i am awaiting my surgery for my nose. so i can breath through it with my deviated septume. the dr came intoday and i told her about my back hurting and my knee and leg on the left side. She started asking questions like if my legs ever go numb , i said it has and it is at really odd times to. ill be sitting normal or something and then my leg feels like its numb and like its asleep. she asked if when my back hurts does it go down through my leg and i said that it does. sometimes my knee will let out and i almost fall. or my back will hurt and i cant move. other questions like that. then she asked if we have a history of bone cancer in my family. i didnt know so i said i will try to find out. i just found out that my grandfather had bone cancer when he died. and i guess you are at a higher risk to have osteoporosis which can lead to bone cancer (if you have cf) have you guys ever heard of someone with cf having bone cancer? do we (ppl with cf) have a higher risk? i need help.