I need someone to talk to,in my age group.


New member
Hey Morgan,

I'm Merritt and im 13 years also, with Cystic Fibrosis. My case is fairly mild, as i am the 2nd person in the United States to have this mild of a case, and your sounds pretty severe. But, if you would like to talk, thats cool. My email is dreamer_1515@hotmail.com

PS. Anyone who wants to talk, thats fine.


New member
dear zoe

i am alex montago . I feel badly 4 u . How old are you ? i am 10. i hope you feel better. I wish you have a merry christmas even with out your brother.

Merry christmas,
Alex montago
if you have an AIM address please mail me at perfectgirl1228. I love to talk


New member
hi i am alex montago i dont have cystic fibrosis either but i know how you feel. it is hard hearing these sad stories about poeple i hope they feel better. Merry christmas
from alex montago P.S i am 10 years old.


New member

(This isnt meant to sound rude or make you feel bad AT ALL) How you said that you "know how we feel" well... its really hard to know how we feel until you really have the disease. I mean, yes, you probably see us suffering, and you hear the sad stories and they make you feel sad, feel pity... but you dont feel the real physical pain like we do. I bet it is hard hearing about this stuff, and knowing we can never get rid of it, but we can get better... sometimes we get worse, and you feel more pity.. but you wont really ever know what we feel everyday.. or what we go through...

Im really sorry... that prolly came out really rude.... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">



New member
Nah Merry. People mean well but they forget they don't really know how we feel. I didn't see it as rude. I'm sure Alex understands your point. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi! My name is Jenni Thomas and every time I get to do a project, I choose Cystic Fibrosis. I have had asthma and a lot of problems with my lungs since I was little. I know that it was een hard dealing with that. I can't even imagine having cystic fibrosis (which I don't have.) I need a little more information on cystic fibrosis. Could someone send me some info on CF and please write me a letter addressed to Jenni and talk about Cystic Fibrosis and how hard it is dealing with it? It would be greatly appreciated by me and my classmates. My e-mail address is applejacks1422@yahoo.com.
Thank you very much,
Jenni Thomas <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey morgan n everyone else out there whoz readin this!!! My names Danielle im 14 years old ill be 15 on september the 19th. I live in essex. I have c.f as well i find it hard 2 cope with. Im not in hospital much i only go in about twice a year so im doin quite well. I totally no how u feel i find it very hard some dayz i just give up! But then i think 2 my self no ive gotta keep tryin. I would really love 2 chat 2 anyone who wonts 2 talk 2 me!! my email address is DB100_54@hotmail.com fnx x-x-x I totally no how you all feel and what your goin through


New member
hey morgan,
u sound alright. by da way im a female, age 12. hope we can get 2 know each other. lot of luv lozzi(lauren) XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey, my name is Brandi i have CF..and Morgan i know EXACTLY where your coming from...i had a few boyfriends who also left me because of CF <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> it doesnt feel good...it really hurts...but i have a boyfriend who accepts me and im very thankful...IM me sometime! Please?! :'( BabyCynamin@aol.com ive NEVER talked to ANYBODY that has CF and i really would like to...its so hard trying to go threw life thinking your the only person..i need someone who knows where im coming from :'( please talk to me :'(


New member
Hi Morgan & Maddy,
I wish one of you would e-mail my neice. She's 16. Diagnosed at age 8 due to being mis-diagnosed many times. Has severe lung damage due to those 8 years. Her illness has progressed rapidly in the last few years. She is in & out of the hospital for 14 - 21 days at a time. Had several sinus surguries & other procedures that go along w/ CF.She's been homebound school for most almost 2 years now. And although she has been thru many councelors....who don't have a clue & juggle her @ since they don't stay put long. She needs someone who can relate to her.
She misses out on everything & that must suck. Even when she feels good she doensn't feel good ya know?
I love her & am there for her but cannot relate to what she's going thru. I just give her direction in her decision making, try to reinforce a positive attitude (which is hard), give her lots of Love & take her shopping when she feels well enough.
I know Morgans e-mail was a long time ago but if anyone is her age & would like to chat w/ her please e-mail Tori at lilimegreensmurf@aol.com Thanks & God Bless


New member
hi morgan my name is jonathan clarke and im 20 years of age i have just read your e mail that you sent to the cystic fibrosis web site.
i know that life can be hard with cf as i am a suffer with it myself ok and i have been in that postion were i need someone to talk too even now smoetimes it can be hard for me ok i was diagnosed with mine when i was just 2 years old i do also get tired of taking my medication a well it can be a fars yes but if you need to take it then you need to.
i had a lot of thoughts when my friends to come over and see me as some off them would never take in why and what i need to take my medication for but wen isat em down one day and told em about my illness they took it into considertion and now they are not really botherd.
i have also been in the same postion that you are or was with the girlfreinds but now i have one girlfreind and i have told her about my illness and i had to trust my instincts and hope that she woulndt leave me and she hasn't.
about three weeks ago i had a big bust up with mum over my illness and i have to leave home and im currently living with my girlfreind.
i also have been in and out of the hospital many time and yea it does get on my teather but im just going to live with it.
i hope this has helped you and if you need to talk again you can email me at Nodge05@yahoo.co.uk
hope to hear from you soon john


New member
HEY WAZ UP I AM DOING A HEALTH REPORT ABOUT CF<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:WNBA_hottie_13@yahoo.com">hey</a><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
i'm am sorry u have cf but my cousin has it so i'm doin a health report about it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"><a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:WNBA_hottie_13@yahoo.com">hey</a>


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hi morgon I also have cf but i only have it in my lungs please write back<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

from Nicole


New member
hi my name is shelita and someone so important died this morining i mean it feels like i am about to bust out and do something
bad but thats why i am talking to someone that can help me deal with the problem so can please somebody just help me
please i need somebody to talk to.


New member
hi anonymous i know how u feel i had someone real close to my heart die to not recently but i needed someone to talk to but no one was there 4 me my name is destaney and i live in florida my sn is bearieshort @aol.com but if u contact me we can chat sometime but hope u feel better


New member
hey my name is ashley i dont have cf but i was wondering what kinds of medison do u have to take all they have in my library is a 100000 year old book with 1 chapter in it<img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">