm kinda in the same situation as you so if i could get in touch with you that would be brilliant.Thanks