Is this Legal????


New member
I can understand U not wanting to make waves since U are so close to being finished. However; I dont agree with it. From the sounds of it all U have to do is sneeze the wrong way & she will be looking for a way to get U out so U might as well speak your mind & protect your rights. She has no right to speak about anything with medical issues in front of people without your concent. As to whether she can demand a note weekly would depend on school policy & that should be easy enough to find out. If its not stated then she cant demand it. I also need to say (please dont let the steroids do the listening) that U need to STAND YOUR GROUND. If you break down (which I know willbe very hard) it will fuel her ego & the will to end your schooling. As far as the recording of any further conversations.....if U record the fact that U told her it is being recorded & she continues then she is fully aware of it. The problem falls into play when it is secretly done. Of course we all know that if she knows she is being taped she probably wont be such a bit--! I am so sorry U have to deal with this especially when it came out of the blue. In addition to the HIPPA laws regarding the discussion of your medical status, there has tobe rules/regulartions for colleges (I hope anyway) like other schools in regard to disability. I dont know if you ever filed any paperwork of sorts to have that covered, but if you havent I would do so IMMEDIATELY. I am referring to what the college equivalent of 504 plan is. Please, please, please do not let this sit idle & be too passive. If you dont want to make waves, fine.....but there is a difference between making waves & allowing yourself to be abused!


New member
I can understand U not wanting to make waves since U are so close to being finished. However; I dont agree with it. From the sounds of it all U have to do is sneeze the wrong way & she will be looking for a way to get U out so U might as well speak your mind & protect your rights. She has no right to speak about anything with medical issues in front of people without your concent. As to whether she can demand a note weekly would depend on school policy & that should be easy enough to find out. If its not stated then she cant demand it. I also need to say (please dont let the steroids do the listening) that U need to STAND YOUR GROUND. If you break down (which I know willbe very hard) it will fuel her ego & the will to end your schooling. As far as the recording of any further conversations.....if U record the fact that U told her it is being recorded & she continues then she is fully aware of it. The problem falls into play when it is secretly done. Of course we all know that if she knows she is being taped she probably wont be such a bit--! I am so sorry U have to deal with this especially when it came out of the blue. In addition to the HIPPA laws regarding the discussion of your medical status, there has tobe rules/regulartions for colleges (I hope anyway) like other schools in regard to disability. I dont know if you ever filed any paperwork of sorts to have that covered, but if you havent I would do so IMMEDIATELY. I am referring to what the college equivalent of 504 plan is. Please, please, please do not let this sit idle & be too passive. If you dont want to make waves, fine.....but there is a difference between making waves & allowing yourself to be abused!


New member
I don't know the law myself... but as far as HIPPA not working because she's not a doctor, I don't think that's entirely right. I know when I start each semester (both at NU in Boston and CCSU in CT), I give my teachers letters explaining the CF. The disability office is always VERY clear with me that the information is totally confidential and will NOT be shared unless I choose to disclose it to students myself. So look into that one, Jennifer, because I think she has some responsibility as your teacher knowing your health (you only told her, I presume, because you ran into a problem because of the CF --- infectious stuff, missed classes, excess coughing, whatever) legally that she should not be throwing that information around to others without your permission.


New member
I don't know the law myself... but as far as HIPPA not working because she's not a doctor, I don't think that's entirely right. I know when I start each semester (both at NU in Boston and CCSU in CT), I give my teachers letters explaining the CF. The disability office is always VERY clear with me that the information is totally confidential and will NOT be shared unless I choose to disclose it to students myself. So look into that one, Jennifer, because I think she has some responsibility as your teacher knowing your health (you only told her, I presume, because you ran into a problem because of the CF --- infectious stuff, missed classes, excess coughing, whatever) legally that she should not be throwing that information around to others without your permission.


New member
Jennifer...I am so sorry you're having such a hard time right now. I wish there was something more we could all do...but fight, fight, fight!

Another avenue you could pursue is by filing a claim/complaint through the Department of Education. If the school receives Title IV funding (and most schools do - these are the funds used for student loans/ Pell, Stafford, etc), the receiving schools are required to not discriminate in order to maintain their eligibility to receive/administer these funds. Without these funds, most schools would not be able to operate. Even the threat of filing a complaint might be enough to get the school administrators to get the Dir. of Nursing to back off.

If this is a route you want to pursue, please let me know and I'll get the appropriate forms to you. (You can email me at

Hope things start looking up for you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

37 w/ CF
(sorry - forgot to sign in again)


New member
Jennifer...I am so sorry you're having such a hard time right now. I wish there was something more we could all do...but fight, fight, fight!

Another avenue you could pursue is by filing a claim/complaint through the Department of Education. If the school receives Title IV funding (and most schools do - these are the funds used for student loans/ Pell, Stafford, etc), the receiving schools are required to not discriminate in order to maintain their eligibility to receive/administer these funds. Without these funds, most schools would not be able to operate. Even the threat of filing a complaint might be enough to get the school administrators to get the Dir. of Nursing to back off.

If this is a route you want to pursue, please let me know and I'll get the appropriate forms to you. (You can email me at

Hope things start looking up for you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

37 w/ CF
(sorry - forgot to sign in again)


New member
What she is doing seems completely illegal and immoral, and you must make waves if not just to make this witch's life miserable. She cannot get away with that behavior, and even though you want to cry, you have to stand up for yourself. Everyone's advice is exactly what I would say, but most importantly you have to do it for your own personal integrity.

22 w/ CF and b. cepacia


New member
What she is doing seems completely illegal and immoral, and you must make waves if not just to make this witch's life miserable. She cannot get away with that behavior, and even though you want to cry, you have to stand up for yourself. Everyone's advice is exactly what I would say, but most importantly you have to do it for your own personal integrity.

22 w/ CF and b. cepacia


New member
Hello Jennifer

I never chatted with you but I feel for you and your day that you had. You have received so much great advice. I would write down all that you plan to do keep it on your desk and do not look at it for a day or so. Then decide what you want to do about this crazy woman.

IF you think she will pass you then it is a hard call but if you think she is going to give you a bad grade then do something soon about it and take all the advice that was given.

I am sure there are many students and staff members who do not like her too. She cannot be that mean just to you so if you complain I am sure there were other complaints against her. IF you do complain and she does not pass you then you have all the reason to pursue this even further.

I use to teach part time and one of my students came in and complained that his teacher called him a bad name. I had to be interviewed by a police officer as I was his witness. I did not see anything happen but observed the childs behavior afterwards. He went to his parents and they took it to the principal etc,,,

I wish you the best but I would get even and that would be to TAKE the best care of yourself ever do all your treatments and then some and study really hard and pass with flying colors. If you get mad at her or feel threatened by her, just focus on your goal and in time this will be a fading memory. I would avoid talking with her and always be sweet to her. I hope she apologizes to you but she must live a horrible life and is just a sick person.

Take care of yourself


New member
Hello Jennifer

I never chatted with you but I feel for you and your day that you had. You have received so much great advice. I would write down all that you plan to do keep it on your desk and do not look at it for a day or so. Then decide what you want to do about this crazy woman.

IF you think she will pass you then it is a hard call but if you think she is going to give you a bad grade then do something soon about it and take all the advice that was given.

I am sure there are many students and staff members who do not like her too. She cannot be that mean just to you so if you complain I am sure there were other complaints against her. IF you do complain and she does not pass you then you have all the reason to pursue this even further.

I use to teach part time and one of my students came in and complained that his teacher called him a bad name. I had to be interviewed by a police officer as I was his witness. I did not see anything happen but observed the childs behavior afterwards. He went to his parents and they took it to the principal etc,,,

I wish you the best but I would get even and that would be to TAKE the best care of yourself ever do all your treatments and then some and study really hard and pass with flying colors. If you get mad at her or feel threatened by her, just focus on your goal and in time this will be a fading memory. I would avoid talking with her and always be sweet to her. I hope she apologizes to you but she must live a horrible life and is just a sick person.

Take care of yourself


New member
As a mother of a CFer and as a nursing professor I was so angered at the head of the nursing departments response! If you would like the perspective of nursing faculty feel free to email me. and I hope this does not discourage you from the profession!

Ok I am even more angry now 10 minutes later. Ofcourse patients need to be protected, but that is not a huge deal! I would be so excited to have you in the program. What an awesome and unique perspective for a nurse to have! Yes your clinical instructors should know to make sure the patient population is appropriate for their protection and yours. I wouldn't want to put you in a peds clincal on a repiratory floor with someone with Cepecia! You sound like you are being very responsible. Is transfering schools an option? I know once you get into a program transfering is very difficult.


New member
As a mother of a CFer and as a nursing professor I was so angered at the head of the nursing departments response! If you would like the perspective of nursing faculty feel free to email me. and I hope this does not discourage you from the profession!

Ok I am even more angry now 10 minutes later. Ofcourse patients need to be protected, but that is not a huge deal! I would be so excited to have you in the program. What an awesome and unique perspective for a nurse to have! Yes your clinical instructors should know to make sure the patient population is appropriate for their protection and yours. I wouldn't want to put you in a peds clincal on a repiratory floor with someone with Cepecia! You sound like you are being very responsible. Is transfering schools an option? I know once you get into a program transfering is very difficult.


New member
I have to agree with what everyone else said. Absolutely do not take this laying down. I would NOT let this woman get away with this type or treatment, no matter who she is. She had absolutely no right whatsoever to yell at you in front of others.............In my eyes you NEED to make an issue of this so she will know not to trifle with you anymore. Seems like she knows you are intimidated by her position of power over you, and your grades etc. DO NOT let her get away with this. Be strong and get in touch with whoever it takes to get this woman under control.


New member
I have to agree with what everyone else said. Absolutely do not take this laying down. I would NOT let this woman get away with this type or treatment, no matter who she is. She had absolutely no right whatsoever to yell at you in front of others.............In my eyes you NEED to make an issue of this so she will know not to trifle with you anymore. Seems like she knows you are intimidated by her position of power over you, and your grades etc. DO NOT let her get away with this. Be strong and get in touch with whoever it takes to get this woman under control.


New member
Okay... I get it. It's a different law or rule or something, not under HIPPA (or is it HIPAA?). Hah. Like Lindsey said, though, there's probably a school rule under a different name that still doesn't allow her to do that.

No matter what it's called... it's wrong. So stick it to her. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay... I get it. It's a different law or rule or something, not under HIPPA (or is it HIPAA?). Hah. Like Lindsey said, though, there's probably a school rule under a different name that still doesn't allow her to do that.

No matter what it's called... it's wrong. So stick it to her. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">