Judging Hurts


New member
I do not want to be home schooled. In fact, my doctor advised against it. He said I need to go to public school or private because it would do me some good. Plus I have three very close friends who help me through all the problems. I did tell her about what my teacher did but I tried to laugh it off. Mom has a lot on her plate and I don't want her to have to worry about my school life so much. I want to try handling it on my own, you know? But it feels good to know I have other CF teens to talk to.


New member
I am so sorry that u r going through what u r going through! I am a sophomore and I have to agree with u that people just don't care! They just blow it off like its nothing! I remember that I use to have the hardest time in elementary making friends bc they would find out that I had something wrong with me and they would think it was contagious!

I cant say that I have ever been bullied about my CF though! I had a biology class last year and I asked the teacher to do a lesson over it and she was a little nervous to do it bc she didn't want to say anything that would embarrass me or any of that but I was completely fine with! If you r on a 504 or IEP though ur parents could sue her for saying anything about u having CF though! Especially if u have a 504 bc all of it is very confidential! Your teacher must be an idiot though if he or she used u without asking u about it before hand!

I wish I went to ur school though bc I am a very out spoken person and my pet peeve is picking on somebody for something they cant help! I guarantee u I would have already been suspended bc If I would have found out that somebody was saying stuff like that to u I would have gave them a reason to be weak!

You hang in there though and if you need anyone to talk to u can always message me on here! I have a CF friend that Im sure would gladly talk to u also! She recently had a video making fun of her made by 2 girls and the whole school blew up on these 2 girls about it! They even made shirts referencing the Lady Gaga song Born this Way made!


New member
I am so sorry that u r going through what u r going through! I am a sophomore and I have to agree with u that people just don't care! They just blow it off like its nothing! I remember that I use to have the hardest time in elementary making friends bc they would find out that I had something wrong with me and they would think it was contagious!

I cant say that I have ever been bullied about my CF though! I had a biology class last year and I asked the teacher to do a lesson over it and she was a little nervous to do it bc she didn't want to say anything that would embarrass me or any of that but I was completely fine with! If you r on a 504 or IEP though ur parents could sue her for saying anything about u having CF though! Especially if u have a 504 bc all of it is very confidential! Your teacher must be an idiot though if he or she used u without asking u about it before hand!

I wish I went to ur school though bc I am a very out spoken person and my pet peeve is picking on somebody for something they cant help! I guarantee u I would have already been suspended bc If I would have found out that somebody was saying stuff like that to u I would have gave them a reason to be weak!

You hang in there though and if you need anyone to talk to u can always message me on here! I have a CF friend that Im sure would gladly talk to u also! She recently had a video making fun of her made by 2 girls and the whole school blew up on these 2 girls about it! They even made shirts referencing the Lady Gaga song Born this Way made!


New member
I am so sorry that u r going through what u r going through! I am a sophomore and I have to agree with u that people just don't care! They just blow it off like its nothing! I remember that I use to have the hardest time in elementary making friends bc they would find out that I had something wrong with me and they would think it was contagious!
<br />
<br />I cant say that I have ever been bullied about my CF though! I had a biology class last year and I asked the teacher to do a lesson over it and she was a little nervous to do it bc she didn't want to say anything that would embarrass me or any of that but I was completely fine with! If you r on a 504 or IEP though ur parents could sue her for saying anything about u having CF though! Especially if u have a 504 bc all of it is very confidential! Your teacher must be an idiot though if he or she used u without asking u about it before hand!
<br />
<br />I wish I went to ur school though bc I am a very out spoken person and my pet peeve is picking on somebody for something they cant help! I guarantee u I would have already been suspended bc If I would have found out that somebody was saying stuff like that to u I would have gave them a reason to be weak!
<br />
<br />You hang in there though and if you need anyone to talk to u can always message me on here! I have a CF friend that Im sure would gladly talk to u also! She recently had a video making fun of her made by 2 girls and the whole school blew up on these 2 girls about it! They even made shirts referencing the Lady Gaga song Born this Way made!


New member
Yeah, it gets to me sometimes. I know that I could easly do something to my teacher but I do not want to start anything with the school system. My doctor said to ignore it unless it happens again.

But yeah the one thing that bothers me the most is people making fun of me. I mean, I know that there is people out there worse off than me but it's still pretty hard to face. I am the only CF teen in my school so I am not able to talk to anyone face to face about it. All my CF friends live in different states or really far away so I can't really talk to them much. One thing that is pretty hard is going to the bathroom. All the CF problems are in my digestive system so that is the one thing that affects me mostly. I can't go to the bathroom at school because girls come in and laugh and wait for me to come out. I have to usually wait till I get home to use the bathroom because that is the only place I have privacy.

I think the worse thing is having the 'barrel belly' that CF people have. Sometimes my parents can't pay for my enzymes and my stomach bloats. It gets so bad that I even look pregnant! People at school still don't believe that I have never been pregnant. Has this ever happened to any of you girls?


New member
Yeah, it gets to me sometimes. I know that I could easly do something to my teacher but I do not want to start anything with the school system. My doctor said to ignore it unless it happens again.

But yeah the one thing that bothers me the most is people making fun of me. I mean, I know that there is people out there worse off than me but it's still pretty hard to face. I am the only CF teen in my school so I am not able to talk to anyone face to face about it. All my CF friends live in different states or really far away so I can't really talk to them much. One thing that is pretty hard is going to the bathroom. All the CF problems are in my digestive system so that is the one thing that affects me mostly. I can't go to the bathroom at school because girls come in and laugh and wait for me to come out. I have to usually wait till I get home to use the bathroom because that is the only place I have privacy.

I think the worse thing is having the 'barrel belly' that CF people have. Sometimes my parents can't pay for my enzymes and my stomach bloats. It gets so bad that I even look pregnant! People at school still don't believe that I have never been pregnant. Has this ever happened to any of you girls?


New member
Yeah, it gets to me sometimes. I know that I could easly do something to my teacher but I do not want to start anything with the school system. My doctor said to ignore it unless it happens again.
<br />
<br />But yeah the one thing that bothers me the most is people making fun of me. I mean, I know that there is people out there worse off than me but it's still pretty hard to face. I am the only CF teen in my school so I am not able to talk to anyone face to face about it. All my CF friends live in different states or really far away so I can't really talk to them much. One thing that is pretty hard is going to the bathroom. All the CF problems are in my digestive system so that is the one thing that affects me mostly. I can't go to the bathroom at school because girls come in and laugh and wait for me to come out. I have to usually wait till I get home to use the bathroom because that is the only place I have privacy.
<br />
<br />I think the worse thing is having the 'barrel belly' that CF people have. Sometimes my parents can't pay for my enzymes and my stomach bloats. It gets so bad that I even look pregnant! People at school still don't believe that I have never been pregnant. Has this ever happened to any of you girls?


Just wanted to repost this here since everyone seems to be focusing on this thread:

I suggest you take a look at this:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
The project is mainly focused on gay youth, but the overall message really affects everyone; it gets better. Even if it doesn't get better during high school, people do become more accepting as they get older. Just don't give up hope.


Just wanted to repost this here since everyone seems to be focusing on this thread:

I suggest you take a look at this:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
The project is mainly focused on gay youth, but the overall message really affects everyone; it gets better. Even if it doesn't get better during high school, people do become more accepting as they get older. Just don't give up hope.


Just wanted to repost this here since everyone seems to be focusing on this thread:
<br />
<br />I suggest you take a look at this:
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
</a><br />
<br />The project is mainly focused on gay youth, but the overall message really affects everyone; it gets better. Even if it doesn't get better during high school, people do become more accepting as they get older. Just don't give up hope.


New member
Ok sorry I haven't been able to reply! I have been very very busy lately!

I think that is really ridiculous that the girls at your school make fun of u for going to the bathroom!! That has got to be like the most immaturest thing I have ever heard and they should really get a life!! But I totally understand the bear belly thing cause I have it also! I don't have the digestive problems nor do I use enzymes really but I do have the bear belly and it is really uncomfortable! I feel like im fat but im really not and it gets hard to find shirts to fit me sometimes because a lot of things that I like are that "slim fit" and I just don't feel comfortable wearing it bc of my stomach! Plus I don't like things that r real clingy!

I think one of the things that affects me the most is that my hormones r sooooooo screwed up and the doc says its all bc of my CF! I use to have like terrible acne on my fast and it has gotten better over the years thanks to birth control but I still feel like its kinda bad. And I get so frustrated cause I hate it and I have had it for a really long time and I feel like im frowned upon bc of it. Now I am even developing just a little bit of Cystic Acne. It also makes me feel like unclean and I am like a germ and clean fob.


New member
Ok sorry I haven't been able to reply! I have been very very busy lately!

I think that is really ridiculous that the girls at your school make fun of u for going to the bathroom!! That has got to be like the most immaturest thing I have ever heard and they should really get a life!! But I totally understand the bear belly thing cause I have it also! I don't have the digestive problems nor do I use enzymes really but I do have the bear belly and it is really uncomfortable! I feel like im fat but im really not and it gets hard to find shirts to fit me sometimes because a lot of things that I like are that "slim fit" and I just don't feel comfortable wearing it bc of my stomach! Plus I don't like things that r real clingy!

I think one of the things that affects me the most is that my hormones r sooooooo screwed up and the doc says its all bc of my CF! I use to have like terrible acne on my fast and it has gotten better over the years thanks to birth control but I still feel like its kinda bad. And I get so frustrated cause I hate it and I have had it for a really long time and I feel like im frowned upon bc of it. Now I am even developing just a little bit of Cystic Acne. It also makes me feel like unclean and I am like a germ and clean fob.


New member
Ok sorry I haven't been able to reply! I have been very very busy lately!
<br />
<br />I think that is really ridiculous that the girls at your school make fun of u for going to the bathroom!! That has got to be like the most immaturest thing I have ever heard and they should really get a life!! But I totally understand the bear belly thing cause I have it also! I don't have the digestive problems nor do I use enzymes really but I do have the bear belly and it is really uncomfortable! I feel like im fat but im really not and it gets hard to find shirts to fit me sometimes because a lot of things that I like are that "slim fit" and I just don't feel comfortable wearing it bc of my stomach! Plus I don't like things that r real clingy!
<br />
<br />I think one of the things that affects me the most is that my hormones r sooooooo screwed up and the doc says its all bc of my CF! I use to have like terrible acne on my fast and it has gotten better over the years thanks to birth control but I still feel like its kinda bad. And I get so frustrated cause I hate it and I have had it for a really long time and I feel like im frowned upon bc of it. Now I am even developing just a little bit of Cystic Acne. It also makes me feel like unclean and I am like a germ and clean fob.


New member
Yeah, I can relate to you about the shirts. All the shirts that I own are for those of a athletic body. Usually I try wearing a jacket no matter the weather because jackets hide my stomach. I might have to get a G-Tube and I know that it pokes out a lot. I don't really like baggy shirts because other girls call me lesbo because the gay people here wear really baggy stuff.


New member
Yeah, I can relate to you about the shirts. All the shirts that I own are for those of a athletic body. Usually I try wearing a jacket no matter the weather because jackets hide my stomach. I might have to get a G-Tube and I know that it pokes out a lot. I don't really like baggy shirts because other girls call me lesbo because the gay people here wear really baggy stuff.


New member
Yeah, I can relate to you about the shirts. All the shirts that I own are for those of a athletic body. Usually I try wearing a jacket no matter the weather because jackets hide my stomach. I might have to get a G-Tube and I know that it pokes out a lot. I don't really like baggy shirts because other girls call me lesbo because the gay people here wear really baggy stuff.


New member
Well I can say that I don't own a pair of baggy jeans!! I hate baggy jeans! I am a skinny jean girl! lol but If thats the cause about the shirts though then I must be gay cause i have a lot of those athletic shirts! partly because i play volleyball and use to play basketball and u get a lot of shirts when u play sports! plus the r comfy!