I think how you are feeling is very normal. I remember when I was pregnant with Maggie I found out she had CF, it was September. I kept hoping that the answer would be she did not have CF; I felt sooo angry; like we were being punished for some wierd reason. It does get easier as time goes by. Everyonce in a while I'll get hit out of the blue, like a slap in the face that she has CF. Last year; for Mother's day, at her nursery school they had a mother's day tea. It was supposed to be very special; fancy tea cups, cookies, a thank you for being my mom. The children sang this song in front of us about Thank you for all you do for me; like tuck me in , read me a story, etc...I felt taken aback..Full of emotion.. maggie thanking me for being her mom. When all I feel I do to her is treamtent after treatment, pills, sprays, hold down for sputums. Ya know the deal. I felt that anger come back at this Mother's day tea, the unfairness of it all. It suprised me that the anger was still there. But on a day to day basis; it gets easier.