Is this Legal????


New member
Oops I hit the wrong thing.. I just have to ask.. I had the day from H E double hockey sticks.. and I am beginning to feel as if I am really in a real war.. Today at school .. after being in class.. the director of the nursing program... the boss.. the one responsible for my nursing 4 class and everything.. (She has a real bad reputation for being a Bit...h but I didn't listen.. ) anyway she literally dragged my by the arm...... (half the way) to the school nurse today.. and in front of everyone that was in the office.. secretaries.... school nurse and a bunch of other students.. told me.. with a big finger pointed in my face that "SHe is the boss, she doesn't care how things were done in the past and that .. I will give her a doctors note every week stating I am okay to be in school or I will be thrown out period" I started to cry.. thanks to my wonderful steroids.....

I told her that I keep PICC covered up only uncovering it to do treatments... she told me she wants a note stating weekly wether or not I have a PICC in and that I am clear for school.. I told her I don't even go to the doctors weekly she said, "you will do what I say and if you don't like it touch sh** and that is the words she used....... She said... she doesn't care how things were done.... in the past...and she walked out slamming the doors.... This is such a shock to how things were just a few days ago...

After she left the school nurse brought me to her office behind closed doors where I couldn't stop sobbing.. It isn't even so much what she required though if they require that of me, wouldn't they have to require that of everyone... the school nurse said that she was wrong for the way she handeled it but basically told me that She the director was trying to do everything in her power to get me out of the program.. because I am to much of a risk if I get sick..or catch a germ in clinical.... She has already called all the local hospitals where I am going and asked what the policy was on PICC Lines and CF patients... to which they all said as long as I am cleared by doctor it is fine and as long as I keep my PICC COvered I am fine...

BUt the point is I was basically told if I make waves they will find a way to kick me out.. I was pretty much told to do what I am told and even if it is against my rights as a student it would be more trouble than it is worth......My friends have told me to just shut my mouth and take it or I won't graduate....

HELP WHat do i do??> DO i just shut my mouth and get notes each week?? I feel so upset and viloeted.. ..... Keep in mind she is my teacher.. whom I need to get a grade from..some of it is subjective only to her and not right or wrong answers...??

ANd to add insult to my day.. my car broke down on the way home from school......

Any advice would be greatly appreicated,



New member
Oops I hit the wrong thing.. I just have to ask.. I had the day from H E double hockey sticks.. and I am beginning to feel as if I am really in a real war.. Today at school .. after being in class.. the director of the nursing program... the boss.. the one responsible for my nursing 4 class and everything.. (She has a real bad reputation for being a Bit...h but I didn't listen.. ) anyway she literally dragged my by the arm...... (half the way) to the school nurse today.. and in front of everyone that was in the office.. secretaries.... school nurse and a bunch of other students.. told me.. with a big finger pointed in my face that "SHe is the boss, she doesn't care how things were done in the past and that .. I will give her a doctors note every week stating I am okay to be in school or I will be thrown out period" I started to cry.. thanks to my wonderful steroids.....

I told her that I keep PICC covered up only uncovering it to do treatments... she told me she wants a note stating weekly wether or not I have a PICC in and that I am clear for school.. I told her I don't even go to the doctors weekly she said, "you will do what I say and if you don't like it touch sh** and that is the words she used....... She said... she doesn't care how things were done.... in the past...and she walked out slamming the doors.... This is such a shock to how things were just a few days ago...

After she left the school nurse brought me to her office behind closed doors where I couldn't stop sobbing.. It isn't even so much what she required though if they require that of me, wouldn't they have to require that of everyone... the school nurse said that she was wrong for the way she handeled it but basically told me that She the director was trying to do everything in her power to get me out of the program.. because I am to much of a risk if I get sick..or catch a germ in clinical.... She has already called all the local hospitals where I am going and asked what the policy was on PICC Lines and CF patients... to which they all said as long as I am cleared by doctor it is fine and as long as I keep my PICC COvered I am fine...

BUt the point is I was basically told if I make waves they will find a way to kick me out.. I was pretty much told to do what I am told and even if it is against my rights as a student it would be more trouble than it is worth......My friends have told me to just shut my mouth and take it or I won't graduate....

HELP WHat do i do??> DO i just shut my mouth and get notes each week?? I feel so upset and viloeted.. ..... Keep in mind she is my teacher.. whom I need to get a grade from..some of it is subjective only to her and not right or wrong answers...??

ANd to add insult to my day.. my car broke down on the way home from school......

Any advice would be greatly appreicated,



New member
Do you have a disability or discrimination office at your school? I would be seriously tempted to make waves. At this point, with the nursing director against you - you are already screwed. If she is going to be grading you and she wants you out... I would bet that she will *subjectively* find your answers to be seriously lacking.

I'm thinking your nursing director has said enough to get herself fired.


New member
Do you have a disability or discrimination office at your school? I would be seriously tempted to make waves. At this point, with the nursing director against you - you are already screwed. If she is going to be grading you and she wants you out... I would bet that she will *subjectively* find your answers to be seriously lacking.

I'm thinking your nursing director has said enough to get herself fired.


New member
I think that sounds like crap, all of it. I don't know how your school works, but since the director is such a *explitives deleted* your friends might be right. Do what you're told for now, until you graduate. How long until you're done? And... once you've graduated and gotten your degree and they can't touch you anymore, then take action. Collect proof between now and then and go to the media and tell everyone how unfair, illegal, and abusive/oppressive this woman was being. Get her and the school in trouble. Embarass her out the wazoo and sue their pants off if you can. I don't know the exact legalities of it, but there are HUGE confidentiality laws, and she had <b>NO RIGHT</b> to yell in front of all sorts of people in the nurse's office about your health. That is entirely illegal.

I actually really like what miesl said. She's right, if this *^%#%& is your advisor, she's liable to make up some total BS reason for you to get screwed anyway. Tell people about it... get her butt fired, and then pass the program with a non-tyrant.

Either way... whether you "behave" or not, make sure to speak up SOME TIME... whether it be during or after, do <u>NOT</u> take this quietly.


New member
I think that sounds like crap, all of it. I don't know how your school works, but since the director is such a *explitives deleted* your friends might be right. Do what you're told for now, until you graduate. How long until you're done? And... once you've graduated and gotten your degree and they can't touch you anymore, then take action. Collect proof between now and then and go to the media and tell everyone how unfair, illegal, and abusive/oppressive this woman was being. Get her and the school in trouble. Embarass her out the wazoo and sue their pants off if you can. I don't know the exact legalities of it, but there are HUGE confidentiality laws, and she had <b>NO RIGHT</b> to yell in front of all sorts of people in the nurse's office about your health. That is entirely illegal.

I actually really like what miesl said. She's right, if this *^%#%& is your advisor, she's liable to make up some total BS reason for you to get screwed anyway. Tell people about it... get her butt fired, and then pass the program with a non-tyrant.

Either way... whether you "behave" or not, make sure to speak up SOME TIME... whether it be during or after, do <u>NOT</u> take this quietly.


New member

If you want to talk about options I need more information to steer you in the right direction.

You can e-mail me or call ma at (559) 908-9491.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice to hoard them."


New member

If you want to talk about options I need more information to steer you in the right direction.

You can e-mail me or call ma at (559) 908-9491.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice to hoard them."


New member
Sean, you really are funny but sometimes your comments are quite inappropriate for the moment.

Jen, she cannot order or require that of you, technically they can't even require the note that you already turned in saying you were cleared for schoool unless that is written into their school policy. They cannot just make up a rule.

But she certainly cannot require one each week (of course unless the standard of school policy), she is not your guardian. You are a college student, over the age of 18 and paying tuition (in one form or another) to go to school. If she feels that your health might be a concern to other students or patients she needs to set up a board meeting with you involved.

She does NOT discuss your Private health concerns/information in front of ANYONE else unless you have authorized her to do so-she could loose her job for that right there. She does not order you around, command you what to do with your health NOR can she (by law) throw you out of class for not producing a doctors note every week. Again, she could loose her job for that.

And you are protected from being "marked down" for attendance if you are ill and DO CHOOSE (!!!!!!!) to provide a doctors note under the ADA (AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT).

After you compose yourself (and I understand how and why you are upset!) I would recommend you sit and write a letter of what happened today. Turn it into the dean of the college, turn it into the supervisor of the disablity resource center (every accredited universtiy must have one), turn one into and contact your college ombudsman. Start there and come back if you hit a brick wall. The ombudsman should be able to assist you with any retaliation that occurs as a result of you acting upon your rights as a HUMAN BEING. I disagree with you friends, NO don't ever sit there and take it or it will become the story of your life, the norm when things become difficult. I understand the prediciment you are in, but there are ways aroudn it.

I would also HIGHLY recommend carrying around a pocket recorder-seriously. Next time she wants to talk to you like that, record it. Take it to the disability office, take it to the ombudsman, take it to the dean. She won't have a job there for long.


New member
Sean, you really are funny but sometimes your comments are quite inappropriate for the moment.

Jen, she cannot order or require that of you, technically they can't even require the note that you already turned in saying you were cleared for schoool unless that is written into their school policy. They cannot just make up a rule.

But she certainly cannot require one each week (of course unless the standard of school policy), she is not your guardian. You are a college student, over the age of 18 and paying tuition (in one form or another) to go to school. If she feels that your health might be a concern to other students or patients she needs to set up a board meeting with you involved.

She does NOT discuss your Private health concerns/information in front of ANYONE else unless you have authorized her to do so-she could loose her job for that right there. She does not order you around, command you what to do with your health NOR can she (by law) throw you out of class for not producing a doctors note every week. Again, she could loose her job for that.

And you are protected from being "marked down" for attendance if you are ill and DO CHOOSE (!!!!!!!) to provide a doctors note under the ADA (AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT).

After you compose yourself (and I understand how and why you are upset!) I would recommend you sit and write a letter of what happened today. Turn it into the dean of the college, turn it into the supervisor of the disablity resource center (every accredited universtiy must have one), turn one into and contact your college ombudsman. Start there and come back if you hit a brick wall. The ombudsman should be able to assist you with any retaliation that occurs as a result of you acting upon your rights as a HUMAN BEING. I disagree with you friends, NO don't ever sit there and take it or it will become the story of your life, the norm when things become difficult. I understand the prediciment you are in, but there are ways aroudn it.

I would also HIGHLY recommend carrying around a pocket recorder-seriously. Next time she wants to talk to you like that, record it. Take it to the disability office, take it to the ombudsman, take it to the dean. She won't have a job there for long.


New member
You should report this to your cf social worker and local cf foundation chapter - they should be able to give you some advocacy advice on this.

She may be able to make you turn in a note each week, but the way she handled it was unprofessional (and could have caused you harm - does she know where your PICC is? Is that the arm she grabbed?). I can't think of any instance when a director is allowed to lay hands on a student. With all the witnesses, you should submit a complaint on at least the treatment you received from her and hope that she gets disiplined for her attitude and physical contact, if nothing else.



New member
You should report this to your cf social worker and local cf foundation chapter - they should be able to give you some advocacy advice on this.

She may be able to make you turn in a note each week, but the way she handled it was unprofessional (and could have caused you harm - does she know where your PICC is? Is that the arm she grabbed?). I can't think of any instance when a director is allowed to lay hands on a student. With all the witnesses, you should submit a complaint on at least the treatment you received from her and hope that she gets disiplined for her attitude and physical contact, if nothing else.



New member
Julies' suggetions are all excellent.

I would also add that you get a binder and start keeping a journal of what happened. What day and time she commits acts like today. Who were the witnesses. Espically, someone like the school nurse, who makes statements like "she wants you out of here' for example.

Keep in mind that recording something without consent may or may not be admissible as evidence. But a journal of events, with accurate days, times, witnesses regarding inappropriate conduct on the part of the director is a use ful tool if a hearing, or trial should occur.

Additional, you should request that this person, place in writing their request for a Doctors note each week.

Afterall, if its not inappropriate she can put her request in writing, espically if you want a copy of the request for your Doctors so they can follow the order.

And gives a great paper trail for her conduct if you need one later.




New member
Julies' suggetions are all excellent.

I would also add that you get a binder and start keeping a journal of what happened. What day and time she commits acts like today. Who were the witnesses. Espically, someone like the school nurse, who makes statements like "she wants you out of here' for example.

Keep in mind that recording something without consent may or may not be admissible as evidence. But a journal of events, with accurate days, times, witnesses regarding inappropriate conduct on the part of the director is a use ful tool if a hearing, or trial should occur.

Additional, you should request that this person, place in writing their request for a Doctors note each week.

Afterall, if its not inappropriate she can put her request in writing, espically if you want a copy of the request for your Doctors so they can follow the order.

And gives a great paper trail for her conduct if you need one later.




New member
The more I think about this, the more mad I get. Basically, she is demanding a right to your medical files (so to speak) by wanting to know when you are receiving treatment and how that treatment is progressing. She has NO right to know anything about your medical condition that you are not comfortable sharing. She can not have you thrown out by refusing to keep her updated on your medical condition. Julie is right, unless this is already a procedure accepted by the school (which means is it in writing in some legal paper), she can not "tailor" your program eligability!

Fight this one, and show her up on it by doing it professionally. Maybe Sean can conjour up a twister and make a house fall on her.



New member
The more I think about this, the more mad I get. Basically, she is demanding a right to your medical files (so to speak) by wanting to know when you are receiving treatment and how that treatment is progressing. She has NO right to know anything about your medical condition that you are not comfortable sharing. She can not have you thrown out by refusing to keep her updated on your medical condition. Julie is right, unless this is already a procedure accepted by the school (which means is it in writing in some legal paper), she can not "tailor" your program eligability!

Fight this one, and show her up on it by doing it professionally. Maybe Sean can conjour up a twister and make a house fall on her.



New member
<FONT color=#008000 size=4><STRONG>Jennifer,Look into the HIPPA laws.  If nothing else she violated HIPPA by discussing your health issues in front of others.  If I am thinking correctly, HIPPA states that NO ONE can get your medical history, and I would assume that includes your school.  Your medical condition should not matter, or be discussed with anyone in that school.Seana</STRONG></FONT>


New member
<FONT color=#008000 size=4><STRONG>Jennifer,Look into the HIPPA laws.  If nothing else she violated HIPPA by discussing your health issues in front of others.  If I am thinking correctly, HIPPA states that NO ONE can get your medical history, and I would assume that includes your school.  Your medical condition should not matter, or be discussed with anyone in that school.Seana</STRONG></FONT>