Irrational fears for a CF little girl


New member

My little girl is 5 and in kindergarten. Her name is Maya. She has cf, double delta 508. She has been heathly but does go in for the inspire clinical trial where she has to have IVs and her blood monitored. In the past she has had heart surgery (not cf related), a cat scan, reflux testing, etc.

She is deathly afraid of the wind, going down the drain, monsters under her bed, bees, etc. But she says everything is fine.

I am not sure if it is because of the CF, growing up not thinking the world was safe, as we hold her down to do her bloodwork and she has been through so much... Or because her dad moved in with his girlfriend. Her dad has been with her for over a year and she is not new. Maya's dad and I have been divorced 3 years so that is not new. I am not sure what to do but I am going to take her to a child psychologist.

What do you think?


New member

My little girl is 5 and in kindergarten. Her name is Maya. She has cf, double delta 508. She has been heathly but does go in for the inspire clinical trial where she has to have IVs and her blood monitored. In the past she has had heart surgery (not cf related), a cat scan, reflux testing, etc.

She is deathly afraid of the wind, going down the drain, monsters under her bed, bees, etc. But she says everything is fine.

I am not sure if it is because of the CF, growing up not thinking the world was safe, as we hold her down to do her bloodwork and she has been through so much... Or because her dad moved in with his girlfriend. Her dad has been with her for over a year and she is not new. Maya's dad and I have been divorced 3 years so that is not new. I am not sure what to do but I am going to take her to a child psychologist.

What do you think?


New member

My little girl is 5 and in kindergarten. Her name is Maya. She has cf, double delta 508. She has been heathly but does go in for the inspire clinical trial where she has to have IVs and her blood monitored. In the past she has had heart surgery (not cf related), a cat scan, reflux testing, etc.

She is deathly afraid of the wind, going down the drain, monsters under her bed, bees, etc. But she says everything is fine.

I am not sure if it is because of the CF, growing up not thinking the world was safe, as we hold her down to do her bloodwork and she has been through so much... Or because her dad moved in with his girlfriend. Her dad has been with her for over a year and she is not new. Maya's dad and I have been divorced 3 years so that is not new. I am not sure what to do but I am going to take her to a child psychologist.

What do you think?


New member

maybe you could try Bach Flower Remedies. There is one flower especially against fear.



New member

maybe you could try Bach Flower Remedies. There is one flower especially against fear.



New member

maybe you could try Bach Flower Remedies. There is one flower especially against fear.



I would say a lot of the things u say are typical of a 5 year old. The dark and monsters can be a huge anxiety for a lot of kids, and prehaps once you or someone kidded about her going down the drain when he was in the bath tub and it stuck in her mind. .and as far as bees, smart girl, I'm afraid of them myself. I would not think issues with her dad would casue these responses, but could exhibit in other ways with acting out or just being bratty by playing the two of you against each other. If she was 2, when you were divorced, she really doesn't remember a time when mommy and daddy her happy together, and at 5 just accepts this as normal. You just need to make sure that you and her father are consistent with her and that she is not a part of any games parents can play with eachother.

If she is in the dunufosol trial, she is a very lucky girl and you are a great parent to get her into such a promising study that could add many years to her life.



I would say a lot of the things u say are typical of a 5 year old. The dark and monsters can be a huge anxiety for a lot of kids, and prehaps once you or someone kidded about her going down the drain when he was in the bath tub and it stuck in her mind. .and as far as bees, smart girl, I'm afraid of them myself. I would not think issues with her dad would casue these responses, but could exhibit in other ways with acting out or just being bratty by playing the two of you against each other. If she was 2, when you were divorced, she really doesn't remember a time when mommy and daddy her happy together, and at 5 just accepts this as normal. You just need to make sure that you and her father are consistent with her and that she is not a part of any games parents can play with eachother.

If she is in the dunufosol trial, she is a very lucky girl and you are a great parent to get her into such a promising study that could add many years to her life.



I would say a lot of the things u say are typical of a 5 year old. The dark and monsters can be a huge anxiety for a lot of kids, and prehaps once you or someone kidded about her going down the drain when he was in the bath tub and it stuck in her mind. .and as far as bees, smart girl, I'm afraid of them myself. I would not think issues with her dad would casue these responses, but could exhibit in other ways with acting out or just being bratty by playing the two of you against each other. If she was 2, when you were divorced, she really doesn't remember a time when mommy and daddy her happy together, and at 5 just accepts this as normal. You just need to make sure that you and her father are consistent with her and that she is not a part of any games parents can play with eachother.

If she is in the dunufosol trial, she is a very lucky girl and you are a great parent to get her into such a promising study that could add many years to her life.



New member
I would think MOST of it (cant guarantee all) is a typical age thing. MY daughter who will be 9 with no CF still has some, but nothing like it was for ages 5-7. She hasd night terrors. We stopped so many things in her life that we thought "triggered" it, but it made minimal difference. We got Native American Dream Catchers for her room, crosses, made up rituals, said prayers. Slept with her, didnt sleep with her. Had night light on & didnt have one on. Eventually they just eased away, but it was a very very rough time. She still has night mares, but not terrors where it took me hours to calm her down. Usually now when she has night mares its from anxiety of going to school. She hates school. I also know for my daughter that if she is over tired (even if not noticable) that she has them more frequently...............the mind is a puzzle! Good Luck!


New member
I would think MOST of it (cant guarantee all) is a typical age thing. MY daughter who will be 9 with no CF still has some, but nothing like it was for ages 5-7. She hasd night terrors. We stopped so many things in her life that we thought "triggered" it, but it made minimal difference. We got Native American Dream Catchers for her room, crosses, made up rituals, said prayers. Slept with her, didnt sleep with her. Had night light on & didnt have one on. Eventually they just eased away, but it was a very very rough time. She still has night mares, but not terrors where it took me hours to calm her down. Usually now when she has night mares its from anxiety of going to school. She hates school. I also know for my daughter that if she is over tired (even if not noticable) that she has them more frequently...............the mind is a puzzle! Good Luck!


New member
I would think MOST of it (cant guarantee all) is a typical age thing. MY daughter who will be 9 with no CF still has some, but nothing like it was for ages 5-7. She hasd night terrors. We stopped so many things in her life that we thought "triggered" it, but it made minimal difference. We got Native American Dream Catchers for her room, crosses, made up rituals, said prayers. Slept with her, didnt sleep with her. Had night light on & didnt have one on. Eventually they just eased away, but it was a very very rough time. She still has night mares, but not terrors where it took me hours to calm her down. Usually now when she has night mares its from anxiety of going to school. She hates school. I also know for my daughter that if she is over tired (even if not noticable) that she has them more frequently...............the mind is a puzzle! Good Luck!


I don't have a CF child as old as your daughter, but I do have a 5 year old without CF. I'd say that most of these are pretty typical, though it wouldn't hurt to maybe contact the school psychologist and see what their assessment might be. I know our school psychologist will do some very unobtrusive observations in the classroom, rather than have to cart her off to ANOTHER appointment.

Best of luck!!


I don't have a CF child as old as your daughter, but I do have a 5 year old without CF. I'd say that most of these are pretty typical, though it wouldn't hurt to maybe contact the school psychologist and see what their assessment might be. I know our school psychologist will do some very unobtrusive observations in the classroom, rather than have to cart her off to ANOTHER appointment.

Best of luck!!


I don't have a CF child as old as your daughter, but I do have a 5 year old without CF. I'd say that most of these are pretty typical, though it wouldn't hurt to maybe contact the school psychologist and see what their assessment might be. I know our school psychologist will do some very unobtrusive observations in the classroom, rather than have to cart her off to ANOTHER appointment.

Best of luck!!


New member
I personally think that these fears are more due to your childs age than anything.
I had the monsters under my bed fear, the fear of the dark, fear of bees and ants, and a fear of adult men when I was younger - not really sure about the adult men one lol.

I think it has to do with the unknown moreso than anything. If she is small and has been knocked down by strong wind gusts that may be a reason for the fear of the wind. Also with drains not knowing where stuff goes once it goes down the drain may freak her out.

As she gets older she will start to learn more things and should outgrow some of her fears. I had a fear of monsters being under my bed until I got a day bed with a trundle - THEN I KNEW there was nothing under my bed ... except another bed. I know now that my fear was not of monsters but of scary intruders or burglars -- like someone would wait under my bed to kidnap me or something. Same thing with the dark .. was afraid someone would be in the dark waiting for me or would sneak up on me -- I STILL am afraid of the dark by the way and I am 24. I have a fear of bees as well. For me my fear of bees didn't start until I was stung by one - I am NOT allergic but they freak me out anyway - it isn't a hysterical break down in tears fear just a creepy crawly get me the hell away from that thing fear.

Again not really sure about the adult male fear... that went away when I got into high school and older but I had it all of my childhood for the most part -- and NO I was never abused by anyone.

Take Care,


New member
I personally think that these fears are more due to your childs age than anything.
I had the monsters under my bed fear, the fear of the dark, fear of bees and ants, and a fear of adult men when I was younger - not really sure about the adult men one lol.

I think it has to do with the unknown moreso than anything. If she is small and has been knocked down by strong wind gusts that may be a reason for the fear of the wind. Also with drains not knowing where stuff goes once it goes down the drain may freak her out.

As she gets older she will start to learn more things and should outgrow some of her fears. I had a fear of monsters being under my bed until I got a day bed with a trundle - THEN I KNEW there was nothing under my bed ... except another bed. I know now that my fear was not of monsters but of scary intruders or burglars -- like someone would wait under my bed to kidnap me or something. Same thing with the dark .. was afraid someone would be in the dark waiting for me or would sneak up on me -- I STILL am afraid of the dark by the way and I am 24. I have a fear of bees as well. For me my fear of bees didn't start until I was stung by one - I am NOT allergic but they freak me out anyway - it isn't a hysterical break down in tears fear just a creepy crawly get me the hell away from that thing fear.

Again not really sure about the adult male fear... that went away when I got into high school and older but I had it all of my childhood for the most part -- and NO I was never abused by anyone.

Take Care,


New member
I personally think that these fears are more due to your childs age than anything.
I had the monsters under my bed fear, the fear of the dark, fear of bees and ants, and a fear of adult men when I was younger - not really sure about the adult men one lol.

I think it has to do with the unknown moreso than anything. If she is small and has been knocked down by strong wind gusts that may be a reason for the fear of the wind. Also with drains not knowing where stuff goes once it goes down the drain may freak her out.

As she gets older she will start to learn more things and should outgrow some of her fears. I had a fear of monsters being under my bed until I got a day bed with a trundle - THEN I KNEW there was nothing under my bed ... except another bed. I know now that my fear was not of monsters but of scary intruders or burglars -- like someone would wait under my bed to kidnap me or something. Same thing with the dark .. was afraid someone would be in the dark waiting for me or would sneak up on me -- I STILL am afraid of the dark by the way and I am 24. I have a fear of bees as well. For me my fear of bees didn't start until I was stung by one - I am NOT allergic but they freak me out anyway - it isn't a hysterical break down in tears fear just a creepy crawly get me the hell away from that thing fear.

Again not really sure about the adult male fear... that went away when I got into high school and older but I had it all of my childhood for the most part -- and NO I was never abused by anyone.

Take Care,


New member
The only fear you mentioned that doesn't make any sense to me in the wind. Monsters is pretty typical, I've heard of fears about going down the drain, especially if someone joked about it or another kid said something to her. Lots of people are afraid of bees. But this wind thing I don't get. Do you live in an area prone to tornados? Maybe she thinks that any time the wind comes up it means a tornado is coming.


New member
The only fear you mentioned that doesn't make any sense to me in the wind. Monsters is pretty typical, I've heard of fears about going down the drain, especially if someone joked about it or another kid said something to her. Lots of people are afraid of bees. But this wind thing I don't get. Do you live in an area prone to tornados? Maybe she thinks that any time the wind comes up it means a tornado is coming.