

New member
I know this is a REALLY old thread but I saw it bumped today so I went out and bought some 'Green Machine' juice to try. It's really good and has a ton of good nutrients in it, I'll have to try some more before I comment about it's results though. Still, for someone that is anemic... 30% of your RDA of iron in 1 tasty bottle of juice is nuts! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hi mb101,i am absulutely de lighted u have found juiceing so good .it breakes my heart so few are willing 2 try such a wonder full way of getting such simple nutricious foods into theirsystems.my son brought back the juiceidea from australia to ireland when he came back to live here in ireland. now i can pop an apple , a pear an orrange or an apple and carrott into the juicer hy presto i ccan swallow any of those items in seconds flat.though i have full health i enjoy juiceing and i would love to see people with c. f. experiment with juiceing. just imagine u juice an apple you can swallow the all importent juice there is no dairy part to cause flem and the nutrient is working for u immediately.good luck mb 101 please keep the in formation flowing.docters may not be into juicing but an apple a day does keep the doctor away. i would love to see all cf people do a little juiceing and if possible get theire hands on jasons vales book , slim for life. also find someone who is into juicing,who might give a demo.god bless all cf people.joe duffy of rte ireland has been championing your cause in ireland too and i thank goodness for people like him. thank u joe.sonny101 ireland.


New member
hi mb101,i am absulutely de lighted u have found juiceing so good .it breakes my heart so few are willing 2 try such a wonder full way of getting such simple nutricious foods into theirsystems.my son brought back the juiceidea from australia to ireland when he came back to live here in ireland. now i can pop an apple , a pear an orrange or an apple and carrott into the juicer hy presto i ccan swallow any of those items in seconds flat.though i have full health i enjoy juiceing and i would love to see people with c. f. experiment with juiceing. just imagine u juice an apple you can swallow the all importent juice there is no dairy part to cause flem and the nutrient is working for u immediately.good luck mb 101 please keep the in formation flowing.docters may not be into juicing but an apple a day does keep the doctor away. i would love to see all cf people do a little juiceing and if possible get theire hands on jasons vales book , slim for life. also find someone who is into juicing,who might give a demo.god bless all cf people.joe duffy of rte ireland has been championing your cause in ireland too and i thank goodness for people like him. thank u joe.sonny101 ireland.


New member
hi mb101,i am absulutely de lighted u have found juiceing so good .it breakes my heart so few are willing 2 try such a wonder full way of getting such simple nutricious foods into theirsystems.my son brought back the juiceidea from australia to ireland when he came back to live here in ireland. now i can pop an apple , a pear an orrange or an apple and carrott into the juicer hy presto i ccan swallow any of those items in seconds flat.though i have full health i enjoy juiceing and i would love to see people with c. f. experiment with juiceing. just imagine u juice an apple you can swallow the all importent juice there is no dairy part to cause flem and the nutrient is working for u immediately.good luck mb 101 please keep the in formation flowing.docters may not be into juicing but an apple a day does keep the doctor away. i would love to see all cf people do a little juiceing and if possible get theire hands on jasons vales book , slim for life. also find someone who is into juicing,who might give a demo.god bless all cf people.joe duffy of rte ireland has been championing your cause in ireland too and i thank goodness for people like him. thank u joe.sonny101 ireland.


New member
hi mb101,i am absulutely de lighted u have found juiceing so good .it breakes my heart so few are willing 2 try such a wonder full way of getting such simple nutricious foods into theirsystems.my son brought back the juiceidea from australia to ireland when he came back to live here in ireland. now i can pop an apple , a pear an orrange or an apple and carrott into the juicer hy presto i ccan swallow any of those items in seconds flat.though i have full health i enjoy juiceing and i would love to see people with c. f. experiment with juiceing. just imagine u juice an apple you can swallow the all importent juice there is no dairy part to cause flem and the nutrient is working for u immediately.good luck mb 101 please keep the in formation flowing.docters may not be into juicing but an apple a day does keep the doctor away. i would love to see all cf people do a little juiceing and if possible get theire hands on jasons vales book , slim for life. also find someone who is into juicing,who might give a demo.god bless all cf people.joe duffy of rte ireland has been championing your cause in ireland too and i thank goodness for people like him. thank u joe.sonny101 ireland.


New member
hi mb101,i am absulutely de lighted u have found juiceing so good .it breakes my heart so few are willing 2 try such a wonder full way of getting such simple nutricious foods into theirsystems.my son brought back the juiceidea from australia to ireland when he came back to live here in ireland. now i can pop an apple , a pear an orrange or an apple and carrott into the juicer hy presto i ccan swallow any of those items in seconds flat.though i have full health i enjoy juiceing and i would love to see people with c. f. experiment with juiceing. just imagine u juice an apple you can swallow the all importent juice there is no dairy part to cause flem and the nutrient is working for u immediately.good luck mb 101 please keep the in formation flowing.docters may not be into juicing but an apple a day does keep the doctor away. i would love to see all cf people do a little juiceing and if possible get theire hands on jasons vales book , slim for life. also find someone who is into juicing,who might give a demo.god bless all cf people.joe duffy of rte ireland has been championing your cause in ireland too and i thank goodness for people like him. thank u joe.sonny101 ireland.


New member
I use a green drink supplement... it's called Vega. It was designed by a vegan triathelete (professional). He has a book out too, called the Thrive diet. I have found it extremely helpful in my attempts to give my son, with CF, the most bioavailable foods possible. It's also great for anyone trying to avoid dairy, vegetarians, and of course, vegans. And even if you are none of those, I believe you will find the information extremely relevant. I mix the the Vega product with any kind of juice (including coconut water on hot days when I am trying to boost his electrolytes), or I even add it to his yoghurt. He loves it. I give it to him in little glasses, and we "cheers" and drink to our health. It's been a great product for me as well.

I hope to start juicing soon as well... just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what juicer to buy. They are a worthwhile investment, but I want to get the one that works the best, and isn't impossible to clean up without canceling the rest of your obligations for the day!

I would just like to say, I have seen some amazing results in my son's health by concentrating first and foremost on his diet. The dieticians look at me like I'm a weirdo most of the time, and then they say how pleased they are that he is doing so well (in three months jumped from the 10-25% in weight, to the 50%). But they don't even ask what I'm doing... they just assume the drugs are working. He has only been on antibiotics once this winter (and that's only because he stayed with his father...we are separated... and his father doesn't adhere to his nutritional needs with due diligence... or his sleep needs).

I wish the best of luck to all.


New member
I use a green drink supplement... it's called Vega. It was designed by a vegan triathelete (professional). He has a book out too, called the Thrive diet. I have found it extremely helpful in my attempts to give my son, with CF, the most bioavailable foods possible. It's also great for anyone trying to avoid dairy, vegetarians, and of course, vegans. And even if you are none of those, I believe you will find the information extremely relevant. I mix the the Vega product with any kind of juice (including coconut water on hot days when I am trying to boost his electrolytes), or I even add it to his yoghurt. He loves it. I give it to him in little glasses, and we "cheers" and drink to our health. It's been a great product for me as well.

I hope to start juicing soon as well... just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what juicer to buy. They are a worthwhile investment, but I want to get the one that works the best, and isn't impossible to clean up without canceling the rest of your obligations for the day!

I would just like to say, I have seen some amazing results in my son's health by concentrating first and foremost on his diet. The dieticians look at me like I'm a weirdo most of the time, and then they say how pleased they are that he is doing so well (in three months jumped from the 10-25% in weight, to the 50%). But they don't even ask what I'm doing... they just assume the drugs are working. He has only been on antibiotics once this winter (and that's only because he stayed with his father...we are separated... and his father doesn't adhere to his nutritional needs with due diligence... or his sleep needs).

I wish the best of luck to all.


New member
I use a green drink supplement... it's called Vega. It was designed by a vegan triathelete (professional). He has a book out too, called the Thrive diet. I have found it extremely helpful in my attempts to give my son, with CF, the most bioavailable foods possible. It's also great for anyone trying to avoid dairy, vegetarians, and of course, vegans. And even if you are none of those, I believe you will find the information extremely relevant. I mix the the Vega product with any kind of juice (including coconut water on hot days when I am trying to boost his electrolytes), or I even add it to his yoghurt. He loves it. I give it to him in little glasses, and we "cheers" and drink to our health. It's been a great product for me as well.

I hope to start juicing soon as well... just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what juicer to buy. They are a worthwhile investment, but I want to get the one that works the best, and isn't impossible to clean up without canceling the rest of your obligations for the day!

I would just like to say, I have seen some amazing results in my son's health by concentrating first and foremost on his diet. The dieticians look at me like I'm a weirdo most of the time, and then they say how pleased they are that he is doing so well (in three months jumped from the 10-25% in weight, to the 50%). But they don't even ask what I'm doing... they just assume the drugs are working. He has only been on antibiotics once this winter (and that's only because he stayed with his father...we are separated... and his father doesn't adhere to his nutritional needs with due diligence... or his sleep needs).

I wish the best of luck to all.


New member
I use a green drink supplement... it's called Vega. It was designed by a vegan triathelete (professional). He has a book out too, called the Thrive diet. I have found it extremely helpful in my attempts to give my son, with CF, the most bioavailable foods possible. It's also great for anyone trying to avoid dairy, vegetarians, and of course, vegans. And even if you are none of those, I believe you will find the information extremely relevant. I mix the the Vega product with any kind of juice (including coconut water on hot days when I am trying to boost his electrolytes), or I even add it to his yoghurt. He loves it. I give it to him in little glasses, and we "cheers" and drink to our health. It's been a great product for me as well.

I hope to start juicing soon as well... just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what juicer to buy. They are a worthwhile investment, but I want to get the one that works the best, and isn't impossible to clean up without canceling the rest of your obligations for the day!

I would just like to say, I have seen some amazing results in my son's health by concentrating first and foremost on his diet. The dieticians look at me like I'm a weirdo most of the time, and then they say how pleased they are that he is doing so well (in three months jumped from the 10-25% in weight, to the 50%). But they don't even ask what I'm doing... they just assume the drugs are working. He has only been on antibiotics once this winter (and that's only because he stayed with his father...we are separated... and his father doesn't adhere to his nutritional needs with due diligence... or his sleep needs).

I wish the best of luck to all.


New member
I use a green drink supplement... it's called Vega. It was designed by a vegan triathelete (professional). He has a book out too, called the Thrive diet. I have found it extremely helpful in my attempts to give my son, with CF, the most bioavailable foods possible. It's also great for anyone trying to avoid dairy, vegetarians, and of course, vegans. And even if you are none of those, I believe you will find the information extremely relevant. I mix the the Vega product with any kind of juice (including coconut water on hot days when I am trying to boost his electrolytes), or I even add it to his yoghurt. He loves it. I give it to him in little glasses, and we "cheers" and drink to our health. It's been a great product for me as well.

I hope to start juicing soon as well... just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what juicer to buy. They are a worthwhile investment, but I want to get the one that works the best, and isn't impossible to clean up without canceling the rest of your obligations for the day!

I would just like to say, I have seen some amazing results in my son's health by concentrating first and foremost on his diet. The dieticians look at me like I'm a weirdo most of the time, and then they say how pleased they are that he is doing so well (in three months jumped from the 10-25% in weight, to the 50%). But they don't even ask what I'm doing... they just assume the drugs are working. He has only been on antibiotics once this winter (and that's only because he stayed with his father...we are separated... and his father doesn't adhere to his nutritional needs with due diligence... or his sleep needs).

I wish the best of luck to all.


New member
Hey everyone! I haven't been on for a while now, but thanks for backing me up with this juice thing. I knew I wasn't nuts, lol. I had a pretty good routine and habits set for quite a while, ( included drinking 2 different teas, staying off dairy, weight lifting and of course only drinking "non-polluted", as i would call them) up until around the end of November. I'm really not too good at staying on routines. I stuck with this one for quite a while and I'm definately going to do it again. Doing all of this stuff boosted my weight so much, I've never weighed that much in my life. I'm in the hospital right now, just got here today. Its my fault for letting myself slip.

I have a Juice Jr. I think. Its not very good as it leaves tons of juice inside huge pieces of pulp. I was thinking that jack lalane(?) power juicer on the infomercials might be worth a shot. They say it uses ALL of the juice tip the point that the pulp is dry.

Since you guys are into the juice too, I wanted to let you know of the 2 teas that I drink. First one is a Green tea with ginseng combo..decaf. Boosts immune system, gives you a good energy level, and I read that it detoxes your system. If you want to read about it, there's a bunch of benefits. The second tea is chamomile. Good for inflammation, it kills a few different bacteria, helps your digestion system, bloating... and other good stuff. Naturally cafeine free. I drink each with honey. Usually I have around 3 green teas and two chamomile every day. I brought them with me here to the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey everyone! I haven't been on for a while now, but thanks for backing me up with this juice thing. I knew I wasn't nuts, lol. I had a pretty good routine and habits set for quite a while, ( included drinking 2 different teas, staying off dairy, weight lifting and of course only drinking "non-polluted", as i would call them) up until around the end of November. I'm really not too good at staying on routines. I stuck with this one for quite a while and I'm definately going to do it again. Doing all of this stuff boosted my weight so much, I've never weighed that much in my life. I'm in the hospital right now, just got here today. Its my fault for letting myself slip.

I have a Juice Jr. I think. Its not very good as it leaves tons of juice inside huge pieces of pulp. I was thinking that jack lalane(?) power juicer on the infomercials might be worth a shot. They say it uses ALL of the juice tip the point that the pulp is dry.

Since you guys are into the juice too, I wanted to let you know of the 2 teas that I drink. First one is a Green tea with ginseng combo..decaf. Boosts immune system, gives you a good energy level, and I read that it detoxes your system. If you want to read about it, there's a bunch of benefits. The second tea is chamomile. Good for inflammation, it kills a few different bacteria, helps your digestion system, bloating... and other good stuff. Naturally cafeine free. I drink each with honey. Usually I have around 3 green teas and two chamomile every day. I brought them with me here to the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey everyone! I haven't been on for a while now, but thanks for backing me up with this juice thing. I knew I wasn't nuts, lol. I had a pretty good routine and habits set for quite a while, ( included drinking 2 different teas, staying off dairy, weight lifting and of course only drinking "non-polluted", as i would call them) up until around the end of November. I'm really not too good at staying on routines. I stuck with this one for quite a while and I'm definately going to do it again. Doing all of this stuff boosted my weight so much, I've never weighed that much in my life. I'm in the hospital right now, just got here today. Its my fault for letting myself slip.

I have a Juice Jr. I think. Its not very good as it leaves tons of juice inside huge pieces of pulp. I was thinking that jack lalane(?) power juicer on the infomercials might be worth a shot. They say it uses ALL of the juice tip the point that the pulp is dry.

Since you guys are into the juice too, I wanted to let you know of the 2 teas that I drink. First one is a Green tea with ginseng combo..decaf. Boosts immune system, gives you a good energy level, and I read that it detoxes your system. If you want to read about it, there's a bunch of benefits. The second tea is chamomile. Good for inflammation, it kills a few different bacteria, helps your digestion system, bloating... and other good stuff. Naturally cafeine free. I drink each with honey. Usually I have around 3 green teas and two chamomile every day. I brought them with me here to the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey everyone! I haven't been on for a while now, but thanks for backing me up with this juice thing. I knew I wasn't nuts, lol. I had a pretty good routine and habits set for quite a while, ( included drinking 2 different teas, staying off dairy, weight lifting and of course only drinking "non-polluted", as i would call them) up until around the end of November. I'm really not too good at staying on routines. I stuck with this one for quite a while and I'm definately going to do it again. Doing all of this stuff boosted my weight so much, I've never weighed that much in my life. I'm in the hospital right now, just got here today. Its my fault for letting myself slip.

I have a Juice Jr. I think. Its not very good as it leaves tons of juice inside huge pieces of pulp. I was thinking that jack lalane(?) power juicer on the infomercials might be worth a shot. They say it uses ALL of the juice tip the point that the pulp is dry.

Since you guys are into the juice too, I wanted to let you know of the 2 teas that I drink. First one is a Green tea with ginseng combo..decaf. Boosts immune system, gives you a good energy level, and I read that it detoxes your system. If you want to read about it, there's a bunch of benefits. The second tea is chamomile. Good for inflammation, it kills a few different bacteria, helps your digestion system, bloating... and other good stuff. Naturally cafeine free. I drink each with honey. Usually I have around 3 green teas and two chamomile every day. I brought them with me here to the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey everyone! I haven't been on for a while now, but thanks for backing me up with this juice thing. I knew I wasn't nuts, lol. I had a pretty good routine and habits set for quite a while, ( included drinking 2 different teas, staying off dairy, weight lifting and of course only drinking "non-polluted", as i would call them) up until around the end of November. I'm really not too good at staying on routines. I stuck with this one for quite a while and I'm definately going to do it again. Doing all of this stuff boosted my weight so much, I've never weighed that much in my life. I'm in the hospital right now, just got here today. Its my fault for letting myself slip.

I have a Juice Jr. I think. Its not very good as it leaves tons of juice inside huge pieces of pulp. I was thinking that jack lalane(?) power juicer on the infomercials might be worth a shot. They say it uses ALL of the juice tip the point that the pulp is dry.

Since you guys are into the juice too, I wanted to let you know of the 2 teas that I drink. First one is a Green tea with ginseng combo..decaf. Boosts immune system, gives you a good energy level, and I read that it detoxes your system. If you want to read about it, there's a bunch of benefits. The second tea is chamomile. Good for inflammation, it kills a few different bacteria, helps your digestion system, bloating... and other good stuff. Naturally cafeine free. I drink each with honey. Usually I have around 3 green teas and two chamomile every day. I brought them with me here to the hospital. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">