Ideas for cf family vacation?


Digital opinion leader
Hi Everyone,

We're looking to escape our winter in Mass. and recent medical overload. Any ideas for a cf kid- friendly vacation spot? Can't do international or exotic right now, just warm would be nice.
Any ideas?



Digital opinion leader
Hi Everyone,

We're looking to escape our winter in Mass. and recent medical overload. Any ideas for a cf kid- friendly vacation spot? Can't do international or exotic right now, just warm would be nice.
Any ideas?



New member
Sandestin, its a resort in Destin Florida. The Destin/Navarre Beach area is great. Not as crowded as Panama City or Penesacola and has better beaches. Also check out the Beaches of South Walton. All this is on the Florida Panhandle.


New member
Sandestin, its a resort in Destin Florida. The Destin/Navarre Beach area is great. Not as crowded as Panama City or Penesacola and has better beaches. Also check out the Beaches of South Walton. All this is on the Florida Panhandle.


New member
A few questions...

How long do you have?

How far to you want to go?

How do you want to get there?

(And if possible, how much do you want to spend?)


New member
A few questions...

How long do you have?

How far to you want to go?

How do you want to get there?

(And if possible, how much do you want to spend?)


New member
I know you said, not exotic or out of the country, but I just read an article about how Cancun is trying to lure tourists back to their area and there are a LOT of good deals there. A friend of mine's daughter just took her family there last month -- their oldest child is 3 and has CF and they said they had a great time. We went to Cabo San Lucas over the holidays. I was a little nervous because I'd been to Mazatlan several years ago and was not impressed, but Cabo was really nice and I didn't have any problems with DS and his meds, treatments, etc. We had a wondeful time and are planning to return next year. Cabo wasn't too spendy except in terms of costs in getting there.


New member
I know you said, not exotic or out of the country, but I just read an article about how Cancun is trying to lure tourists back to their area and there are a LOT of good deals there. A friend of mine's daughter just took her family there last month -- their oldest child is 3 and has CF and they said they had a great time. We went to Cabo San Lucas over the holidays. I was a little nervous because I'd been to Mazatlan several years ago and was not impressed, but Cabo was really nice and I didn't have any problems with DS and his meds, treatments, etc. We had a wondeful time and are planning to return next year. Cabo wasn't too spendy except in terms of costs in getting there.


Digital opinion leader
4-7 days
Direct flight- not more than 4 hours
Money is no object (ya right) reasonable costs

I'm looking for ideas, but mostly in regards to CF issues and health concerns (like stay away from water parks etc)

Done Disney


Digital opinion leader
4-7 days
Direct flight- not more than 4 hours
Money is no object (ya right) reasonable costs

I'm looking for ideas, but mostly in regards to CF issues and health concerns (like stay away from water parks etc)

Done Disney


New member
Nice (and pretty close to each other) places to go...

San Antonio, Galveston, and Houston Texas.

San Antonio has the Riverwalk (which is lots of fun) and the Alamo.

Galveston has the beach (we were there in early January, still a bit cold to swim, but we were wading above the knees), the Lone Star Flight Museum (which was really great, and not too bad costwise I think it was $8/adult?), the harbor tour (well worth it at $12/adult, we saw lots of nifty stuff including dolphins). There's also a tourist-oriented water-park, zoo place - but it was too pricy for those of us saving for a wedding :) we were going low-budget. Note - skip the train museum... it sucked a lot.

Houston has the NASA space center - which I haven't been too, but I've heard lots of really good things.

If you're the pack-as-much-into-your-trip as you can type... Flying into San Antonio or Houston and getting a rental car, you could easily do all this stuff in a week.

Jeremy and I flew into Dallas on a Thursday morning (9 am arrival), got picked up by our family in Dallas (they drove down since they had more vacation time). From Dallas we drove (4+hours) to San Antonio and did the Riverwalk and the Alamo. Next morning, we drove to Texas City (between Houston and Galveston - don't stay there... oil refinery stinkyness, plus it wasn't the greatest place). Unloaded our stuff, and drove to Galveston and played at the beach, had dinner. The next morning we had been planning to go to Houston, but we decided to do more stuff in Galveston (Lone Star, Train, Harbor tour, shopping). So in two and a half days - we crammed in a lot of stuff, and all of Jeremy's treatments (one nice thing about road tripping - car time can be neb time).



New member
Nice (and pretty close to each other) places to go...

San Antonio, Galveston, and Houston Texas.

San Antonio has the Riverwalk (which is lots of fun) and the Alamo.

Galveston has the beach (we were there in early January, still a bit cold to swim, but we were wading above the knees), the Lone Star Flight Museum (which was really great, and not too bad costwise I think it was $8/adult?), the harbor tour (well worth it at $12/adult, we saw lots of nifty stuff including dolphins). There's also a tourist-oriented water-park, zoo place - but it was too pricy for those of us saving for a wedding :) we were going low-budget. Note - skip the train museum... it sucked a lot.

Houston has the NASA space center - which I haven't been too, but I've heard lots of really good things.

If you're the pack-as-much-into-your-trip as you can type... Flying into San Antonio or Houston and getting a rental car, you could easily do all this stuff in a week.

Jeremy and I flew into Dallas on a Thursday morning (9 am arrival), got picked up by our family in Dallas (they drove down since they had more vacation time). From Dallas we drove (4+hours) to San Antonio and did the Riverwalk and the Alamo. Next morning, we drove to Texas City (between Houston and Galveston - don't stay there... oil refinery stinkyness, plus it wasn't the greatest place). Unloaded our stuff, and drove to Galveston and played at the beach, had dinner. The next morning we had been planning to go to Houston, but we decided to do more stuff in Galveston (Lone Star, Train, Harbor tour, shopping). So in two and a half days - we crammed in a lot of stuff, and all of Jeremy's treatments (one nice thing about road tripping - car time can be neb time).



New member
Corpus Christie is also nice to go to if you want Texas. It has the state aquariam which both adults and kids would like, even have dolphins shows there if you get there at the right time. Also the lexington, depending on the age of the kids could be fun if they like that kind of thing. Boys would like to see the airplanes on it. This time of year would be good to see the lexington because its not to hot, it is aircondtioned in the inside parts if need be. Its also lots of walking. The aquarium would be lots of fun. Then you can go to Padri Island or the beaches close to it, their nice and clean no jelly fish. Also lots of good neat restraunts, and touristy type things.

Or you can go to the beaches in Florida. I hear pensecola is really nice and has alot of things to do near by. Probably nicer and warmer than texas this time of year so you can go swimming to. Salt water air is good for the Cf too.

Unless your cfer has alot of problems just walking for a long time or has problems with high humidity. Just go anywhere near a beach. Or even try to find like a ranch or bed and breakfast some where were there are lots of kid friendly activities, like horse back riding, or close to a big zoo. You dont have to fit in alot of activies, just a few here and there. Lots of people try to over do it on short vacations and feel even more stressed and tired when they get back. Heck just go somewhere were there is a pool and let the kids swimm and you and the hubby just sit by the whole time, go out to neat and different restraunts. Just dont try to do to much in a short time is all the good advice i can really give.
Have fun and be warm


New member
Corpus Christie is also nice to go to if you want Texas. It has the state aquariam which both adults and kids would like, even have dolphins shows there if you get there at the right time. Also the lexington, depending on the age of the kids could be fun if they like that kind of thing. Boys would like to see the airplanes on it. This time of year would be good to see the lexington because its not to hot, it is aircondtioned in the inside parts if need be. Its also lots of walking. The aquarium would be lots of fun. Then you can go to Padri Island or the beaches close to it, their nice and clean no jelly fish. Also lots of good neat restraunts, and touristy type things.

Or you can go to the beaches in Florida. I hear pensecola is really nice and has alot of things to do near by. Probably nicer and warmer than texas this time of year so you can go swimming to. Salt water air is good for the Cf too.

Unless your cfer has alot of problems just walking for a long time or has problems with high humidity. Just go anywhere near a beach. Or even try to find like a ranch or bed and breakfast some where were there are lots of kid friendly activities, like horse back riding, or close to a big zoo. You dont have to fit in alot of activies, just a few here and there. Lots of people try to over do it on short vacations and feel even more stressed and tired when they get back. Heck just go somewhere were there is a pool and let the kids swimm and you and the hubby just sit by the whole time, go out to neat and different restraunts. Just dont try to do to much in a short time is all the good advice i can really give.
Have fun and be warm


New member
I might get a lot of protest on this one, but how about Las Vegas? It's not the sin city it used to be and in addition to the city sights it is within easy driving distance of some pretty spectacular nature stuff; and cheap airfares and food.


New member
I might get a lot of protest on this one, but how about Las Vegas? It's not the sin city it used to be and in addition to the city sights it is within easy driving distance of some pretty spectacular nature stuff; and cheap airfares and food.


New member
Have you thought about Nags Head in North Carolina? It is a very family-oriented place. I have never been, but my husband has made reservations for the summer. He went there a lot as a kid & LOVES it! We are very excited <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Have you thought about Nags Head in North Carolina? It is a very family-oriented place. I have never been, but my husband has made reservations for the summer. He went there a lot as a kid & LOVES it! We are very excited <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I would suggest an in door water park..we went to one this past fall in sandusky ohio..My son is 11 yrs old..w/cf he had so much fun..him and his sister spent hrs at the water park and the parents can just sit back and relax..most of the indoor water parks are right in the hotels ..very cheap and so much fun...let me know if you have anymore @


New member
I would suggest an in door water park..we went to one this past fall in sandusky ohio..My son is 11 yrs old..w/cf he had so much fun..him and his sister spent hrs at the water park and the parents can just sit back and relax..most of the indoor water parks are right in the hotels ..very cheap and so much fun...let me know if you have anymore @