Is this Legal????


New member
You are covered by the American with Disabilities Act- a google search will give you tons of information. She should not be able to make that call even if it were legal. If there is any cause for concern about your ability to participate in a program due to CF, the decision should be made by the Special Education Department. I agree with the previous poster- don't try to butter her up, even if you decide to wait before you take action. It will make you feel sad and depressed, and that's another injustice to yourself. If you do decide to file a complaint now, you may actually protect yourself from the revenge that you fear. If your complaint is well documented, she knows that every action she takes will be under close scrutiny. She will have to justify every negative grade/comment/action taken against you. Of course, this is all easier said than done because we are not the ones that actually have to deal with this woman and her wrath. Whatever you do, just do it because you feel like it serves you and your personal justice in the best way possible. Good luck and let us know as this drama unfolds.


New member
You are covered by the American with Disabilities Act- a google search will give you tons of information. She should not be able to make that call even if it were legal. If there is any cause for concern about your ability to participate in a program due to CF, the decision should be made by the Special Education Department. I agree with the previous poster- don't try to butter her up, even if you decide to wait before you take action. It will make you feel sad and depressed, and that's another injustice to yourself. If you do decide to file a complaint now, you may actually protect yourself from the revenge that you fear. If your complaint is well documented, she knows that every action she takes will be under close scrutiny. She will have to justify every negative grade/comment/action taken against you. Of course, this is all easier said than done because we are not the ones that actually have to deal with this woman and her wrath. Whatever you do, just do it because you feel like it serves you and your personal justice in the best way possible. Good luck and let us know as this drama unfolds.


New member
I had clinical today which went really well.. I walked in.. handed my papers and everything was perfectly normal.. Of course this isn't the teacher I had trouble with...she is just a teacher not the director.

Anyway, I decided to take your advice sort of.. I am speaking off the record to the dean of academic affairs.. who I trust a lot. I have helped her in the past with a few other students... and she is not directly involved...

I am waiting for her to call me back now.. they said a few hours... also I am waiting for my social worker Elisa to call me back, she was going to speak to my doctor and get back to me...

I am blessed beyond belief to have the Cf team I have.. I feel overwhelmed that I even have a team of ppl since my Cf is so mild and their are so many ppl who would give their left lung to have good team of CF ppl..

The social worked Elissa actually spoke to me from home last night and told me to call her up till midnight if I needed her... Can you imagine.??? It is down right embarrasing to have such good care...

I will let you know when things progress after I speak to the dean and my social worker.. My doctor may just wait till tomorrow to speak to me since I have a CF clinic appointment anyway..

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.. It is really hard for me to swallow injustice...but like I said I really want to be a nurse... But I feel like I am doing it for us not just me.. I don't know if I am going to do anything now, but for sure without a doubt... after I get my grades from her.... I am going to go to the deans and the President of the school, ( who knows me well) and I am going to make sure she at th e very least is put in her place...I am not going to butter her up... that is for sure... I got a lot of really good advice on here as well as in person... One thing I am working on is to be confident in myself.. and to be a lot less confident it ppl liking or approving of me....I have to stop giving ppl so much power over my life... and with Gods help I will...

I was told today.. and also read the handbook.. they have no access to my medical records what so ever..IT IS ILLLEGAl.. totally....

Anyway.. I don't want to say what school I am going to right now... Just in case...., but I do want to say.. thank you to everyone.....this website gives me more sanity than I can say, I am blessed to have you guys as well as soooooooooo many ppl in person who will help me become the best me I can be...




New member
I had clinical today which went really well.. I walked in.. handed my papers and everything was perfectly normal.. Of course this isn't the teacher I had trouble with...she is just a teacher not the director.

Anyway, I decided to take your advice sort of.. I am speaking off the record to the dean of academic affairs.. who I trust a lot. I have helped her in the past with a few other students... and she is not directly involved...

I am waiting for her to call me back now.. they said a few hours... also I am waiting for my social worker Elisa to call me back, she was going to speak to my doctor and get back to me...

I am blessed beyond belief to have the Cf team I have.. I feel overwhelmed that I even have a team of ppl since my Cf is so mild and their are so many ppl who would give their left lung to have good team of CF ppl..

The social worked Elissa actually spoke to me from home last night and told me to call her up till midnight if I needed her... Can you imagine.??? It is down right embarrasing to have such good care...

I will let you know when things progress after I speak to the dean and my social worker.. My doctor may just wait till tomorrow to speak to me since I have a CF clinic appointment anyway..

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.. It is really hard for me to swallow injustice...but like I said I really want to be a nurse... But I feel like I am doing it for us not just me.. I don't know if I am going to do anything now, but for sure without a doubt... after I get my grades from her.... I am going to go to the deans and the President of the school, ( who knows me well) and I am going to make sure she at th e very least is put in her place...I am not going to butter her up... that is for sure... I got a lot of really good advice on here as well as in person... One thing I am working on is to be confident in myself.. and to be a lot less confident it ppl liking or approving of me....I have to stop giving ppl so much power over my life... and with Gods help I will...

I was told today.. and also read the handbook.. they have no access to my medical records what so ever..IT IS ILLLEGAl.. totally....

Anyway.. I don't want to say what school I am going to right now... Just in case...., but I do want to say.. thank you to everyone.....this website gives me more sanity than I can say, I am blessed to have you guys as well as soooooooooo many ppl in person who will help me become the best me I can be...




New member
Oh Jen, I hope all of this works out for you. I know you'll make a great nurse, don't let one person get you down. *hug*


New member
Oh Jen, I hope all of this works out for you. I know you'll make a great nurse, don't let one person get you down. *hug*


New member
I go to Morristown Memorial Hospital, in Morristown NJ. I Have Dr Stanley Fiel.I just started going there this past Aug.. My CF is mild and has always been managed by local primary..... Dr Fiel and his entire staff are the most wonderful, amazing, loving and caring ppl in the health care profession......They go so far above and beyond the call of duty.. not just my doctor.. but his nurse Paula, and the social worker Elisa who calls just to check on me... actually all of them RT and the nutritionist.. I just got off the phone with their newest staff member who is going to be doing research with Paula.. She was giving me more nursing school advice nurse to nurse kind of thing... She told me that when she went to nursing school, most of her teachers were the same way as this one I have.. She said it is totally wrong but it is old school nursing and the thought belief is "sick" people should NOT be I guess I have my work cut out for me... because this sick girl is going to be a nurse.. She gave me practical advice on how to handel myself from this point forward.. not to butter her up but to be respectful and maintain professionalism. She also told me to speak to the dean of academic affairs "off the record" just in case.. and she said be prepared to show her that you are not quitting... STORY OF MY LIFE.....

Anyway, I as someone soon to be nurse and someone who has been around health care workers for several years CAN NOT BELIEVE how amazing this CF center is.. and how willing they are to be there for me anytime and all the time....All I have to do is make one call.. or one email...




New member
I go to Morristown Memorial Hospital, in Morristown NJ. I Have Dr Stanley Fiel.I just started going there this past Aug.. My CF is mild and has always been managed by local primary..... Dr Fiel and his entire staff are the most wonderful, amazing, loving and caring ppl in the health care profession......They go so far above and beyond the call of duty.. not just my doctor.. but his nurse Paula, and the social worker Elisa who calls just to check on me... actually all of them RT and the nutritionist.. I just got off the phone with their newest staff member who is going to be doing research with Paula.. She was giving me more nursing school advice nurse to nurse kind of thing... She told me that when she went to nursing school, most of her teachers were the same way as this one I have.. She said it is totally wrong but it is old school nursing and the thought belief is "sick" people should NOT be I guess I have my work cut out for me... because this sick girl is going to be a nurse.. She gave me practical advice on how to handel myself from this point forward.. not to butter her up but to be respectful and maintain professionalism. She also told me to speak to the dean of academic affairs "off the record" just in case.. and she said be prepared to show her that you are not quitting... STORY OF MY LIFE.....

Anyway, I as someone soon to be nurse and someone who has been around health care workers for several years CAN NOT BELIEVE how amazing this CF center is.. and how willing they are to be there for me anytime and all the time....All I have to do is make one call.. or one email...

