I need someone to talk to,in my age group.


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Hi my name is stephen im13 year old male and i have cf just looking for someone to talk to with cf please e-mail me crazycsgamer@yahoo.com


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Hi my name is jessica I live in norwalk Ohio. I'm 17 years old with cf also You can e-mail me at jeslyst86@yahoo.com<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
whats up nothin much here just chilin my name is Brittany. My friend Chasteen said haye. I am 13 years old and I have cf it is hard but I have only been hospitalized only about 7 times in my life. I live in Georgia with my parents. I do get sick of my medicines but I dont want to get sick so I do them right. I take about 50 to 60 medicines a day. Im glad I found someone my age to talk to .

well gotta B u c
o n e sorry I cant write back I dont have an e-mail address Im at school and I dont want to get caught.
gotta D
! Ill try to talk back later Ive never met someone with cf before so its pretty cool<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:lovinya brittany@south Effingham middle">null</a>


New member
whats up nothin much here just chilin my name is Brittany. My friend Chasteen said haye. I am 13 years old and I have cf it is hard but I have only been hospitalized only about 7 times in my life. I live in Georgia with my parents. I do get sick of my medicines but I dont want to get sick so I do them right. I take about 50 to 60 medicines a day. Im glad I found someone my age to talk to .

well gotta B u c
o n e sorry I cant write back I dont have an e-mail address Im at school and I dont want to get caught.
gotta D
! Ill try to talk back later Ive never met someone with cf before so its pretty cool<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:lovinya brittany@south Effingham middle">null</a>


New member
Hey Morgan,
~*My name is Abbey i live in Nashville Tennessee and i am 17 and i have CF too. I have had it since i was 8 months old and i have been in the hospital over 5 or 6 times and they all started when i just started high school and yes its ever hard having CF but you just learn to live w/ it and i also have type 1 diabetes and that is onset from having CF i got it last year when i got phonmia and i got put in the hospital and come to find out i had diabetes too ontop of CF. I was so upset and didn't want anyone to know that i had diabetes too and it was really hard. And this boy that i have been w/ almost 2 years now his grandpa is a diabetic and he knew all about being diabetic and he help me through it alot and one day me and my mom and my best friend went to walmart and i hadn't eating all day and i was kinda tired and feeling really funny and my boyfriend showed up there too w/ his friend and he was showing me something and i told him i didn't feel right and that i couldn't see what he was showing me and so he told my friend to take me to my mom and so while she was walking me to her i just feel on the floor and my friend couldn't hold me up and i hit the floor really hard and she yelled for my boyfriend b/c he was just a few sec. away and he comes running and in all of this im passed out b/c my sugar was really low and so he put me on my side and told my friend to try to go find my mom and she did and they tryed getting me to eat something sweet but i wouldn't and so i finally came too and i was asking everyone what i was doing on the floor and asking where i was and saying that my head hurt like really bad and stuff and so i got up and drank a sprite and some candy and my boyfriend had to carry me out of walmart and everything b/c i couldn't walk b/c i was so weak and stuff. But till this day i still thank him for what he did for me that night and evrything and tells him that if he wasn't there that night i would have prob. died b/c no one would ahve known that i was diabetic and stuff b/c everyone there at walmart thought i was drunk b/c i couldn't talk good and i couldn't walk so ya know i tell him thank you for doing that. And yea sometimes i do wish i could die b/c i have to take so much medicine and check my blood sugar and take shots and have breathing treatments to and its really hard but u just got to keep on truckin ya know. But when u think about all the stuff u have to do everyday like 20 times aday its worth it b/c if u didn't u wouldn't be here. Always think postive of everything!! Oh yea and my little bother is 14 and hes a carrier for CF!!!*~
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> Abbey w/CF Also


New member
Hey Morgan,
~*My name is Abbey i live in Nashville Tennessee and i am 17 and i have CF too. I have had it since i was 8 months old and i have been in the hospital over 5 or 6 times and they all started when i just started high school and yes its ever hard having CF but you just learn to live w/ it and i also have type 1 diabetes and that is onset from having CF i got it last year when i got phonmia and i got put in the hospital and come to find out i had diabetes too ontop of CF. I was so upset and didn't want anyone to know that i had diabetes too and it was really hard. And this boy that i have been w/ almost 2 years now his grandpa is a diabetic and he knew all about being diabetic and he help me through it alot and one day me and my mom and my best friend went to walmart and i hadn't eating all day and i was kinda tired and feeling really funny and my boyfriend showed up there too w/ his friend and he was showing me something and i told him i didn't feel right and that i couldn't see what he was showing me and so he told my friend to take me to my mom and so while she was walking me to her i just feel on the floor and my friend couldn't hold me up and i hit the floor really hard and she yelled for my boyfriend b/c he was just a few sec. away and he comes running and in all of this im passed out b/c my sugar was really low and so he put me on my side and told my friend to try to go find my mom and she did and they tryed getting me to eat something sweet but i wouldn't and so i finally came too and i was asking everyone what i was doing on the floor and asking where i was and saying that my head hurt like really bad and stuff and so i got up and drank a sprite and some candy and my boyfriend had to carry me out of walmart and everything b/c i couldn't walk b/c i was so weak and stuff. But till this day i still thank him for what he did for me that night and evrything and tells him that if he wasn't there that night i would have prob. died b/c no one would ahve known that i was diabetic and stuff b/c everyone there at walmart thought i was drunk b/c i couldn't talk good and i couldn't walk so ya know i tell him thank you for doing that. And yea sometimes i do wish i could die b/c i have to take so much medicine and check my blood sugar and take shots and have breathing treatments to and its really hard but u just got to keep on truckin ya know. But when u think about all the stuff u have to do everyday like 20 times aday its worth it b/c if u didn't u wouldn't be here. Always think postive of everything!! Oh yea and my little bother is 14 and hes a carrier for CF!!!*~
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> Abbey w/CF Also


New member
Im 19 years old n I have CF.. I am the 1st person n my whole family to have it.. No one never made fun of me for having it.. I mean I tell people n there like whats that? They like never heard of it or anything. . But I dont browed cast is to the whole world.. Just if they c me taken medicine or something..
But I c where ur coming from. I know this gurl who has it realli bad n she has a feeding tube n everything. Shes never goes to school cause like every other week shes n the hospital for several days.. She dosent have a lot of friends.. N when she goes out all u hear is her coughing. N people say stuff to her like go home u need to be n bed n crap.. I told her why dont u say something back? Shes like no cause Im a nice person n I dont care what people think about me.


New member
i was wondering...isn't cf more common in children and teens than adults??.....if ne one likes books, is in the hospital (or stuck @ home) should read "one last wish...a time to die".....its a really good book.


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My name is Katherine. I am 18 and have CF also. I am currently attending the University of Kentucky. If anyone needs someone to talk to I am always here. My email is kemcloney3@ yahoo.com


New member
Jessy, your question is really kind of an awkward one to answer. CF being more common in children and teens than in adults? It's genetic, so really it's not a matter of it being more common to "get" in any one age group. It just happens that CFers usually don't live to a "normal" lifespan, so perhaps there are more kids and teens with it than adults. But this isn't because it's more "common" in kids or teens, it's just because many of us die before we get too too far into adulthood. And that's why you don't see as many adults with it.


New member
good work... im 15, living in australia, diagnosed with CF at birth. the way i see it, its sh!t. but you can either move along and make the most of what you got or let it get you down. good luck morgan i hope you start to develop a more positive outlook on your situation.
anyone who would like to chat i would love to... email me hey_baby_j@hotmail.com especially if you're around my age or around australia, but id love to hear from anyone whod like to hear from me
take care of yourselves...
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
hello morgan i have cf to and i feel tha same way you do im 15 and have only meet 3 people with it i even had a sister die from it i feel for ya my name is ashley i live in indiana heres my email if you want to talk BillyBabe0012@aol.com


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hi my name is Lorna im12 yearsold but small for my age i read your thing + i was wondering if you would like 2 have a chat and if u do, email me at lornababe@hotmail.com + then maybe we could get 2 know each other???

bye <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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i hate CF and sometimes get deprssed about it. i was diagnosed 2 years ago im 13 and now im catching up for a life time now in 2 years which have been the most interesting years of my life some of the things that have happened to me are amazing even the things that have been said to me are unbelivable. yet lots of it is scary like going in for a lung transplant i'm well freaked about that. i need someone to talk to. paigefthompson@AOL.com