I need someone to talk to,in my age group.


New member
I was just reminding everyone about the topic title. I happened to see that somebody wrote asking about a school project and thought I'd remind them!!!


New member
lol... i agree was also scrolling down thinking, going off the subject a bit ..

sorri never sign in forgot to leave my details! so here they are!

emma 18 cf uk


New member
hi there my name is jemma i dont have cf but my boyfriend does who a love so much a jst want to know if any1 can give any advice into helpin him he seems to keep everythin 2 himself and a dont know why. it would be greatly aprecieted if anyone can help mexxjemaxx<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey! My name is Felicity and I just turned 16. I have CF I was diagnosed at 9 months I think... Im your regular 16 year old girly girl love to go shopping hang out with friends all that! Im actually pretty lucky I have only been in the hospital 3 times so im doing pretty good! Thank God! But it does get hard everday life the treatments and meds! Man o Man! But hey you just got to deal with it! We all got the same thing in common! All Cfers! We share a bond! Sometimes it kind of feels like your the only one in the world with it so its really nice to have someone to talk to thats going through the same things as you are. Well my e-mail is hott_twinkle@yahoo.com feel free to email me! Love to talk to other Cfer's!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Jemma! This may not be the best advice and may not help you to much so sorry but that is just how some people deal with cf. Me for example really the only people that are close to me that know I have CF is my family. I have never really told my friends. Im 16 and none of my friends know that I have CF its not that im afraid to tell them or anything like that its just something I would prefer to keep to myself. So I dont know if that is your boyfriends situation at all so sorry if I didnt really help! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi! my name is Jessica i and im 13 too!!i dont have CF, but i read a book about it and i liked to learn more. u seem sad and agry dont give up, live life to the fullest. i like to meet new people. If u ever need to talk u can email me at re.punzal@att.net or u can AIM me at redhedsocr.

much love byes


New member
Hi! my name is Jessica i and im 13 too!!i dont have CF, but i read a book about it and i liked to learn more. u seem sad and agry dont give up, live life to the fullest. i like to meet new people. If u ever need to talk u can email me at re.punzal@att.net or u can AIM me at redhedsocr.

much love byes


New member
Hey my name is jessica and im 13 too, but i dont have CF. I read about CF in a book and i got interested in it, but anways. Dont give up on ur life, live it to the fullest. If u ever need to talk u can email me at re.punzal@att.net or AIM me at redhedsocr. i like meeting new people its fun!

much love p.s.- dont give up



New member
OMG. im soo sorry about all the post i didnt know it was posting <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> sorry about all the messages i got confused lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> o well


New member
Hi kayla my name is kasandra and i am 15 with cystic fibrosis and i live in east alton,IL and i have CF badly i am hopitalized every 2 months for 2 weeks at a time i have to take medications 24/7 if you want to talk more e-mail me at blingnbabe4u004@hotmail.com or instent message me at blingnbabe4u004 and that is aol instent messenger.



New member
i do not have cf but i am doing a paper on it. you know how u said that u cant keep a girl friend just hold your head high and wait for the rite person to come around. i promise u will find love.


New member
Hi morgan my name is kasandra 15 years old and I have CF badly i think we might have something in comman would you like to talk if so e-mail me at blingnbabe4u004@hotmail.com or instent message me at blingnbabe4u004 if you have aol instent messenger

thanks kasandra


New member
thanx for replyin it was really appreciated xxif u can give me any help at wld b great. a feel my boyfriend finds it to talk about aswell advice about anythin wld help somehow am sure thanx very much xx jemmaxx<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey my name is Jessica I am 17 almost 18 , I have CF , Osteoperosis, Asthma, GERD, and I have had 2 sinus surgeries, My gaulbladder removed and I have a a brocioscope for my uppper right lung b/c the airways are closed off. My Lung function is currently only at 65% (last year this time is was 98%). I do ahve to say it sux! I ahve also delt with other problems like depressiona and cutting. AAnd you are tottaly right you don't understand until you've been there. I mean the only person in my life that even might understand would be my mom but she still don't always get it. And its like you WANT someone to care and share your pain, but the people goin throught the same thing can't even be around you b/c you might make each other sick. There is a guy in my life right now whom I want hium to get intersted and care but its like he doesn't which sometimes makes it hard on our relationship... The only thing I can say to you is that you ahve to rise up and don't let others give you sh it. People used to say that I thought i was 'special" and above eveyone b/c of my cf And I said FU to then real quick Be strong bud!!! wanna talk (open to anyone) come check out my website www.xanga.com/itxgoesxon

Jess Im-Out


New member
Hey my name is Jessica I am 17 almost 18 , I have CF , Osteoperosis, Asthma, GERD, and I have had 2 sinus surgeries, My gaulbladder removed and I have a a brocioscope for my uppper right lung b/c the airways are closed off. My Lung function is currently only at 65% (last year this time is was 98%). I do ahve to say it sux! I ahve also delt with other problems like depressiona and cutting. AAnd you are tottaly right you don't understand until you've been there. I mean the only person in my life that even might understand would be my mom but she still don't always get it. And its like you WANT someone to care and share your pain, but the people goin throught the same thing can't even be around you b/c you might make each other sick. There is a guy in my life right now whom I want hium to get intersted and care but its like he doesn't which sometimes makes it hard on our relationship... The only thing I can say to you is that you ahve to rise up and don't let others give you sh it. People used to say that I thought i was 'special" and above eveyone b/c of my cf And I said FU to then real quick Be strong bud!!! wanna talk (open to anyone) come check out my website www.xanga.com/itxgoesxon

Jess Im-Out