Just for fun but CF related - Real things doctors have said to me in the hospital



When I was a kid my mom was talking to a social worker and mentioned that I don't like to cough. She was so confused and the social worker asked "Why doesn't he like coughing?"

Another time I got pretty sick and a nurse asked me "So, are you going to get a lung transplant?" At this point I wasn't close to needing one and had never even thought I'd end up getting one so I said "no" She replied "Well then what are you going to do?" ummmmm I don't know keep on living? That sounds like a good idea!


When I was a kid my mom was talking to a social worker and mentioned that I don't like to cough. She was so confused and the social worker asked "Why doesn't he like coughing?"

Another time I got pretty sick and a nurse asked me "So, are you going to get a lung transplant?" At this point I wasn't close to needing one and had never even thought I'd end up getting one so I said "no" She replied "Well then what are you going to do?" ummmmm I don't know keep on living? That sounds like a good idea!


New member
Hospital food service was leaving my food tray outside the door instead of bringing them into the room. I voiced my complaint to the dr. His reply: "This isn't a hotel."


New member
Hospital food service was leaving my food tray outside the door instead of bringing them into the room. I voiced my complaint to the dr. His reply: "This isn't a hotel."


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Andi2007</b></i> Hospital food service was leaving my food tray outside the door instead of bringing them into the room. I voiced my complaint to the dr. His reply: "This isn't a hotel."</end quote>
Hah! I would have replied "well, I hope the hospital bill reflects the level of service."


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Andi2007</b></i> Hospital food service was leaving my food tray outside the door instead of bringing them into the room. I voiced my complaint to the dr. His reply: "This isn't a hotel."</end quote>
Hah! I would have replied "well, I hope the hospital bill reflects the level of service."


Active member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Cherylwithone</b></i> One time during a hospital stay the doctors were rounding with the fellows in tow. My daughter's weight had dropped to about 84 pounds which for a 16 year old this is not good. She was trying to fight an infection. One of the fellows looks at her and says "Your like a sinking ship" daughters reply "You did not just call me a sinking ship?" Look on fellows face Priceless.</end quote>

Wow. Mama here would have given it to that doctor BIG time. <img title="Kiss" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-kiss.gif" alt="Kiss" border="0" /> HUGE time.


Active member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Cherylwithone</b></i> One time during a hospital stay the doctors were rounding with the fellows in tow. My daughter's weight had dropped to about 84 pounds which for a 16 year old this is not good. She was trying to fight an infection. One of the fellows looks at her and says "Your like a sinking ship" daughters reply "You did not just call me a sinking ship?" Look on fellows face Priceless.</end quote>

Wow. Mama here would have given it to that doctor BIG time. <img title="Kiss" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-kiss.gif" alt="Kiss" border="0" /> HUGE time.


Active member
Before I was dx with CF and I was in the years that I suffered from pancretitis, I was rushed to the ER. The doctor came in and asked what my problem was. I told him i had "sub acute recuring pancretitis". To which he replyed....HAVE YOU EVER HAD IT BEFORE?


Active member
Before I was dx with CF and I was in the years that I suffered from pancretitis, I was rushed to the ER. The doctor came in and asked what my problem was. I told him i had "sub acute recuring pancretitis". To which he replyed....HAVE YOU EVER HAD IT BEFORE?


New member
Oh, I thought of another one: I can't even count the number of times I've gotten phone calls for my parents to remind them about their daughter Kristen's appointment at CF clinic! LOL


New member
Oh, I thought of another one: I can't even count the number of times I've gotten phone calls for my parents to remind them about their daughter Kristen's appointment at CF clinic! LOL


I was diagnosed 2 1/2 weeks ago with CF the at the age of 57, after a sweat test. Went to talk to a therapist when I was first diagnosed - he told me that it was impossible to be dx at my age...so I walked out. I spent hours today in a cf clinic. I found myself wide-eyed, and just nodding a lot and agreeing to everything i need to do - and got home when it really hit me and felt truly overwhelmed. Checked my voicemail - there was a message waiting for me from the same guy - saying he double checked with a reputable doc, and I don't have CF<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> THANK GOODNESS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!


I was diagnosed 2 1/2 weeks ago with CF the at the age of 57, after a sweat test. Went to talk to a therapist when I was first diagnosed - he told me that it was impossible to be dx at my age...so I walked out. I spent hours today in a cf clinic. I found myself wide-eyed, and just nodding a lot and agreeing to everything i need to do - and got home when it really hit me and felt truly overwhelmed. Checked my voicemail - there was a message waiting for me from the same guy - saying he double checked with a reputable doc, and I don't have CF<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> THANK GOODNESS<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!


New member
I had a lung collapse and was taken to the local hospital. Not my choice...but ambulance didn't want to take me 40 miles to my CF Center. Anyway, the Attending came in and said..."So you have CF." I said..."Ya." She said..."When did you catch it?" I tried to save face for her and said..."You mean...when was I diagnosed?" She said, "No, when did you catch it?" Yes, this was my Attending! I was out the door and onto a medical ambulance...BUBBYE!


New member
I had a lung collapse and was taken to the local hospital. Not my choice...but ambulance didn't want to take me 40 miles to my CF Center. Anyway, the Attending came in and said..."So you have CF." I said..."Ya." She said..."When did you catch it?" I tried to save face for her and said..."You mean...when was I diagnosed?" She said, "No, when did you catch it?" Yes, this was my Attending! I was out the door and onto a medical ambulance...BUBBYE!


New member
I am loving this thread! Amazing how ignorant people really are.

My best story is from a few months ago, when I was at the ENT to discuss getting sinus surgery (which I just got). The lady at the front desk said, "I see you've had cystic fibrosis in the past. Do you currently have it?" Later, my friend told me I should have answered "It comes and goes"!


New member
I am loving this thread! Amazing how ignorant people really are.

My best story is from a few months ago, when I was at the ENT to discuss getting sinus surgery (which I just got). The lady at the front desk said, "I see you've had cystic fibrosis in the past. Do you currently have it?" Later, my friend told me I should have answered "It comes and goes"!


New member
Kinda weird but funny, don't judge me based on these cause I'm new! lol.

Just earlier in the week I was at my check up appointment and my brother also has CF so we schedule all our appointments within 30mins of each other and share a room to make the inbetween time less boring by doing all our appts together. Anyways, I was talking about having a baby and how knowing my bf (of 4 years) was a carrier or not prolly wouldnt make me want a baby any less and I say to him I mean if I were 7months prego and they told me my baby would have Down Syndrome I would never just think "alright well its diseased Get Rid of IT!" and He joked something to the effect of I saw that vacuum in the hall mind if I borrow it? and we were laughing as the doctor walked in and of course he asks Oh whats so funny? Share the joke! lmao. . . . Neither of us could stop laughing because it was a wildly inappropriate joke and his humor is likely not the same as ours. . . . I felt bad though cause after he left my brother pointed out how genuinely disappointed he seemed that "he wasn't cool enough to be included in our jokes", was hilarious for us though.

To better understand our humor another one from when we were younger. My mom was with us and we were drinking coffees in this small room waiting for the social worker or nutritionist to come in and I fart, and we laugh. And I fart again and we laugh and I blame the coffee and not taking enzymes. And then my mom joining in farts as well and we laugh. 2 seconds later the person we were waiting for walks in the room, a really cheerful chipper lady, and takes a deep breath of air and remarks "It smells so nice in here!" at which we all to her surprise found wildly hilarious and laughed about for the next. . . 5 plus years now. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Kinda weird but funny, don't judge me based on these cause I'm new! lol.

Just earlier in the week I was at my check up appointment and my brother also has CF so we schedule all our appointments within 30mins of each other and share a room to make the inbetween time less boring by doing all our appts together. Anyways, I was talking about having a baby and how knowing my bf (of 4 years) was a carrier or not prolly wouldnt make me want a baby any less and I say to him I mean if I were 7months prego and they told me my baby would have Down Syndrome I would never just think "alright well its diseased Get Rid of IT!" and He joked something to the effect of I saw that vacuum in the hall mind if I borrow it? and we were laughing as the doctor walked in and of course he asks Oh whats so funny? Share the joke! lmao. . . . Neither of us could stop laughing because it was a wildly inappropriate joke and his humor is likely not the same as ours. . . . I felt bad though cause after he left my brother pointed out how genuinely disappointed he seemed that "he wasn't cool enough to be included in our jokes", was hilarious for us though.

To better understand our humor another one from when we were younger. My mom was with us and we were drinking coffees in this small room waiting for the social worker or nutritionist to come in and I fart, and we laugh. And I fart again and we laugh and I blame the coffee and not taking enzymes. And then my mom joining in farts as well and we laugh. 2 seconds later the person we were waiting for walks in the room, a really cheerful chipper lady, and takes a deep breath of air and remarks "It smells so nice in here!" at which we all to her surprise found wildly hilarious and laughed about for the next. . . 5 plus years now. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">