IUI This Month



I want to apply but the process seemed overwhelming. I would love to see your letter. Any help would be appreciated. At the rate I am raising money it would take me 10 years to have enough money. My docs want me to do it now if I want one, they don't recommend waiting any longer. Thanks Julie.


I want to apply but the process seemed overwhelming. I would love to see your letter. Any help would be appreciated. At the rate I am raising money it would take me 10 years to have enough money. My docs want me to do it now if I want one, they don't recommend waiting any longer. Thanks Julie.


I want to apply but the process seemed overwhelming. I would love to see your letter. Any help would be appreciated. At the rate I am raising money it would take me 10 years to have enough money. My docs want me to do it now if I want one, they don't recommend waiting any longer. Thanks Julie.


I want to apply but the process seemed overwhelming. I would love to see your letter. Any help would be appreciated. At the rate I am raising money it would take me 10 years to have enough money. My docs want me to do it now if I want one, they don't recommend waiting any longer. Thanks Julie.


I want to apply but the process seemed overwhelming. I would love to see your letter. Any help would be appreciated. At the rate I am raising money it would take me 10 years to have enough money. My docs want me to do it now if I want one, they don't recommend waiting any longer. Thanks Julie.


Hi Becca,

I have been reading a few of your stories and others on this forum and I really, really feel for you all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> It's such an emotional roller coaster when you so desperately want to get pregant but it just ain't happening. So I do feel your pain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I too have been trying to get pregant for a number of years and I have friends who are starting to have their babies now and it frustrates me like anything to see one friend of mine, whos go off the pill then a week later gets pregant!
So I totally get the anger, frustration, the disapointment every month you go to take a pregnacy test only to find it's negitive! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> And then you ask yourself why oh why can't I just get pregant like everybody else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Currently I'm going through some fertility issues myself like I just had my first appointment with a fertility specialist and now I have a bunch of tests to do like this one where they shoot dye up your tubes or something like that? They say you get a few cramps here and there, but my question to anyone who has been through this before, how painful do the cramps get? Do they feel worse than period pain? Cause I'm kinda freaked out by the whole thing
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Becca, I am so praying for you and I hope you find a way to become pregant or that God creates a miracle in some way in this situation.

Hugs, Sarah


Hi Becca,

I have been reading a few of your stories and others on this forum and I really, really feel for you all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> It's such an emotional roller coaster when you so desperately want to get pregant but it just ain't happening. So I do feel your pain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I too have been trying to get pregant for a number of years and I have friends who are starting to have their babies now and it frustrates me like anything to see one friend of mine, whos go off the pill then a week later gets pregant!
So I totally get the anger, frustration, the disapointment every month you go to take a pregnacy test only to find it's negitive! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> And then you ask yourself why oh why can't I just get pregant like everybody else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Currently I'm going through some fertility issues myself like I just had my first appointment with a fertility specialist and now I have a bunch of tests to do like this one where they shoot dye up your tubes or something like that? They say you get a few cramps here and there, but my question to anyone who has been through this before, how painful do the cramps get? Do they feel worse than period pain? Cause I'm kinda freaked out by the whole thing
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Becca, I am so praying for you and I hope you find a way to become pregant or that God creates a miracle in some way in this situation.

Hugs, Sarah


Hi Becca,

I have been reading a few of your stories and others on this forum and I really, really feel for you all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> It's such an emotional roller coaster when you so desperately want to get pregant but it just ain't happening. So I do feel your pain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I too have been trying to get pregant for a number of years and I have friends who are starting to have their babies now and it frustrates me like anything to see one friend of mine, whos go off the pill then a week later gets pregant!
So I totally get the anger, frustration, the disapointment every month you go to take a pregnacy test only to find it's negitive! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> And then you ask yourself why oh why can't I just get pregant like everybody else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Currently I'm going through some fertility issues myself like I just had my first appointment with a fertility specialist and now I have a bunch of tests to do like this one where they shoot dye up your tubes or something like that? They say you get a few cramps here and there, but my question to anyone who has been through this before, how painful do the cramps get? Do they feel worse than period pain? Cause I'm kinda freaked out by the whole thing
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Becca, I am so praying for you and I hope you find a way to become pregant or that God creates a miracle in some way in this situation.

Hugs, Sarah


Hi Becca,

I have been reading a few of your stories and others on this forum and I really, really feel for you all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> It's such an emotional roller coaster when you so desperately want to get pregant but it just ain't happening. So I do feel your pain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I too have been trying to get pregant for a number of years and I have friends who are starting to have their babies now and it frustrates me like anything to see one friend of mine, whos go off the pill then a week later gets pregant!
So I totally get the anger, frustration, the disapointment every month you go to take a pregnacy test only to find it's negitive! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> And then you ask yourself why oh why can't I just get pregant like everybody else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Currently I'm going through some fertility issues myself like I just had my first appointment with a fertility specialist and now I have a bunch of tests to do like this one where they shoot dye up your tubes or something like that? They say you get a few cramps here and there, but my question to anyone who has been through this before, how painful do the cramps get? Do they feel worse than period pain? Cause I'm kinda freaked out by the whole thing
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Becca, I am so praying for you and I hope you find a way to become pregant or that God creates a miracle in some way in this situation.

Hugs, Sarah


Hi Becca,
<br />
<br />I have been reading a few of your stories and others on this forum and I really, really feel for you all <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> It's such an emotional roller coaster when you so desperately want to get pregant but it just ain't happening. So I do feel your pain <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />I too have been trying to get pregant for a number of years and I have friends who are starting to have their babies now and it frustrates me like anything to see one friend of mine, whos go off the pill then a week later gets pregant!
<br />So I totally get the anger, frustration, the disapointment every month you go to take a pregnacy test only to find it's negitive! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> And then you ask yourself why oh why can't I just get pregant like everybody else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Currently I'm going through some fertility issues myself like I just had my first appointment with a fertility specialist and now I have a bunch of tests to do like this one where they shoot dye up your tubes or something like that? They say you get a few cramps here and there, but my question to anyone who has been through this before, how painful do the cramps get? Do they feel worse than period pain? Cause I'm kinda freaked out by the whole thing
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Becca, I am so praying for you and I hope you find a way to become pregant or that God creates a miracle in some way in this situation.
<br />
<br />Hugs, Sarah



I have had 2 HSG's, that is what you are getting ready to have, one doctor did it and my tubes were all clear, but I decided to change doctors because I didn't like their attitude regarding CF. He basically said I HAD to do PGD to check and make sure my embryos weren't even carriers for CF so he could irradicate it from my babies gene pool. I told him he needed to educate himself before making ignorant suggestions and it shouldn't matter if I CHOOSE to have a baby with CF that is my business. My husband has been tested and isn't a carrier but that moron really thought he could irradicate it from the gene pool. I explained to him the child would be a carrier, all of my embryos would because they would get one of my genes.

The new doc I went to wanted to do the HSG to see for himself, plus he likes to use some kind of oil based dye to help reduce inflammation in the tubes and has seen improvements in pregnancy rates after the test.

I had some very mild cramping with them but nothing that I even needed a tylenol for, however both my docs gave me a valium to take before the procedure and one lortab to take directly after to help with any cramps. Don't be scared, it wasn't a big deal and I would do it again if that is what it took. Nothing compared to some of the things we go through with CF....Good luck and thanks for the well wishes.

I think the reason I get so hurt and frustrated is because years ago when I was very young, I got pregnant and lost the baby at 5 months, I have never been able to fill that emptiness in my heart, and won't until I can hold a child of my own in my arms and feel that love.



I have had 2 HSG's, that is what you are getting ready to have, one doctor did it and my tubes were all clear, but I decided to change doctors because I didn't like their attitude regarding CF. He basically said I HAD to do PGD to check and make sure my embryos weren't even carriers for CF so he could irradicate it from my babies gene pool. I told him he needed to educate himself before making ignorant suggestions and it shouldn't matter if I CHOOSE to have a baby with CF that is my business. My husband has been tested and isn't a carrier but that moron really thought he could irradicate it from the gene pool. I explained to him the child would be a carrier, all of my embryos would because they would get one of my genes.

The new doc I went to wanted to do the HSG to see for himself, plus he likes to use some kind of oil based dye to help reduce inflammation in the tubes and has seen improvements in pregnancy rates after the test.

I had some very mild cramping with them but nothing that I even needed a tylenol for, however both my docs gave me a valium to take before the procedure and one lortab to take directly after to help with any cramps. Don't be scared, it wasn't a big deal and I would do it again if that is what it took. Nothing compared to some of the things we go through with CF....Good luck and thanks for the well wishes.

I think the reason I get so hurt and frustrated is because years ago when I was very young, I got pregnant and lost the baby at 5 months, I have never been able to fill that emptiness in my heart, and won't until I can hold a child of my own in my arms and feel that love.



I have had 2 HSG's, that is what you are getting ready to have, one doctor did it and my tubes were all clear, but I decided to change doctors because I didn't like their attitude regarding CF. He basically said I HAD to do PGD to check and make sure my embryos weren't even carriers for CF so he could irradicate it from my babies gene pool. I told him he needed to educate himself before making ignorant suggestions and it shouldn't matter if I CHOOSE to have a baby with CF that is my business. My husband has been tested and isn't a carrier but that moron really thought he could irradicate it from the gene pool. I explained to him the child would be a carrier, all of my embryos would because they would get one of my genes.

The new doc I went to wanted to do the HSG to see for himself, plus he likes to use some kind of oil based dye to help reduce inflammation in the tubes and has seen improvements in pregnancy rates after the test.

I had some very mild cramping with them but nothing that I even needed a tylenol for, however both my docs gave me a valium to take before the procedure and one lortab to take directly after to help with any cramps. Don't be scared, it wasn't a big deal and I would do it again if that is what it took. Nothing compared to some of the things we go through with CF....Good luck and thanks for the well wishes.

I think the reason I get so hurt and frustrated is because years ago when I was very young, I got pregnant and lost the baby at 5 months, I have never been able to fill that emptiness in my heart, and won't until I can hold a child of my own in my arms and feel that love.



I have had 2 HSG's, that is what you are getting ready to have, one doctor did it and my tubes were all clear, but I decided to change doctors because I didn't like their attitude regarding CF. He basically said I HAD to do PGD to check and make sure my embryos weren't even carriers for CF so he could irradicate it from my babies gene pool. I told him he needed to educate himself before making ignorant suggestions and it shouldn't matter if I CHOOSE to have a baby with CF that is my business. My husband has been tested and isn't a carrier but that moron really thought he could irradicate it from the gene pool. I explained to him the child would be a carrier, all of my embryos would because they would get one of my genes.

The new doc I went to wanted to do the HSG to see for himself, plus he likes to use some kind of oil based dye to help reduce inflammation in the tubes and has seen improvements in pregnancy rates after the test.

I had some very mild cramping with them but nothing that I even needed a tylenol for, however both my docs gave me a valium to take before the procedure and one lortab to take directly after to help with any cramps. Don't be scared, it wasn't a big deal and I would do it again if that is what it took. Nothing compared to some of the things we go through with CF....Good luck and thanks for the well wishes.

I think the reason I get so hurt and frustrated is because years ago when I was very young, I got pregnant and lost the baby at 5 months, I have never been able to fill that emptiness in my heart, and won't until I can hold a child of my own in my arms and feel that love.


<br />
<br />I have had 2 HSG's, that is what you are getting ready to have, one doctor did it and my tubes were all clear, but I decided to change doctors because I didn't like their attitude regarding CF. He basically said I HAD to do PGD to check and make sure my embryos weren't even carriers for CF so he could irradicate it from my babies gene pool. I told him he needed to educate himself before making ignorant suggestions and it shouldn't matter if I CHOOSE to have a baby with CF that is my business. My husband has been tested and isn't a carrier but that moron really thought he could irradicate it from the gene pool. I explained to him the child would be a carrier, all of my embryos would because they would get one of my genes.
<br />
<br />The new doc I went to wanted to do the HSG to see for himself, plus he likes to use some kind of oil based dye to help reduce inflammation in the tubes and has seen improvements in pregnancy rates after the test.
<br />
<br />I had some very mild cramping with them but nothing that I even needed a tylenol for, however both my docs gave me a valium to take before the procedure and one lortab to take directly after to help with any cramps. Don't be scared, it wasn't a big deal and I would do it again if that is what it took. Nothing compared to some of the things we go through with CF....Good luck and thanks for the well wishes.
<br />
<br />I think the reason I get so hurt and frustrated is because years ago when I was very young, I got pregnant and lost the baby at 5 months, I have never been able to fill that emptiness in my heart, and won't until I can hold a child of my own in my arms and feel that love.


New member
I am sorry that doctor was so ignorant! You would think they would know better than make those stupid statements. Makes me furious that someone could be uncaring like that.

I know that desire to hold a baby that is my own to love and raise. It was tempered briefly by my nephew and a couple coworker friends' babies... but now that desire is high again and unrelenting. I have to believe that God has a reason for not giving me the baby right now... It's hard to think that he would want to see me sad and giving my love to my patients only when I have so much to give.

I am here if you want to chat. I am so sorry you had to experience that baby loss.

30 yo cf


New member
I am sorry that doctor was so ignorant! You would think they would know better than make those stupid statements. Makes me furious that someone could be uncaring like that.

I know that desire to hold a baby that is my own to love and raise. It was tempered briefly by my nephew and a couple coworker friends' babies... but now that desire is high again and unrelenting. I have to believe that God has a reason for not giving me the baby right now... It's hard to think that he would want to see me sad and giving my love to my patients only when I have so much to give.

I am here if you want to chat. I am so sorry you had to experience that baby loss.

30 yo cf


New member
I am sorry that doctor was so ignorant! You would think they would know better than make those stupid statements. Makes me furious that someone could be uncaring like that.

I know that desire to hold a baby that is my own to love and raise. It was tempered briefly by my nephew and a couple coworker friends' babies... but now that desire is high again and unrelenting. I have to believe that God has a reason for not giving me the baby right now... It's hard to think that he would want to see me sad and giving my love to my patients only when I have so much to give.

I am here if you want to chat. I am so sorry you had to experience that baby loss.

30 yo cf


New member
I am sorry that doctor was so ignorant! You would think they would know better than make those stupid statements. Makes me furious that someone could be uncaring like that.

I know that desire to hold a baby that is my own to love and raise. It was tempered briefly by my nephew and a couple coworker friends' babies... but now that desire is high again and unrelenting. I have to believe that God has a reason for not giving me the baby right now... It's hard to think that he would want to see me sad and giving my love to my patients only when I have so much to give.

I am here if you want to chat. I am so sorry you had to experience that baby loss.

30 yo cf


New member
<br />I am sorry that doctor was so ignorant! You would think they would know better than make those stupid statements. Makes me furious that someone could be uncaring like that.
<br />
<br />I know that desire to hold a baby that is my own to love and raise. It was tempered briefly by my nephew and a couple coworker friends' babies... but now that desire is high again and unrelenting. I have to believe that God has a reason for not giving me the baby right now... It's hard to think that he would want to see me sad and giving my love to my patients only when I have so much to give.
<br />
<br />I am here if you want to chat. I am so sorry you had to experience that baby loss.
<br />
<br />Jenn
<br />30 yo cf