I'm Pregnant!


New member
I haven't posted in a long time, but my husband and I went through Ambry testing in August and we found out he is not a carrier, thank God! We started trying in October, and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm pregnant! I am due September 23rd, 2008. Very excited. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

How was everyone's first trimester? Were you sick, not morning sickness, but lung sick? I am pancriatic sufficient, but I just started getting fevers on Tuesday and I've had them all week. I just finished some antibiotics last week and my lung functions were great, FEV1 was in the 70s, but now I'm getting fevers! I am SO irritated. I don't really have a cough and I am hoping the fevers leave so my lungs dont get flared up.


New member
I haven't posted in a long time, but my husband and I went through Ambry testing in August and we found out he is not a carrier, thank God! We started trying in October, and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm pregnant! I am due September 23rd, 2008. Very excited. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

How was everyone's first trimester? Were you sick, not morning sickness, but lung sick? I am pancriatic sufficient, but I just started getting fevers on Tuesday and I've had them all week. I just finished some antibiotics last week and my lung functions were great, FEV1 was in the 70s, but now I'm getting fevers! I am SO irritated. I don't really have a cough and I am hoping the fevers leave so my lungs dont get flared up.


New member
I haven't posted in a long time, but my husband and I went through Ambry testing in August and we found out he is not a carrier, thank God! We started trying in October, and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm pregnant! I am due September 23rd, 2008. Very excited. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

How was everyone's first trimester? Were you sick, not morning sickness, but lung sick? I am pancriatic sufficient, but I just started getting fevers on Tuesday and I've had them all week. I just finished some antibiotics last week and my lung functions were great, FEV1 was in the 70s, but now I'm getting fevers! I am SO irritated. I don't really have a cough and I am hoping the fevers leave so my lungs dont get flared up.


New member
I haven't posted in a long time, but my husband and I went through Ambry testing in August and we found out he is not a carrier, thank God! We started trying in October, and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm pregnant! I am due September 23rd, 2008. Very excited. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

How was everyone's first trimester? Were you sick, not morning sickness, but lung sick? I am pancriatic sufficient, but I just started getting fevers on Tuesday and I've had them all week. I just finished some antibiotics last week and my lung functions were great, FEV1 was in the 70s, but now I'm getting fevers! I am SO irritated. I don't really have a cough and I am hoping the fevers leave so my lungs dont get flared up.


New member
I haven't posted in a long time, but my husband and I went through Ambry testing in August and we found out he is not a carrier, thank God! We started trying in October, and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm pregnant! I am due September 23rd, 2008. Very excited. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

How was everyone's first trimester? Were you sick, not morning sickness, but lung sick? I am pancriatic sufficient, but I just started getting fevers on Tuesday and I've had them all week. I just finished some antibiotics last week and my lung functions were great, FEV1 was in the 70s, but now I'm getting fevers! I am SO irritated. I don't really have a cough and I am hoping the fevers leave so my lungs dont get flared up.


My lungs were fine til the third trimester. I am also pancreatic sufficient. Are you getting enough rest? The first trimester takes a lot of your energy so you really need to take at least one nap every day. I was working at the time and used to nap in an empty office when everyone was at lunch.


My lungs were fine til the third trimester. I am also pancreatic sufficient. Are you getting enough rest? The first trimester takes a lot of your energy so you really need to take at least one nap every day. I was working at the time and used to nap in an empty office when everyone was at lunch.


My lungs were fine til the third trimester. I am also pancreatic sufficient. Are you getting enough rest? The first trimester takes a lot of your energy so you really need to take at least one nap every day. I was working at the time and used to nap in an empty office when everyone was at lunch.


My lungs were fine til the third trimester. I am also pancreatic sufficient. Are you getting enough rest? The first trimester takes a lot of your energy so you really need to take at least one nap every day. I was working at the time and used to nap in an empty office when everyone was at lunch.


My lungs were fine til the third trimester. I am also pancreatic sufficient. Are you getting enough rest? The first trimester takes a lot of your energy so you really need to take at least one nap every day. I was working at the time and used to nap in an empty office when everyone was at lunch.


New member
congrats<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my entire pregnancy was great. i didn't have any problems except gestational diabetes and that wasn't a big deal. having to keep up the diet was hard so my peri put me on glyburide to control my sugars.

my fev1 declined, but that is expected even in someone who doesn't have cf. i started out at 79% and a month before i had morgan my fev1 was down to 57%. my cough increased just a little but i wasn't any shorter breath.

after i had morgan i kinda went downhill because i stopped doing my treatments and was taking care of her and not me. i was also breastfeeding and that took abunch of energy from me and kept my weight down. i ended up going to the doctor and my fev1 was down to 47% (the lowest its ever been in my life) so needless to say i had a picc put in.

after two weeks on antibiotics my fev1 went back to 79% and i felt better. i just thought i was tired because of being a new mom.

being a mom is so great. i didn't realize how much you can love something!!! i might not have been much help, but if you have any other questions feel free to pm me.


New member
congrats<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my entire pregnancy was great. i didn't have any problems except gestational diabetes and that wasn't a big deal. having to keep up the diet was hard so my peri put me on glyburide to control my sugars.

my fev1 declined, but that is expected even in someone who doesn't have cf. i started out at 79% and a month before i had morgan my fev1 was down to 57%. my cough increased just a little but i wasn't any shorter breath.

after i had morgan i kinda went downhill because i stopped doing my treatments and was taking care of her and not me. i was also breastfeeding and that took abunch of energy from me and kept my weight down. i ended up going to the doctor and my fev1 was down to 47% (the lowest its ever been in my life) so needless to say i had a picc put in.

after two weeks on antibiotics my fev1 went back to 79% and i felt better. i just thought i was tired because of being a new mom.

being a mom is so great. i didn't realize how much you can love something!!! i might not have been much help, but if you have any other questions feel free to pm me.


New member
congrats<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my entire pregnancy was great. i didn't have any problems except gestational diabetes and that wasn't a big deal. having to keep up the diet was hard so my peri put me on glyburide to control my sugars.

my fev1 declined, but that is expected even in someone who doesn't have cf. i started out at 79% and a month before i had morgan my fev1 was down to 57%. my cough increased just a little but i wasn't any shorter breath.

after i had morgan i kinda went downhill because i stopped doing my treatments and was taking care of her and not me. i was also breastfeeding and that took abunch of energy from me and kept my weight down. i ended up going to the doctor and my fev1 was down to 47% (the lowest its ever been in my life) so needless to say i had a picc put in.

after two weeks on antibiotics my fev1 went back to 79% and i felt better. i just thought i was tired because of being a new mom.

being a mom is so great. i didn't realize how much you can love something!!! i might not have been much help, but if you have any other questions feel free to pm me.


New member
congrats<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my entire pregnancy was great. i didn't have any problems except gestational diabetes and that wasn't a big deal. having to keep up the diet was hard so my peri put me on glyburide to control my sugars.

my fev1 declined, but that is expected even in someone who doesn't have cf. i started out at 79% and a month before i had morgan my fev1 was down to 57%. my cough increased just a little but i wasn't any shorter breath.

after i had morgan i kinda went downhill because i stopped doing my treatments and was taking care of her and not me. i was also breastfeeding and that took abunch of energy from me and kept my weight down. i ended up going to the doctor and my fev1 was down to 47% (the lowest its ever been in my life) so needless to say i had a picc put in.

after two weeks on antibiotics my fev1 went back to 79% and i felt better. i just thought i was tired because of being a new mom.

being a mom is so great. i didn't realize how much you can love something!!! i might not have been much help, but if you have any other questions feel free to pm me.


New member
congrats<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my entire pregnancy was great. i didn't have any problems except gestational diabetes and that wasn't a big deal. having to keep up the diet was hard so my peri put me on glyburide to control my sugars.

my fev1 declined, but that is expected even in someone who doesn't have cf. i started out at 79% and a month before i had morgan my fev1 was down to 57%. my cough increased just a little but i wasn't any shorter breath.

after i had morgan i kinda went downhill because i stopped doing my treatments and was taking care of her and not me. i was also breastfeeding and that took abunch of energy from me and kept my weight down. i ended up going to the doctor and my fev1 was down to 47% (the lowest its ever been in my life) so needless to say i had a picc put in.

after two weeks on antibiotics my fev1 went back to 79% and i felt better. i just thought i was tired because of being a new mom.

being a mom is so great. i didn't realize how much you can love something!!! i might not have been much help, but if you have any other questions feel free to pm me.


Congrats!!! Isn't seeing that + test an awesome feeling?? I am just finishing up my first trimester so I guess I can answer your question - I haven't been CF sick at all. I had light nausea from weeks 5-9 but other than that I've been ok. I have asthma and while pregnant my asthma flares something fierce. With my son it was uncontrollable till I was 6-7 months along. I started noticing increased asthma symptoms several weeks ago. So far it isn't as bad as with my son but it definately worse than normal. Some days are worse than others. I'm really hoping it doesn't get really bad again because I'd like to avoid oral steroids if possible (I take ADVAIR and Spiriva to control my asthma).

So if you have asthma the statistics go like this : 1/3 will get better, 1/3 will get worse and 1/3 will stay the same. I am in the 1/3 that get worse. Yesterday my perinatologist asked me if my asthma gets worse during any particular time of year. I said "yea - pregnancy". She laughed.

I'm sorry you're getting fevers - hope it resolves soon.

With my son I did get CF sick twice. I did home IVs once. My hope for this pregnancy is NO SICKNESS. I haven't been on IVs since that time during my pregnancy. And what sucks is that my cultures show I'm only sensitive to 2 antibiotics and one of them (Cipro) is an absolute no no during pregnancy. So I'm left with 1! So far so good... knock on wood.
I am pancreatic sufficient.

Good luck with your pregnancy! Stick around on the pregnancy forum - there are several of us that are currently pregnant.


Congrats!!! Isn't seeing that + test an awesome feeling?? I am just finishing up my first trimester so I guess I can answer your question - I haven't been CF sick at all. I had light nausea from weeks 5-9 but other than that I've been ok. I have asthma and while pregnant my asthma flares something fierce. With my son it was uncontrollable till I was 6-7 months along. I started noticing increased asthma symptoms several weeks ago. So far it isn't as bad as with my son but it definately worse than normal. Some days are worse than others. I'm really hoping it doesn't get really bad again because I'd like to avoid oral steroids if possible (I take ADVAIR and Spiriva to control my asthma).

So if you have asthma the statistics go like this : 1/3 will get better, 1/3 will get worse and 1/3 will stay the same. I am in the 1/3 that get worse. Yesterday my perinatologist asked me if my asthma gets worse during any particular time of year. I said "yea - pregnancy". She laughed.

I'm sorry you're getting fevers - hope it resolves soon.

With my son I did get CF sick twice. I did home IVs once. My hope for this pregnancy is NO SICKNESS. I haven't been on IVs since that time during my pregnancy. And what sucks is that my cultures show I'm only sensitive to 2 antibiotics and one of them (Cipro) is an absolute no no during pregnancy. So I'm left with 1! So far so good... knock on wood.
I am pancreatic sufficient.

Good luck with your pregnancy! Stick around on the pregnancy forum - there are several of us that are currently pregnant.


Congrats!!! Isn't seeing that + test an awesome feeling?? I am just finishing up my first trimester so I guess I can answer your question - I haven't been CF sick at all. I had light nausea from weeks 5-9 but other than that I've been ok. I have asthma and while pregnant my asthma flares something fierce. With my son it was uncontrollable till I was 6-7 months along. I started noticing increased asthma symptoms several weeks ago. So far it isn't as bad as with my son but it definately worse than normal. Some days are worse than others. I'm really hoping it doesn't get really bad again because I'd like to avoid oral steroids if possible (I take ADVAIR and Spiriva to control my asthma).

So if you have asthma the statistics go like this : 1/3 will get better, 1/3 will get worse and 1/3 will stay the same. I am in the 1/3 that get worse. Yesterday my perinatologist asked me if my asthma gets worse during any particular time of year. I said "yea - pregnancy". She laughed.

I'm sorry you're getting fevers - hope it resolves soon.

With my son I did get CF sick twice. I did home IVs once. My hope for this pregnancy is NO SICKNESS. I haven't been on IVs since that time during my pregnancy. And what sucks is that my cultures show I'm only sensitive to 2 antibiotics and one of them (Cipro) is an absolute no no during pregnancy. So I'm left with 1! So far so good... knock on wood.
I am pancreatic sufficient.

Good luck with your pregnancy! Stick around on the pregnancy forum - there are several of us that are currently pregnant.


Congrats!!! Isn't seeing that + test an awesome feeling?? I am just finishing up my first trimester so I guess I can answer your question - I haven't been CF sick at all. I had light nausea from weeks 5-9 but other than that I've been ok. I have asthma and while pregnant my asthma flares something fierce. With my son it was uncontrollable till I was 6-7 months along. I started noticing increased asthma symptoms several weeks ago. So far it isn't as bad as with my son but it definately worse than normal. Some days are worse than others. I'm really hoping it doesn't get really bad again because I'd like to avoid oral steroids if possible (I take ADVAIR and Spiriva to control my asthma).

So if you have asthma the statistics go like this : 1/3 will get better, 1/3 will get worse and 1/3 will stay the same. I am in the 1/3 that get worse. Yesterday my perinatologist asked me if my asthma gets worse during any particular time of year. I said "yea - pregnancy". She laughed.

I'm sorry you're getting fevers - hope it resolves soon.

With my son I did get CF sick twice. I did home IVs once. My hope for this pregnancy is NO SICKNESS. I haven't been on IVs since that time during my pregnancy. And what sucks is that my cultures show I'm only sensitive to 2 antibiotics and one of them (Cipro) is an absolute no no during pregnancy. So I'm left with 1! So far so good... knock on wood.
I am pancreatic sufficient.

Good luck with your pregnancy! Stick around on the pregnancy forum - there are several of us that are currently pregnant.


Congrats!!! Isn't seeing that + test an awesome feeling?? I am just finishing up my first trimester so I guess I can answer your question - I haven't been CF sick at all. I had light nausea from weeks 5-9 but other than that I've been ok. I have asthma and while pregnant my asthma flares something fierce. With my son it was uncontrollable till I was 6-7 months along. I started noticing increased asthma symptoms several weeks ago. So far it isn't as bad as with my son but it definately worse than normal. Some days are worse than others. I'm really hoping it doesn't get really bad again because I'd like to avoid oral steroids if possible (I take ADVAIR and Spiriva to control my asthma).

So if you have asthma the statistics go like this : 1/3 will get better, 1/3 will get worse and 1/3 will stay the same. I am in the 1/3 that get worse. Yesterday my perinatologist asked me if my asthma gets worse during any particular time of year. I said "yea - pregnancy". She laughed.

I'm sorry you're getting fevers - hope it resolves soon.

With my son I did get CF sick twice. I did home IVs once. My hope for this pregnancy is NO SICKNESS. I haven't been on IVs since that time during my pregnancy. And what sucks is that my cultures show I'm only sensitive to 2 antibiotics and one of them (Cipro) is an absolute no no during pregnancy. So I'm left with 1! So far so good... knock on wood.
I am pancreatic sufficient.

Good luck with your pregnancy! Stick around on the pregnancy forum - there are several of us that are currently pregnant.