Thank you for responding. My granddaughter doesn't have any signs of CF, her skin isn't salty, she doesn't have congestion, her weight is good, however, my grandson has very salty skin, taste like someone poured a gallon of salt on him, his stools are greasy and he's a little peanut, who eats constantly.
I'm a concerne about how high his results are and now I'm concerned about Ci's results, just in case they are wrong.
My grandson has an appointment at The Neumors Children's Clinic, which is a certified testing CF lab, so I am going to have my daughter request a full genetic screening on both children.
Since both your children are carries of the gene, does this mean they will have to go through genetic screening with their partners when and if they decide to marry and have children??? Also, is it possible that my granddaughter will be a carrier as well??
Do you and your husband have any of the CF genes?? WE have never had anyone in our family have this, so we don't know where it came from or if my daughter and her husband created their own strand??
Look forward to hearing from you.
Proud MomMom to CiCi & Seth
Thank you for responding. My granddaughter doesn't have any signs of CF, her skin isn't salty, she doesn't have congestion, her weight is good, however, my grandson has very salty skin, taste like someone poured a gallon of salt on him, his stools are greasy and he's a little peanut, who eats constantly.
I'm a concerne about how high his results are and now I'm concerned about Ci's results, just in case they are wrong.
My grandson has an appointment at The Neumors Children's Clinic, which is a certified testing CF lab, so I am going to have my daughter request a full genetic screening on both children.
Since both your children are carries of the gene, does this mean they will have to go through genetic screening with their partners when and if they decide to marry and have children??? Also, is it possible that my granddaughter will be a carrier as well??
Do you and your husband have any of the CF genes?? WE have never had anyone in our family have this, so we don't know where it came from or if my daughter and her husband created their own strand??
Look forward to hearing from you.
Proud MomMom to CiCi & Seth