I think I got it right now


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I'm a mother of a cf adult. My son is 22 years old. He too, like many teenagers do went down the wrong path. He was embarrased to have cf, didn't want any one to know he had it. Josh is small in weight and height,I feel he was trying to fit in the "in crowd" he began drinking and doing any kind of drugs ALL kinds of drugs!!He felt like I'm gonna die any way might as well enjoy it! It broke my heart ! He has like 26 illegal consumptions and so on. I couln't talk him into anything! Well he was at a party (drinking whiskey) and a fight broke-out and Josh ended up in a fight, there were several people fighting and he was on the bottom of the pile. A black-belt in Tyquando (?),was on him chocking him, he was about to pass out so he pulled out his pocket knife and stabbed the guy in his leg. He felt like he was going to die, he couln't breath at all. The knife hit his main artery and the guy had alot of surgerys and thank the good lord he didn't die!!! And now my son is sitting in prision for 17 years!It was his first felony. Josh is doing pretty good health wise, but if I don't do somthing quick I'm afraid the system will kill him. He has been there for almost 2 years now with-out a pounding! He recieves his breathing treatments, Tobi but no pounding or any thing to bring the mucas up. I imformed the health administrator I had a flutter-valve that he used while in jail,but they won't allow him to have it.He knows it's important to stay active it helps to bring up mucas, but he is so short winded and feels like his lungs are tight.He has gone several days without his pancrease MT 20, 9 days, 4 days ,6 days!They are always running out ,he gets severe stomache aches, on the 9 day spell he lost 14 pounds, and we all know how hard it is to gain that much weight.I don't know what to do!!!I have spoke to ACLU but the prision seems to be able to do what ever they want.The prision doctor says his condition does't need a pounding or a special diet.I'm so scared for him!! Does anyone know what I should do?At his age, he needs the best of care. My son knows the lord now! He is in college and has made the honor role. He wants to be a minister now. If you don't know what I should, please reply anyway. I would love any input. God Bless all of you! -------------------------Eileen Jones <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


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Hi Eileen, My gosh, I dont know what to say. Thats a horrible situation to be in. I wonder if his cf doctor could have some influence over what the prison doctors say about his not needing percussion. I dont know anything about prison, but would you be allowed to pick up his medicines at the pharmacy and take them to the prison so they dont run out of the enzymes or antibiotics? Thank God he at least gets to do his tobi. I wonder if they would allow him to have the "vest", where they could store it , and allow him to use it under supervision. Im sure he might already know this , but jumpig jacks might help to loosen up some mucus in his lungs, he may have to do a lot of them , but it'll be worth it. I hope he gets out of jail early so he can resume his treatments, its a shame he even had to go to jail for defending himself. Good Luck <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ~ Diane 39 / diabetes / b.cepacia


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It's amazing how rapists and child molesters cand "get probation" and your son is sitting in prison for defending himself.


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I would suggest you contact your House of Representative person or someone in politics to see what additional can be done for your son. I have contacted my local representitive for help w/ a friend's immigration status & got good, quick, results. That's what they are there for and I'm sure you pay taxes, so I wouldn't feel bad at all seeing if they could intervene on your behalf.


New member
i am very sorry for you and your son. it does suck that he was defending himself and now how to serve 17 years. i really don't know too much about the law or jail, but i do work for a homecare company and sometimes we have patients who end up in jail. they still receive their iv meds. i would talk with your sons doctor. there has to be something that they can do. i am 23 with cf and i know how that feels to have a tight chest. the law is just going to kill your son instead of teaching him a lesson. the really have no right to tell you that he doesn't need the flutter valve or any kind treatment. keep fighting and i will pray for the two you.sandy


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Thank you for your input. unfortunatly the prision doesn't allow him to have his CF doctor it isn't allowed!They wont let me bring in medication. I have asked about his vest and it isn't allowed either, but yet they won't do anything to help him.When he ask for certain things like extra food, his supliment,his nasal spray the doctor says you don't need it, your not a baby! This is a doctor that asked my son "what is cystic fibrosis any way?",when he first got there to the prision. I feel so helpless, I can't make these poeple understand.I have worked very hard to keep him as healthy as possible.I thank you! Eileen


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i'am a 21 female with cd also. i can only imagine what your son goes through. it sounds lie too me you need to get a lawyer SOON. i know that u can not go 1 day without pancrease it is the worst feeling. i hope u can get a lawyer soon.. do u have a self defense law in ur state?? it sounds like u need to get a lawyer very sooon. please !!! let me know what u think...... thinking of you!!!!


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Hello, Skyleen. I really don't know what to say either. I would suggest having a doctor go in and teach him autogenic drainage or active cycle breathing... They are lung therapy techniques that don't need the use of a device or other person. I have done both of them myself and I can testify they really do work. Currently, I am doing autgenic drainage; it is the most effective, but also the most complicated. Unfortunately, you said his doctor cannot get to him. This prison is really messed up, I don't understand how they could be so stupid! I guess they may be hardened by all the real criminals they have to deal with, but still it is no excuse. Is is possible for you to give your son something to read? Perhaps then you might be able to give him some written instructions on autogenic drainage or active cycle. That is, if you can find a doctor who knows how to do it; I've noticed it isn't very popular in the US. Perthaps there is awebsite explaining it... I will look and let you know. If nothing else, I could try to stumble through the instructions... It really is kind of complicated, especially at first without a doctor who knows what he/she is doing, but it is something. As far as the medication situation goes, I really don't know what to do. You and your son will be in my prayers.Jarod22 with CF


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Hi Skyleen, I agree with the person who suggested getting a lawyer. There has to be something that can be done here . If they can allow prisoners to smoke in jail , they have to be buying the cigarettes from somewhere, so then why cant your son get the lifesaving medication he needs? Gosh this makes me mad! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"> Whats worse is he isnt allowed to have his cf doctor. There has to be a lawyer who can make a difference here. Tell your son to keep his chin up, there are a lot of people out here praying for him. ~ Diane 39 / cf / diabetes / b.cepacia


New member
Jarod, thank you for your concerns! The prision will not let another doctor come in and do anything. Josh can recieve mail, recieving mail is his only enjoyment now.As far as getting a lawyer, do you know how hard it is to find a lawyer to fight against the state, other law enforcment facilities.Its real hard and if you do find one it cost an arm and leg. I'm a waitress at waffle house, not a rich person, I,m single and raising a 12 year old.I've searched for probona and have no luck!!! If you or anyone else would like to write to Josh let me know and I'll give you his address. Thank EVERYONE for your support and prayers!God Bless Ya'll Eileen (skyleen)


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Hello, Skyleen. I've had anoher thought. What if we were to write to the prison itself? I mean, nice, polite letters; yelling threats never gets anyone anywhere. If the prison was to get whole bunches of letters explaining what CF is and the seriousness of the situation... I'm sure what is going on is the prison is skeptical about your son's health. They probably get prisoners faking symptoms all the time. With a bunch of people writing, though... It might help. If you have the address for the prison warden, or something... or maybe a government person, or someone like that. If you have any addresses like that, please post them! Also, I would enjoy writing to to Josh as well. Writing is what Jarods do best! =-) Jarod22 with CF


New member
Eileen - I don't know how much help they will be but have you tried contacting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, CFF.org. They just might have some way of helping out. There has to be a way to help your son. How awful it must be for him to be in there. As someone else mentioned doing jumping jacks, or any sort of physical movement in his cell would be so beneficial. I pray for you and your son that you will find the help you need. Keep Faith.


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Please post your sons address so everyone who wants to can write to him.....If mail helps with his emotional issues, I'm sure we would all be happy to send mail.In the meantime, I would also suggest contacting local newspapers to do a story. Get some press going...they might help you locate an attorny pro bono who would be willing to help. A little public outcry might help your sons situation. The local TV stations might pick up the story...who knows what could happen?


New member
Hello again! If anyone would like to write Josh here is his address: Joshua Farnam K-98823 P.O. Box 499 Hillsboro, Illinois 62049. The prision is Grahm Correctional Center. If Josh recieves alot of letters he may not be able to write back right away, due to the fact he has to buy all his paper, envelopes, and stamps.I know Josh would love to hear from you all!! If anyone would like to email me skyleen207@hotmail.com I can email you back and show you a picture of my son. I want to thank ALL of you again for everything!!! God Bless You !!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Eileen (Skyleen)


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Thank you, I am going to include paper and a self addressed envelope now that you mentioned that he has to pay for for that stuff. I Hope we can all write to him and lift his spirits at least. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ~ Diane


New member
hi Diane THANK YOU sooooo very much. But, I need to let you know that you can't send paper or envelopes, or stamps. You can't even send your address labels on his letters.They have alot of dumb rules!!!I remembered something else they have denied all his vitamins isn't true that the vitamins work with the pancrease MT 20, doesn't pancrease MT 20 need the vitamins to work right? The prison has put Josh on generic pancrease I read that he shouldn't take these has anyone had any experience with them . Please don't let his lack of having paper and things stop you all from writting he will love all letters. God Bless You!!!!! Thank You all !!!!!!!!! Skyleen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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For anyone who wants to write Josh I worked my day off today and I'm sending him the extra money.So go ahead and write. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Skyleen<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Hi Eileen, Boy , when it rains it pours doesnt it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Geeez, first they dont want to give him his treatments, now they give him generic pancrease. I responded to your other thread about it, but ill say it again here, i myself have been taking generic pancrease for years. It works for me, but i know it doesnt work so well for eveyone. The vitamins need the enzymes to absorb sufficiently. Have you tried to contact the cf foundation about Joshuas situation? How about your local committee man? Mayor? anyone who will listen would do at this point. I hope Joshuas situaton gets resolved, until then ill keep him in my prayers. And write him letters <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ~ Diane


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This is going to sound really paranoid, but if CFers send Josh mail, would it be a good idea for him to wash his hands after handling the mail, or can infections be spread that way??? Just wondering. Please don't let this keep you from writing to Josh, I'm just watching out for his well being as he has enuf to deal w/ right now<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


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To be honest if he's going to go to partys carrying a knife he got what he deserved, its his own fault and the fact that he's got CF is just something he's hidding behind he shouldnt be treated diffrently. to get back on the subject about your son carrying a knife around with him, my brother was killed last year by a gang of young teenagers, just like your son how do you think it makes my family feel when you talk openly about your sons mental problems? just because he's got CF it isn't an excuse to carry a weapon with him. Kevin Hammash