If you get made fun of from being short


New member

Isnt it funny how no matter what your height or weight someone always find something to pick on you about. Be it too skinny or too fat or too short or too tall. Nobody is perfect. I have always had problems with my weight, in highschool I got to the point where I just didnt eat. I got down to a size 0 weighing 110 lbs and 5'7'' tall. yet I still got picked on because they said I was too skinny, now I have four children and weigh alot more than that, but after having my son (w/CF), and watching him have all these problems gaining weight I realize that its not important how fat you are, I praise God for the ability to gain weight not that I want to gain too much, and pray daily for his health. I understand now that you should be happy with what God made you. And if no one else likes that too bad. People can be way too critical especially when you are in Jr high and highschool. And it can be so hard, but remember highschool doesnt last forever, and eventually everyone grows up.


New member
at school i get called a sundry of names example: leprechaun,midget,mini me,munskin,shorty,and short stuff , but when people call me leprechaun , i always say "at least i'm rich" but since my dad is short and i take after him,i always will be short! what should i do? help please any body!


New member
Ignore it. Best advice there is. I actually got used to the nicknames. My boyfriend even calls my Pygmy and I got so used to that one that I like it. I use it for names on my video games and stuff. Hehe. Think of it as endearing. It means you're petite and cute. So next time someone says "shorty" to you meanly, surprise them by smiling and saying "thanks!"


New member
We had issues with my daughter in school & how to handle it. None of it CF related since I am the one with CF, but issues will arise with or without CF. She has learned to put a smile on her face (no matter how hard it might be to do it) & say Thank You! Even if the thank you is to a nasty remark or something stupid. When done enough times it either confuses the people or they see that it doesnt bother U & they lose interest. Its not easy to handle names even if it is in fun, but expecting U not to respond at all is extremely difficult. So that is why I suggest the Smile/Thank U approach. It gives U a chance to say something, but not feed into the crap they are throwing at you. Good Luck!


New member
It's kind of funny how short people tend to get made fun of... if you pick on someone's who's overweight or something you get in trouble, so everyone turns to short people. In my case, anyway...
My advice: get a friend shorter than you. Diverts the attention. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
(I'm 5"2' by the way (and if I messed up the marks for foot and inch, what can I say, I'm Canadian). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
It's kind of funny how short people tend to get made fun of... if you pick on someone's who's overweight or something you get in trouble, so everyone turns to short people. In my case, anyway...
My advice: get a friend shorter than you. Diverts the attention. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
(I'm 5"2' by the way (and if I messed up the marks for foot and inch, what can I say, I'm Canadian). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
i agree with emily65roses it used to bother me im 5"2' and im 20 but now i just laugh with them. People call me a midget but u know u just gotta love how cute they are. + they think its funny when im mad bc im so short...like a puppy when u take its bone away


New member
i agree with emily65roses it used to bother me im 5"2' and im 20 but now i just laugh with them. People call me a midget but u know u just gotta love how cute they are. + they think its funny when im mad bc im so short...like a puppy when u take its bone away


New member
Same thing with me im 11 yrs old and im 4 foot 9 and im the 2nd shortest in my grade I used to be mad but I laugh now I dont know why I was always mad though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey Brittany Fischer <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

im 18 and only 5ft im constanly being made fun of because of im small but over the years ive just heard so many things said about my height i have just lernt to ignore it. sometime it is really embarasing though whn ya get asked for id for stupid fings like PETROL!! thats what happenend to me yesturdy!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

there are some good things that come out of aswell though like getting away with a childs fair on the bus and cinema ticket!! hee hee <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
hope thats help you Brittany Fischer <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

helen xx <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Im a guy 5'2". It is really devastating. For guys, its a catastrophy. Imagine dating taller girls and you want to kiss. Besides, you get picked on by other guys, and you never get respect in society.


New member
I'm 26 and 5'1. it stinks that i have to climb stuff to reach things in my own apartment. But other than that i don't mind it. I too just think I'm Petite, I'm small and short...I'm cute.
If your a girl it's okay because guys are used to being taller than girls anyway so it's not much different. Most guys have liked it and it actually opens up the field of guys a little because guys that are a little shorter like 5'5 or 5'6 feel too short for some girls but they are perfect for us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Many guys wont go out with me because im short
Like i asked this really hot kid to go out with me and he goes....."Your to small so sorry but I cant"<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm 5'4", I was always made fun of in school but not in a bullying manner just joking around type of fun, yet I had no trouble with the girls, in fact I think I was kind of envied by alot of people, I remember being asked stuff like "How you can get those girls, and you're rarely single?) LOL Dunno what it was maybe it was the six pack or all the veins popping in my arms that made me look strong or whatever, but I didnt make my height bother me and it was more motivation to always be strong, I beat many bigger guys in arm wrestling maybe that's why I wasn't bullied. It is harder for guys tho, it kinda puts a limit on the girls you can see cause the majority is taller than you, and it does feel awkward (however that's spelt)
But as I got older I realised its advantages also, it's alot easier for a short guy to get buffed from working out cause their limbs are shorter and their muscles are more compact, so that's what I did started lifting weights and now when I go to the beach I may look small at first but when the shirt comes off it makes quite an immpression, it's funny to see girls looking at you thru the corner of their eyes and when you look at them they look away as if they weren't looking, lol