

New member
UGH I am so pissed right now. Out of all the friggin lookin ive done for a job that wont drain me of my energy, I get another retail job. I am so pissed off. I dont know if I should take it or not. The holiday season is coming soon and I dont know if I want to deal with the rush and everything that is to come. No one here understands what I have to look at before taking a job and yes I do have a specific job in my mind. I need a job that wont have me sick within 2 friggin weeks. That I can enjoy and be good at. Anyone else have these kinda things to worry about before taking a job? I dont know where to turn no one else understands and I really did not want another retail job.


New member
UGH I am so pissed right now. Out of all the friggin lookin ive done for a job that wont drain me of my energy, I get another retail job. I am so pissed off. I dont know if I should take it or not. The holiday season is coming soon and I dont know if I want to deal with the rush and everything that is to come. No one here understands what I have to look at before taking a job and yes I do have a specific job in my mind. I need a job that wont have me sick within 2 friggin weeks. That I can enjoy and be good at. Anyone else have these kinda things to worry about before taking a job? I dont know where to turn no one else understands and I really did not want another retail job.


New member
UGH I am so pissed right now. Out of all the friggin lookin ive done for a job that wont drain me of my energy, I get another retail job. I am so pissed off. I dont know if I should take it or not. The holiday season is coming soon and I dont know if I want to deal with the rush and everything that is to come. No one here understands what I have to look at before taking a job and yes I do have a specific job in my mind. I need a job that wont have me sick within 2 friggin weeks. That I can enjoy and be good at. Anyone else have these kinda things to worry about before taking a job? I dont know where to turn no one else understands and I really did not want another retail job.


New member
UGH I am so pissed right now. Out of all the friggin lookin ive done for a job that wont drain me of my energy, I get another retail job. I am so pissed off. I dont know if I should take it or not. The holiday season is coming soon and I dont know if I want to deal with the rush and everything that is to come. No one here understands what I have to look at before taking a job and yes I do have a specific job in my mind. I need a job that wont have me sick within 2 friggin weeks. That I can enjoy and be good at. Anyone else have these kinda things to worry about before taking a job? I dont know where to turn no one else understands and I really did not want another retail job.


New member
UGH I am so pissed right now. Out of all the friggin lookin ive done for a job that wont drain me of my energy, I get another retail job. I am so pissed off. I dont know if I should take it or not. The holiday season is coming soon and I dont know if I want to deal with the rush and everything that is to come. No one here understands what I have to look at before taking a job and yes I do have a specific job in my mind. I need a job that wont have me sick within 2 friggin weeks. That I can enjoy and be good at. Anyone else have these kinda things to worry about before taking a job? I dont know where to turn no one else understands and I really did not want another retail job.


New member
Retail is hard work!

My very first job which was right out of high school was for a local department store. I worked there 23 days (almost straight mind you) before I quit.....

Long, hard hours with tons of difficult customers.

I got them was owned/operated by a jewish guy that insisted on the girls wearing skirts/dresses (as it is in his religious beliefs) so on the last day of work I wore PANTS...

I was told I couldnt & I said what are you going to do FIRE ME LOL!

OK maybe that was immature, but I felt like I got so screwed in those 23 days that I didnt care.

Back to your ?? your age (that makes me sounds old) I didnt think much of what I needed or didnt need regarding my health when it came to jobs. I looked for the $$ & the hours!

If I was doing it ?? that it would be based primarily on my medical needs. The area that I live in is rather limited with employment opportunities to begin with so when you start having to put limits on those you really dont have a lot of choices.

I know this response didnt do a darn thing for ya, but I just wanted you to know that we do understand. Many healthy people are irritated when they cant find a job with enoug $$.....we get irritated that we cant find a job that wont put us in an early grave!



New member
Retail is hard work!

My very first job which was right out of high school was for a local department store. I worked there 23 days (almost straight mind you) before I quit.....

Long, hard hours with tons of difficult customers.

I got them was owned/operated by a jewish guy that insisted on the girls wearing skirts/dresses (as it is in his religious beliefs) so on the last day of work I wore PANTS...

I was told I couldnt & I said what are you going to do FIRE ME LOL!

OK maybe that was immature, but I felt like I got so screwed in those 23 days that I didnt care.

Back to your ?? your age (that makes me sounds old) I didnt think much of what I needed or didnt need regarding my health when it came to jobs. I looked for the $$ & the hours!

If I was doing it ?? that it would be based primarily on my medical needs. The area that I live in is rather limited with employment opportunities to begin with so when you start having to put limits on those you really dont have a lot of choices.

I know this response didnt do a darn thing for ya, but I just wanted you to know that we do understand. Many healthy people are irritated when they cant find a job with enoug $$.....we get irritated that we cant find a job that wont put us in an early grave!



New member
Retail is hard work!

My very first job which was right out of high school was for a local department store. I worked there 23 days (almost straight mind you) before I quit.....

Long, hard hours with tons of difficult customers.

I got them was owned/operated by a jewish guy that insisted on the girls wearing skirts/dresses (as it is in his religious beliefs) so on the last day of work I wore PANTS...

I was told I couldnt & I said what are you going to do FIRE ME LOL!

OK maybe that was immature, but I felt like I got so screwed in those 23 days that I didnt care.

Back to your ?? your age (that makes me sounds old) I didnt think much of what I needed or didnt need regarding my health when it came to jobs. I looked for the $$ & the hours!

If I was doing it ?? that it would be based primarily on my medical needs. The area that I live in is rather limited with employment opportunities to begin with so when you start having to put limits on those you really dont have a lot of choices.

I know this response didnt do a darn thing for ya, but I just wanted you to know that we do understand. Many healthy people are irritated when they cant find a job with enoug $$.....we get irritated that we cant find a job that wont put us in an early grave!



New member
Retail is hard work!

My very first job which was right out of high school was for a local department store. I worked there 23 days (almost straight mind you) before I quit.....

Long, hard hours with tons of difficult customers.

I got them was owned/operated by a jewish guy that insisted on the girls wearing skirts/dresses (as it is in his religious beliefs) so on the last day of work I wore PANTS...

I was told I couldnt & I said what are you going to do FIRE ME LOL!

OK maybe that was immature, but I felt like I got so screwed in those 23 days that I didnt care.

Back to your ?? your age (that makes me sounds old) I didnt think much of what I needed or didnt need regarding my health when it came to jobs. I looked for the $$ & the hours!

If I was doing it ?? that it would be based primarily on my medical needs. The area that I live in is rather limited with employment opportunities to begin with so when you start having to put limits on those you really dont have a lot of choices.

I know this response didnt do a darn thing for ya, but I just wanted you to know that we do understand. Many healthy people are irritated when they cant find a job with enoug $$.....we get irritated that we cant find a job that wont put us in an early grave!



New member
Retail is hard work!
<br />
<br />My very first job which was right out of high school was for a local department store. I worked there 23 days (almost straight mind you) before I quit.....
<br />
<br />
<br />Long, hard hours with tons of difficult customers.
<br />
<br />I got them was owned/operated by a jewish guy that insisted on the girls wearing skirts/dresses (as it is in his religious beliefs) so on the last day of work I wore PANTS...
<br />
<br />I was told I couldnt & I said what are you going to do FIRE ME LOL!
<br />
<br />OK maybe that was immature, but I felt like I got so screwed in those 23 days that I didnt care.
<br />
<br />Back to your ?? your age (that makes me sounds old) I didnt think much of what I needed or didnt need regarding my health when it came to jobs. I looked for the $$ & the hours!
<br />
<br />If I was doing it ?? that it would be based primarily on my medical needs. The area that I live in is rather limited with employment opportunities to begin with so when you start having to put limits on those you really dont have a lot of choices.
<br />
<br />I know this response didnt do a darn thing for ya, but I just wanted you to know that we do understand. Many healthy people are irritated when they cant find a job with enoug $$.....we get irritated that we cant find a job that wont put us in an early grave!
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />HUGS


New member
I looked for a job for a very long time before I found one. First, I went to a prestigious school and got a nifty certificate...and also ended up on 8 different prescription drugs because of all the smog there. Twenty-two months of drug withdrawal followed, during which time I routinely tanked in the interview. I ended up not jobhunting as seriously as I would have liked because trying to get well became such a high priority. I was still married but went to the certificate program PLANNING to get my certificate, get a job, and get divorced. My inability to get a job significantly delayed my divorce and caused it to drag out for a long time. As my money problems got worse, I ended up moving in with relatives for nearly a year. At one time, my ex was pressuring me to "get a job, any job". I told him "Fine. I will go be a hooker. It's a JOB, ANY JOB." That made my point well enough to then be able to say "Look, I need to do this on my own and find a job that works for me. It's not your responsibility anymore to take care of me. Your responsibility is to get my alimony and child-support payments to me on time every month. That's it. The rest of the financial stuff is my problem, not yours." While living with relatives and my job hunt was dragging out, my mother was pressuring me to do things her way. I didn't cave to that either. It was clear to me that I had to have a job that worked for me or I was doomed. It had to be a desk job. I was not well enough to be on my feet all day and I did not want to be dealing with a lot of people like a cashier does. Too much exposure to germs when you deal with people all day like that.

So I finally put my resume in with a big company locally instead of continuing to try to find a job in the field I want, and they called me and said "You resume qualifies you for 3 jobs" and they named them. I told them "Put me down for the two evening shift jobs." Then I went in and tested and they said I still qualified for both jobs and they asked me which one I wanted. I said "I have no idea. I've been a homemaker for 20 years. I don't know what job will be the better fit for me." I don't remember anymore how we decided which job to put me into but it's worked well for me. There aren't too many meetings (meetings usually leave me sick). I get left alone in my cubicle most of the day. I handle very few papers because it's mostly done on the computer. (Papers make me sick too -- I wash my hands after handling papers and sometimes my face too if it's bad enough.)

I do sometimes feel stuck because I'm not making enough money and I don't know a) how to try to find another job and b) how to make sure that another job works for me as well as this one does in terms of the health issues -- and if I get too sick to work and lose my job because of it, it doesn't really matter how much it pays, now does it? I'm really not very good at jobhunting in the first place. Throw in this extra burden of trying to guage how good a fit something is for my health issues, and I feel practically paralyzed. Sigh. So, no, I don't have a perfect solution. But I did find something workable, which feels like a miracle given all the obstacles I was facing.

Good luck with finding a better solution for yourself.


New member
I looked for a job for a very long time before I found one. First, I went to a prestigious school and got a nifty certificate...and also ended up on 8 different prescription drugs because of all the smog there. Twenty-two months of drug withdrawal followed, during which time I routinely tanked in the interview. I ended up not jobhunting as seriously as I would have liked because trying to get well became such a high priority. I was still married but went to the certificate program PLANNING to get my certificate, get a job, and get divorced. My inability to get a job significantly delayed my divorce and caused it to drag out for a long time. As my money problems got worse, I ended up moving in with relatives for nearly a year. At one time, my ex was pressuring me to "get a job, any job". I told him "Fine. I will go be a hooker. It's a JOB, ANY JOB." That made my point well enough to then be able to say "Look, I need to do this on my own and find a job that works for me. It's not your responsibility anymore to take care of me. Your responsibility is to get my alimony and child-support payments to me on time every month. That's it. The rest of the financial stuff is my problem, not yours." While living with relatives and my job hunt was dragging out, my mother was pressuring me to do things her way. I didn't cave to that either. It was clear to me that I had to have a job that worked for me or I was doomed. It had to be a desk job. I was not well enough to be on my feet all day and I did not want to be dealing with a lot of people like a cashier does. Too much exposure to germs when you deal with people all day like that.

So I finally put my resume in with a big company locally instead of continuing to try to find a job in the field I want, and they called me and said "You resume qualifies you for 3 jobs" and they named them. I told them "Put me down for the two evening shift jobs." Then I went in and tested and they said I still qualified for both jobs and they asked me which one I wanted. I said "I have no idea. I've been a homemaker for 20 years. I don't know what job will be the better fit for me." I don't remember anymore how we decided which job to put me into but it's worked well for me. There aren't too many meetings (meetings usually leave me sick). I get left alone in my cubicle most of the day. I handle very few papers because it's mostly done on the computer. (Papers make me sick too -- I wash my hands after handling papers and sometimes my face too if it's bad enough.)

I do sometimes feel stuck because I'm not making enough money and I don't know a) how to try to find another job and b) how to make sure that another job works for me as well as this one does in terms of the health issues -- and if I get too sick to work and lose my job because of it, it doesn't really matter how much it pays, now does it? I'm really not very good at jobhunting in the first place. Throw in this extra burden of trying to guage how good a fit something is for my health issues, and I feel practically paralyzed. Sigh. So, no, I don't have a perfect solution. But I did find something workable, which feels like a miracle given all the obstacles I was facing.

Good luck with finding a better solution for yourself.


New member
I looked for a job for a very long time before I found one. First, I went to a prestigious school and got a nifty certificate...and also ended up on 8 different prescription drugs because of all the smog there. Twenty-two months of drug withdrawal followed, during which time I routinely tanked in the interview. I ended up not jobhunting as seriously as I would have liked because trying to get well became such a high priority. I was still married but went to the certificate program PLANNING to get my certificate, get a job, and get divorced. My inability to get a job significantly delayed my divorce and caused it to drag out for a long time. As my money problems got worse, I ended up moving in with relatives for nearly a year. At one time, my ex was pressuring me to "get a job, any job". I told him "Fine. I will go be a hooker. It's a JOB, ANY JOB." That made my point well enough to then be able to say "Look, I need to do this on my own and find a job that works for me. It's not your responsibility anymore to take care of me. Your responsibility is to get my alimony and child-support payments to me on time every month. That's it. The rest of the financial stuff is my problem, not yours." While living with relatives and my job hunt was dragging out, my mother was pressuring me to do things her way. I didn't cave to that either. It was clear to me that I had to have a job that worked for me or I was doomed. It had to be a desk job. I was not well enough to be on my feet all day and I did not want to be dealing with a lot of people like a cashier does. Too much exposure to germs when you deal with people all day like that.

So I finally put my resume in with a big company locally instead of continuing to try to find a job in the field I want, and they called me and said "You resume qualifies you for 3 jobs" and they named them. I told them "Put me down for the two evening shift jobs." Then I went in and tested and they said I still qualified for both jobs and they asked me which one I wanted. I said "I have no idea. I've been a homemaker for 20 years. I don't know what job will be the better fit for me." I don't remember anymore how we decided which job to put me into but it's worked well for me. There aren't too many meetings (meetings usually leave me sick). I get left alone in my cubicle most of the day. I handle very few papers because it's mostly done on the computer. (Papers make me sick too -- I wash my hands after handling papers and sometimes my face too if it's bad enough.)

I do sometimes feel stuck because I'm not making enough money and I don't know a) how to try to find another job and b) how to make sure that another job works for me as well as this one does in terms of the health issues -- and if I get too sick to work and lose my job because of it, it doesn't really matter how much it pays, now does it? I'm really not very good at jobhunting in the first place. Throw in this extra burden of trying to guage how good a fit something is for my health issues, and I feel practically paralyzed. Sigh. So, no, I don't have a perfect solution. But I did find something workable, which feels like a miracle given all the obstacles I was facing.

Good luck with finding a better solution for yourself.


New member
I looked for a job for a very long time before I found one. First, I went to a prestigious school and got a nifty certificate...and also ended up on 8 different prescription drugs because of all the smog there. Twenty-two months of drug withdrawal followed, during which time I routinely tanked in the interview. I ended up not jobhunting as seriously as I would have liked because trying to get well became such a high priority. I was still married but went to the certificate program PLANNING to get my certificate, get a job, and get divorced. My inability to get a job significantly delayed my divorce and caused it to drag out for a long time. As my money problems got worse, I ended up moving in with relatives for nearly a year. At one time, my ex was pressuring me to "get a job, any job". I told him "Fine. I will go be a hooker. It's a JOB, ANY JOB." That made my point well enough to then be able to say "Look, I need to do this on my own and find a job that works for me. It's not your responsibility anymore to take care of me. Your responsibility is to get my alimony and child-support payments to me on time every month. That's it. The rest of the financial stuff is my problem, not yours." While living with relatives and my job hunt was dragging out, my mother was pressuring me to do things her way. I didn't cave to that either. It was clear to me that I had to have a job that worked for me or I was doomed. It had to be a desk job. I was not well enough to be on my feet all day and I did not want to be dealing with a lot of people like a cashier does. Too much exposure to germs when you deal with people all day like that.

So I finally put my resume in with a big company locally instead of continuing to try to find a job in the field I want, and they called me and said "You resume qualifies you for 3 jobs" and they named them. I told them "Put me down for the two evening shift jobs." Then I went in and tested and they said I still qualified for both jobs and they asked me which one I wanted. I said "I have no idea. I've been a homemaker for 20 years. I don't know what job will be the better fit for me." I don't remember anymore how we decided which job to put me into but it's worked well for me. There aren't too many meetings (meetings usually leave me sick). I get left alone in my cubicle most of the day. I handle very few papers because it's mostly done on the computer. (Papers make me sick too -- I wash my hands after handling papers and sometimes my face too if it's bad enough.)

I do sometimes feel stuck because I'm not making enough money and I don't know a) how to try to find another job and b) how to make sure that another job works for me as well as this one does in terms of the health issues -- and if I get too sick to work and lose my job because of it, it doesn't really matter how much it pays, now does it? I'm really not very good at jobhunting in the first place. Throw in this extra burden of trying to guage how good a fit something is for my health issues, and I feel practically paralyzed. Sigh. So, no, I don't have a perfect solution. But I did find something workable, which feels like a miracle given all the obstacles I was facing.

Good luck with finding a better solution for yourself.


New member
I looked for a job for a very long time before I found one. First, I went to a prestigious school and got a nifty certificate...and also ended up on 8 different prescription drugs because of all the smog there. Twenty-two months of drug withdrawal followed, during which time I routinely tanked in the interview. I ended up not jobhunting as seriously as I would have liked because trying to get well became such a high priority. I was still married but went to the certificate program PLANNING to get my certificate, get a job, and get divorced. My inability to get a job significantly delayed my divorce and caused it to drag out for a long time. As my money problems got worse, I ended up moving in with relatives for nearly a year. At one time, my ex was pressuring me to "get a job, any job". I told him "Fine. I will go be a hooker. It's a JOB, ANY JOB." That made my point well enough to then be able to say "Look, I need to do this on my own and find a job that works for me. It's not your responsibility anymore to take care of me. Your responsibility is to get my alimony and child-support payments to me on time every month. That's it. The rest of the financial stuff is my problem, not yours." While living with relatives and my job hunt was dragging out, my mother was pressuring me to do things her way. I didn't cave to that either. It was clear to me that I had to have a job that worked for me or I was doomed. It had to be a desk job. I was not well enough to be on my feet all day and I did not want to be dealing with a lot of people like a cashier does. Too much exposure to germs when you deal with people all day like that.
<br />
<br />So I finally put my resume in with a big company locally instead of continuing to try to find a job in the field I want, and they called me and said "You resume qualifies you for 3 jobs" and they named them. I told them "Put me down for the two evening shift jobs." Then I went in and tested and they said I still qualified for both jobs and they asked me which one I wanted. I said "I have no idea. I've been a homemaker for 20 years. I don't know what job will be the better fit for me." I don't remember anymore how we decided which job to put me into but it's worked well for me. There aren't too many meetings (meetings usually leave me sick). I get left alone in my cubicle most of the day. I handle very few papers because it's mostly done on the computer. (Papers make me sick too -- I wash my hands after handling papers and sometimes my face too if it's bad enough.)
<br />
<br />I do sometimes feel stuck because I'm not making enough money and I don't know a) how to try to find another job and b) how to make sure that another job works for me as well as this one does in terms of the health issues -- and if I get too sick to work and lose my job because of it, it doesn't really matter how much it pays, now does it? I'm really not very good at jobhunting in the first place. Throw in this extra burden of trying to guage how good a fit something is for my health issues, and I feel practically paralyzed. Sigh. So, no, I don't have a perfect solution. But I did find something workable, which feels like a miracle given all the obstacles I was facing.
<br />
<br />Good luck with finding a better solution for yourself.


New member
I think almost any job (unless from home) you'll be around junk/germs.

Retail would probably be the worst! I hate when sick people go shopping. STAY HOME! It's horrible.

I worked in mental health with kids. It was horrible for getting sick. I was sick all the time. I literally would tote these kids to and from the dr's office when THEY were sick. So of course, I got sick.

I work in an office (part time) and in fact, just today, gave a 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer to everyone who has an office in here (my hubby owns the company so I can do these things...without looking totally insane). And I instructed the employees to USE the sanitizer.

Unless you are really hard up for money, could you hold off on working? Retail has to be the worst for you to be around the general public. Could you go to a temp agency and find an office job? Something that you won't be bombarded with a bunch of people? And then if you do get sick and have to leave, it won't be like you are 'quitting' you could just get a different assignment when you are better?

I hope something opens up for you!! Stay healthy!



New member
I think almost any job (unless from home) you'll be around junk/germs.

Retail would probably be the worst! I hate when sick people go shopping. STAY HOME! It's horrible.

I worked in mental health with kids. It was horrible for getting sick. I was sick all the time. I literally would tote these kids to and from the dr's office when THEY were sick. So of course, I got sick.

I work in an office (part time) and in fact, just today, gave a 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer to everyone who has an office in here (my hubby owns the company so I can do these things...without looking totally insane). And I instructed the employees to USE the sanitizer.

Unless you are really hard up for money, could you hold off on working? Retail has to be the worst for you to be around the general public. Could you go to a temp agency and find an office job? Something that you won't be bombarded with a bunch of people? And then if you do get sick and have to leave, it won't be like you are 'quitting' you could just get a different assignment when you are better?

I hope something opens up for you!! Stay healthy!



New member
I think almost any job (unless from home) you'll be around junk/germs.

Retail would probably be the worst! I hate when sick people go shopping. STAY HOME! It's horrible.

I worked in mental health with kids. It was horrible for getting sick. I was sick all the time. I literally would tote these kids to and from the dr's office when THEY were sick. So of course, I got sick.

I work in an office (part time) and in fact, just today, gave a 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer to everyone who has an office in here (my hubby owns the company so I can do these things...without looking totally insane). And I instructed the employees to USE the sanitizer.

Unless you are really hard up for money, could you hold off on working? Retail has to be the worst for you to be around the general public. Could you go to a temp agency and find an office job? Something that you won't be bombarded with a bunch of people? And then if you do get sick and have to leave, it won't be like you are 'quitting' you could just get a different assignment when you are better?

I hope something opens up for you!! Stay healthy!



New member
I think almost any job (unless from home) you'll be around junk/germs.

Retail would probably be the worst! I hate when sick people go shopping. STAY HOME! It's horrible.

I worked in mental health with kids. It was horrible for getting sick. I was sick all the time. I literally would tote these kids to and from the dr's office when THEY were sick. So of course, I got sick.

I work in an office (part time) and in fact, just today, gave a 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer to everyone who has an office in here (my hubby owns the company so I can do these things...without looking totally insane). And I instructed the employees to USE the sanitizer.

Unless you are really hard up for money, could you hold off on working? Retail has to be the worst for you to be around the general public. Could you go to a temp agency and find an office job? Something that you won't be bombarded with a bunch of people? And then if you do get sick and have to leave, it won't be like you are 'quitting' you could just get a different assignment when you are better?

I hope something opens up for you!! Stay healthy!



New member
I think almost any job (unless from home) you'll be around junk/germs.
<br />
<br />Retail would probably be the worst! I hate when sick people go shopping. STAY HOME! It's horrible.
<br />
<br />I worked in mental health with kids. It was horrible for getting sick. I was sick all the time. I literally would tote these kids to and from the dr's office when THEY were sick. So of course, I got sick.
<br />
<br />I work in an office (part time) and in fact, just today, gave a 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer to everyone who has an office in here (my hubby owns the company so I can do these things...without looking totally insane). And I instructed the employees to USE the sanitizer.
<br />
<br />Unless you are really hard up for money, could you hold off on working? Retail has to be the worst for you to be around the general public. Could you go to a temp agency and find an office job? Something that you won't be bombarded with a bunch of people? And then if you do get sick and have to leave, it won't be like you are 'quitting' you could just get a different assignment when you are better?
<br />
<br />I hope something opens up for you!! Stay healthy!
<br />
<br />Kelli