In need of a pep talk - 38 weeks tomorrow


New member
aw, sorry to hear this, I cant believe you are 38 weeks! Why is it that it always seems so much quicker for someone else?

I slept on the futon with cushions piled my last week or so. I dont think I was as miserable as you sound but of course at the time I felt I was LOL.

I am very proud of you for baking that baby so long!

I guess I would see if someone else could help a bit with Alexa so you can relax a bit more and try to plan soem easy activities with Alexa that you may not be able to for a while and give yoruself something to look forward to. Also, perhaps a bit of mommy pampering is in order to help relax you, a nice massage, a facial, 1/2 spa day??????

take care

hang in there


New member
aw, sorry to hear this, I cant believe you are 38 weeks! Why is it that it always seems so much quicker for someone else?

I slept on the futon with cushions piled my last week or so. I dont think I was as miserable as you sound but of course at the time I felt I was LOL.

I am very proud of you for baking that baby so long!

I guess I would see if someone else could help a bit with Alexa so you can relax a bit more and try to plan soem easy activities with Alexa that you may not be able to for a while and give yoruself something to look forward to. Also, perhaps a bit of mommy pampering is in order to help relax you, a nice massage, a facial, 1/2 spa day??????

take care

hang in there


New member
aw, sorry to hear this, I cant believe you are 38 weeks! Why is it that it always seems so much quicker for someone else?

I slept on the futon with cushions piled my last week or so. I dont think I was as miserable as you sound but of course at the time I felt I was LOL.

I am very proud of you for baking that baby so long!

I guess I would see if someone else could help a bit with Alexa so you can relax a bit more and try to plan soem easy activities with Alexa that you may not be able to for a while and give yoruself something to look forward to. Also, perhaps a bit of mommy pampering is in order to help relax you, a nice massage, a facial, 1/2 spa day??????

take care

hang in there


New member
aw, sorry to hear this, I cant believe you are 38 weeks! Why is it that it always seems so much quicker for someone else?

I slept on the futon with cushions piled my last week or so. I dont think I was as miserable as you sound but of course at the time I felt I was LOL.

I am very proud of you for baking that baby so long!

I guess I would see if someone else could help a bit with Alexa so you can relax a bit more and try to plan soem easy activities with Alexa that you may not be able to for a while and give yoruself something to look forward to. Also, perhaps a bit of mommy pampering is in order to help relax you, a nice massage, a facial, 1/2 spa day??????

take care

hang in there


New member
aw, sorry to hear this, I cant believe you are 38 weeks! Why is it that it always seems so much quicker for someone else?
<br />
<br />I slept on the futon with cushions piled my last week or so. I dont think I was as miserable as you sound but of course at the time I felt I was LOL.
<br />
<br />I am very proud of you for baking that baby so long!
<br />
<br />I guess I would see if someone else could help a bit with Alexa so you can relax a bit more and try to plan soem easy activities with Alexa that you may not be able to for a while and give yoruself something to look forward to. Also, perhaps a bit of mommy pampering is in order to help relax you, a nice massage, a facial, 1/2 spa day??????
<br />
<br />take care
<br />
<br />hang in there


New member
Hi Anne,

Sorry these last weeks are so tough - this is my first pregnancy so I've no insights but thinking of you. I think it's brilliant that you've gotten so far this time - your baby will thank you. Am hoping that I can do nearly as well!

A massage or facial as the others have suggested sound good to me if you can get someone to mind Alexa for you.

All the best for these last days,

Elizab x

<img src=";20711;13/st/20080804/dt/5/k/31c2/preg.png">


New member
Hi Anne,

Sorry these last weeks are so tough - this is my first pregnancy so I've no insights but thinking of you. I think it's brilliant that you've gotten so far this time - your baby will thank you. Am hoping that I can do nearly as well!

A massage or facial as the others have suggested sound good to me if you can get someone to mind Alexa for you.

All the best for these last days,

Elizab x

<img src=";20711;13/st/20080804/dt/5/k/31c2/preg.png">


New member
Hi Anne,

Sorry these last weeks are so tough - this is my first pregnancy so I've no insights but thinking of you. I think it's brilliant that you've gotten so far this time - your baby will thank you. Am hoping that I can do nearly as well!

A massage or facial as the others have suggested sound good to me if you can get someone to mind Alexa for you.

All the best for these last days,

Elizab x

<img src=";20711;13/st/20080804/dt/5/k/31c2/preg.png">


New member
Hi Anne,

Sorry these last weeks are so tough - this is my first pregnancy so I've no insights but thinking of you. I think it's brilliant that you've gotten so far this time - your baby will thank you. Am hoping that I can do nearly as well!

A massage or facial as the others have suggested sound good to me if you can get someone to mind Alexa for you.

All the best for these last days,

Elizab x

<img src=";20711;13/st/20080804/dt/5/k/31c2/preg.png">


New member
Hi Anne,
<br />
<br />Sorry these last weeks are so tough - this is my first pregnancy so I've no insights but thinking of you. I think it's brilliant that you've gotten so far this time - your baby will thank you. Am hoping that I can do nearly as well!
<br />
<br />A massage or facial as the others have suggested sound good to me if you can get someone to mind Alexa for you.
<br />
<br />All the best for these last days,
<br />
<br />Elizab x
<br />
<br /><img src=";20711;13/st/20080804/dt/5/k/31c2/preg.png">