Its open enrollment for our insurance at work. Its the only two weeks of the year that I can change plans. Our out of pocket expenses have been so tough this last year. We only have $15 co-pays for visits, but when you see a doctor practically every week (and some visits my non-CF family members get seen as well) it really adds up!!! Plus our meds co-pays are between $10 - $40 each, guess how much most of the CF meds are?? GRRR.
So here are my questions... do you have a flexible spending account for covering the out of pocket expenses with pre-tax dollars, and if so what is a reasonable amount to put in there?
Secondly, my dd got her vest in March. My insurance started making payments about 2 months ago. From my explanation of benefits it looks like they are paying about $1,200 a month on it. So does that mean that they'll have it paid off in a year? What would happen if I switched insurance companies before they paid it off? When it is paid off, am I in the freee and clear to switch companies, or does the machine belong to the insurance company -- will they take it away from us?? I'm thinking I should stay with the current company at least until its paid off. Anyone have any experience or insight??
So here are my questions... do you have a flexible spending account for covering the out of pocket expenses with pre-tax dollars, and if so what is a reasonable amount to put in there?
Secondly, my dd got her vest in March. My insurance started making payments about 2 months ago. From my explanation of benefits it looks like they are paying about $1,200 a month on it. So does that mean that they'll have it paid off in a year? What would happen if I switched insurance companies before they paid it off? When it is paid off, am I in the freee and clear to switch companies, or does the machine belong to the insurance company -- will they take it away from us?? I'm thinking I should stay with the current company at least until its paid off. Anyone have any experience or insight??