If anyone will talk to me, I'd appreciate it (2nd termination mentioned inside)


New member
To the original poster -
I am not going to stand in judgment. Yes, it is difficult for me as well as the others to hear that you are thinking about terminating a second fetus with CF. Before you make this final decision, I want to make sure you have an accurate idea of CF. So, I am going to take my story as an example. I carry 2 deltaF508 mutations (which are considered severe mutations.) I was born with meconeum illeus, so I needed surgery as a newborn. I have always gone to school and done well. From the age of 8 to 12, I was in the hospital annually for a 2 week period to receive IV antibiotics. I was in the hospital more frequently during my teenage years, but now I am back to annual IV antibiotics. It was somewhat disruptive, but people with CF get used to it. From time to time, I have had some digestive problems that require treatment, but never surgery. I take pancreatic enzymes daily, again just routine. A year ago, I graduated from college with a bachelors in biology. Now, I am in graduate school for genetic counseling. This summer, I am getting married. As you see, I have had a relatively normal life. Yes, CF has had a huge impact on my life, but not only in a bad way. I am a stronger person from having dealt with this my whole life, and I would argue that my parents and siblings are as well. Given that your husband's mutation was only picked up on Ambry screening, this is probably a mild mutation (emphasis on probably.) Your child would probably have a somewhat milder course. There are people on this board who have never been in the hospital and have lung function in the normal range. Of course, there are others who are doing poorly. That is the nature of the beast.
Yes, you have been unlucky. You rolled the dice twice and lost. God isn't punishing you. So, you might want to consider preimplantation genetic diagnosis or adoption. I only have one last thing to say. Don't sell yourself short. Everyone of us has incredible inner resources. We don't know about them until we have to tap into them.
Try to understand the people on this site's reactions to your post. It makes us wonder, what if our parents had known beforehand and made the choice you have. Regardless of our CF, we are people first and foremost. First, I am a daughter, sister, fiance, friend, and student....then I am a patient with CF. Please consider what I have said and make the choice you feel is best for you and your family. If I can help you in anyway, please e mail me at mar_md@yahoo.com


New member
You are a horrible, selfish woman. How dare you kill your children because they MIGHT be sick? CF is not a death sentence, nor is it always a horrible life. Do some more research before you kill your next baby, times have changed. I have cf, and I plan to run a marathon within the next year (unless I get pregnant first.) I guess I am a worthless person, though.... whatever. Grow up and act like an adult.


New member
To Lilith,
You say you don't want to get pregnant because you have CF yourself and wouldnt want your child to go through what you have, doesnt that say it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I choose not to have kids BECAUSE I don't want my child to suffer in ANY way! I know what's going to happen, I know that my child will have CF, so I am making that choice based on fact!

I think that says it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
It is nice that everyone wants their children to be PERFECTLY healthy, but in the real world, no one is perfect. If we were only accepting Perfect children in this world, mankind would not exist.

I'm sorry, I am the one who takes this "personally." Please tell me that my life is worth living...I think it is! I have CF, and I'm glad I have MY life.


New member
I carry 2 deltaF508 mutations (which as called 2 severe mutations.)
Is this true ??? That having 2 deltaF508 mutations is considered severe? My 11 month old daughter has 2 and I have never heard that...I have heard that it's the most common.....Thoughts PLEASE...I'm worried sick now.


New member
Some people will say that Delta F508 is the most severe... I was told that when my first daughter was diagnosed. I don't think anyone really knows. There are so many people with the Delta F508 mutations and they vary greatly in severity. I would consider both my daughters to be mild and they are both Double Delta F508. My older daughter is almost 11 and hasn't been sick since she turned 3 (she wasn't diagnosed till she was 2 1/2 and it took about 6 months to bring her back to total health). She was near death at diagnosis but since then she literally hasn't been sick a single time since she was finally being treated properly. My other daughter is 6 and has never had a lung infection. She has some sinus problems but that started only after we moved to south TX and the climate was so different. On the other hand I have a friend who has two daughters with the same mutations and they are extremely ill. Her younger daughter was at 20% lung function at 8 years old. I do not believe the mutation in itself can determine severity of the disease. The only thing I think they know for sure is the Delta F508 is always (or almost always) associated with pancreatic insuffiency. I really wouldn't worry too much about the mutation. One positive thing about being double Delta F508 is that it is by far the most common mutation and therefore gets the most research.


New member
Renee is right. They're starting to test the differences between the mutations now... but there are hundreds, or even thousands of mutations. Also, they've only just started this now, and SO MANY different factors (environment, meds, therapies, genes, they clinic they attend, whether or not they have CF friends, what bacterias they culture, etc etc) contribute to how a CFer does. So really they don't have any solid proof yet about how one gene acts differently than another. I wouldn't worry about what specific genes your daughter has. Just concern yourself with getting her the best treatment available. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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To the Anonymous poster (yay...another one with no name) that addressed me, what exactly is your point? :s


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You said it very well and i hope that the original poster really takes your views into consideration!!!!!!


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I've been reading this post and i was going to stay out of it but its gotten too much for me when people say stuff like this it offends me.

"I choose not to have kids BECAUSE I don't want my child to suffer in ANY way!" - Anonymous up above a little bit.

I have CF and i suffer but im sure glad im alive. Im 16 and i have CF and ive been through alot but i think most people here agree with me when i say that its been worth it. Its just another challenge in life that you have to get through and get over. Plus who knows, maybe you have a kid and they dont suffer much and they get new medicines that helps them even more. Technology and medicine have improved so much over my short life that its ridiculous to say that this disease has us at a stagnant for new medicines. There are people constantly working to cure this disease and to improve my life and the life of everyone with CF and then there are people coming along like you (Anonymous) saying that you dont want to bring more LIFE into this world just cause they will suffer? Well let me wake you up, life isnt easy for anyone, its hard, nobodys perfect but EVERYONE, and i mean EVERYONE no matter what your given in this world can learn how to be happy and live life, even if by normal standards its not that great of a life, you can get the best out of it.

BTW - Im not posting anonymously cause i dont want people to know who i am i just havent made an account yet. My name is Jonathan and i have CF and i am 16 years old. Contact me at wake51@yahoo.com if you want.

Now, to the original poster i can see the situation your in and you are scared. Im dont want to be angry with you or critize you for what your doing. Im just saying that you seem to be taking the easy way out of the situation. It would be great if you could just learn how to stand up and face this disease and battle with it just like everyone of us does everyday.


New member
To the poster who signed Serendipity, thank you for your compliment. For Jonathan, I'M the one who said that I wouldn't have kids. The anonymous poster was quoting me. Now, in response to your attack,

<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>
There are people constantly working to cure this disease and to improve my life and the life of everyone with CF and then there are people coming along like you (Anonymous) saying that you dont want to bring more LIFE into this world just cause they will suffer? Well let me wake you up, life isnt easy for anyone, its hard, nobodys perfect but EVERYONE, and i mean EVERYONE no matter what your given in this world can learn how to be happy and live life, even if by normal standards its not that great of a life, you can get the best out of it.<hr></blockquote>

I'm not an idiot. I know life isn't easy, duh!! Nothing is! But I don't want my child to have to suffer with this nasy disease, and/or watch their mother die because of it! If they developed something later in life, that would be one thing. But I can make a choice not to put my child through this Hell if I don't have to, and you have no right to jump down my throat about it. It's my choice, not yours. I don't need a wake-up call from the likes of you. You have no idea what I've been through with this disease, so don't even go there with me. I'd appreciate it if you keep comments like that to yourself.


New member
The point i was making was some people have said how can you not bring a child into this life just because they have CF.
You have quite plainly said you wouldnt because you have CF yourself, you know what you have had to go through, us as parents can only imagine what our children go through, but you are actually going through it, and your saying you wouldn't want your child to go through it.


New member
Hi Lilth,
My name is Emma i'm from the uk, I am the one that put your quote in
about you saying you have choose not to have kids, i'm not saying your
wrong I think it has come out sounding like that, all i was trying to say
was the original poster had lots and lots of comments about what their
decision was. I am 25 my husband 31 we have a little girl together she
is 5 was diagnosed at 8 months.
You quoted that i had no right to jump down your throat believe me i
wasn't i was trying to make a point that it is our choice to have a
termination/not get pregnant because of CF, and you yourself have actually
been through it all so us as parents only get to see what our children
go through.
We have said when i get pregnant again i am going to be tested because
that's our choice, I know I wouldn't be able to cope with another
child, and how could anyone dream of carrying on with the pregnancy knowing
Anyway i hope i haven't affended you i really didn't mean to, i hope
you can see what point i was trying to get across.


New member
To serendipity730: There's an anyonomous poster above that signed Serendipity, that apparently has turned out to be Emma ^_^ Sorry for the mix-up.

The last Anonymous poster that addressed me: Who are you? It's hard for me to respond to that without knowing who you are or what you said before it!

To Emma: I wasn't getting offensive to your post. I was responding to the anonymous that signed himself as Johnathan. He practiacally said that I needed a wake-up call and took it upon himself to say those things without knowing who I am or what I've been through. That ticks me off. I wasn't getting mad at you ^_^ You haven't offended me, and I agree with your point. I wish you luck with your next child!