Have IV antibiotics been able to get rid of your MRSA? We thought we had a good chance to eradicate it b/c we did a comprehensive treatment plan at the first culture. But a year later, it still shows up on just about every gag culture and bronch. He had major sinus problems before MRSA as well. Maybe I should talk to his doctor again. I really talked him out of IVs but if it better in the long run? Do you think there is a problem using IVs so often though? His sinus problems do not seem to get better despite everything we do. Every time I get nervous about the use of IVs though, I think how in Sweden they do them routinely 4x a year and live the longest. Ughh, too many decisions! Thanks for your insight!
Megan, mom to Aidan 4 with CF and Gavin 2 no CF
Megan, mom to Aidan 4 with CF and Gavin 2 no CF