
I finished IV's about 2 months ago, but I still have a mark on my arm from where the IV went in. Also my arm was a bit swollen, but that has gone now, and my veins became very visable and still are.I practically have a blue upper arm.

Has anyone had this happen to them? Will the mark go away eventually and my veins normal again?

Another thing it that when the IV went it, I started to feel palpitations in my heart. I noticed it when I layed in a certain position, my heart was racing, it was unconfortable. My doctor said it was "normal" that the line was touching the top of my heart. It lasted a few days, but even now I still "notice" my heart, not as strong as before, but I feel it at some time, e.g. when I am nervous. I didn't get this feeling before the IV's.

Anyone recognize this?


I finished IV's about 2 months ago, but I still have a mark on my arm from where the IV went in. Also my arm was a bit swollen, but that has gone now, and my veins became very visable and still are.I practically have a blue upper arm.

Has anyone had this happen to them? Will the mark go away eventually and my veins normal again?

Another thing it that when the IV went it, I started to feel palpitations in my heart. I noticed it when I layed in a certain position, my heart was racing, it was unconfortable. My doctor said it was "normal" that the line was touching the top of my heart. It lasted a few days, but even now I still "notice" my heart, not as strong as before, but I feel it at some time, e.g. when I am nervous. I didn't get this feeling before the IV's.

Anyone recognize this?


I finished IV's about 2 months ago, but I still have a mark on my arm from where the IV went in. Also my arm was a bit swollen, but that has gone now, and my veins became very visable and still are.I practically have a blue upper arm.
<br />
<br />Has anyone had this happen to them? Will the mark go away eventually and my veins normal again?
<br />
<br />Another thing it that when the IV went it, I started to feel palpitations in my heart. I noticed it when I layed in a certain position, my heart was racing, it was unconfortable. My doctor said it was "normal" that the line was touching the top of my heart. It lasted a few days, but even now I still "notice" my heart, not as strong as before, but I feel it at some time, e.g. when I am nervous. I didn't get this feeling before the IV's.
<br />
<br />Anyone recognize this?


Yes all of that is normal. I get heart flutters sometimes when I have a PICC line.

And your scar will eventually fade to a white mark. My last one is still sort of purply-pink. But most of my old ones are now white.


Yes all of that is normal. I get heart flutters sometimes when I have a PICC line.

And your scar will eventually fade to a white mark. My last one is still sort of purply-pink. But most of my old ones are now white.


Yes all of that is normal. I get heart flutters sometimes when I have a PICC line.
<br />
<br />And your scar will eventually fade to a white mark. My last one is still sort of purply-pink. But most of my old ones are now white.


New member
picc lines always left marks on my arms too, it would take 3 or 4 months to go away, but by then I was getting another one...at least till I got my port. I was told the same thing about the heart flutters, so I guess it is "normal" what ever that is with us cf patients.


New member
picc lines always left marks on my arms too, it would take 3 or 4 months to go away, but by then I was getting another one...at least till I got my port. I was told the same thing about the heart flutters, so I guess it is "normal" what ever that is with us cf patients.


New member
picc lines always left marks on my arms too, it would take 3 or 4 months to go away, but by then I was getting another one...at least till I got my port. I was told the same thing about the heart flutters, so I guess it is "normal" what ever that is with us cf patients.


Yea, AIdan has a permanent mark from each one of his PICC lines. He's 6 and now he has 6 marks..


Yea, AIdan has a permanent mark from each one of his PICC lines. He's 6 and now he has 6 marks..


Yea, AIdan has a permanent mark from each one of his PICC lines. He's 6 and now he has 6 marks..


New member
Yeahhh gunelle... i finished my iv treatments 2 weeks ago and now there is this one vein in my arm thats hard and puffed out.. and kind of sore... but its not even near were they the ivs' in at .. hm? im not sure y its still like this...


New member
Yeahhh gunelle... i finished my iv treatments 2 weeks ago and now there is this one vein in my arm thats hard and puffed out.. and kind of sore... but its not even near were they the ivs' in at .. hm? im not sure y its still like this...


New member
Yeahhh gunelle... i finished my iv treatments 2 weeks ago and now there is this one vein in my arm thats hard and puffed out.. and kind of sore... but its not even near were they the ivs' in at .. hm? im not sure y its still like this...


New member
I had a picc in recently and noticed the very same sesnation with my heart fluttering. I was in a follow-up clinic appointment yesterday and I mentioned it to my doc- he said he didn't know what it was! Glad I now know.
I get "keloid" scarring- sometimes, even with a small scar my skin starts to over-heal, knitting extra skin so my scars can grow to 2-3 times their size!


New member
I had a picc in recently and noticed the very same sesnation with my heart fluttering. I was in a follow-up clinic appointment yesterday and I mentioned it to my doc- he said he didn't know what it was! Glad I now know.
I get "keloid" scarring- sometimes, even with a small scar my skin starts to over-heal, knitting extra skin so my scars can grow to 2-3 times their size!


New member
I had a picc in recently and noticed the very same sesnation with my heart fluttering. I was in a follow-up clinic appointment yesterday and I mentioned it to my doc- he said he didn't know what it was! Glad I now know.
<br />I get "keloid" scarring- sometimes, even with a small scar my skin starts to over-heal, knitting extra skin so my scars can grow to 2-3 times their size!


I always get the heart flutters on IV's as well, no matter what I am taking so I now take something occassionally to relax me. I feel I am dealing with all of this mess, I shd not have another issue and feel uncomfortable at the same time. Also my old picc lines are now white dot small scars, what can we do? I wld always place warm compresses over the area for 15mins a day a few times a day, it made the area feel better over time. Try it? Pat-55/CF


I always get the heart flutters on IV's as well, no matter what I am taking so I now take something occassionally to relax me. I feel I am dealing with all of this mess, I shd not have another issue and feel uncomfortable at the same time. Also my old picc lines are now white dot small scars, what can we do? I wld always place warm compresses over the area for 15mins a day a few times a day, it made the area feel better over time. Try it? Pat-55/CF