As far as I know, the cost of Tobi is one reason, why they don´t want the new Pari eFlow rapid... With it you would have to inhale less of the Tobi, because its bringing so much into the lungs, so the Pharma industry would sell less of it and therefore earn less...
In Germany we have two different kinds of insurances at the moment:
-private, which do normally not take sick people as members, but do also pay for accupuncture, homoepatic medicine and so on in most cases
-statutable, which do mostly not pay for vitamins, minerals, homoeopatic medicines etc
As I have cf, I am a member of one of the second ones. It costs about 14 % of your income. They cover all the normal meds including ADEKs (at the moment for CFers) and Iron, all the diabetic stuff and also clinic, doctor etc, but you have to pay an additional 1 % of your yearly income for meds, if you have an illness like cf, 2 % if you are not having a terminal disease.
In Germany we have two different kinds of insurances at the moment:
-private, which do normally not take sick people as members, but do also pay for accupuncture, homoepatic medicine and so on in most cases
-statutable, which do mostly not pay for vitamins, minerals, homoeopatic medicines etc
As I have cf, I am a member of one of the second ones. It costs about 14 % of your income. They cover all the normal meds including ADEKs (at the moment for CFers) and Iron, all the diabetic stuff and also clinic, doctor etc, but you have to pay an additional 1 % of your yearly income for meds, if you have an illness like cf, 2 % if you are not having a terminal disease.