Kalydeco - liver enzymes are elevated *UPDATE*

Excellent news! Glad your son's levels are back in a good range. You may want to ask your doctor about going back on ursodial. I have been told that it helps the liver function and even when levels are normal it's good to keep going....not sure about that as if you don't need a med, it's sure nice to be able to stop one of the bajillions our kids have to take.
Excellent news! Glad your son's levels are back in a good range. You may want to ask your doctor about going back on ursodial. I have been told that it helps the liver function and even when levels are normal it's good to keep going....not sure about that as if you don't need a med, it's sure nice to be able to stop one of the bajillions our kids have to take.


New member
Our doc did discuss Urso again, but as of right now he is not going back on it. At this point, my son is only taking Kalydeco and enzymes. All other CF meds are not being prescribed unless needed (Pulmozyme, hypertonic saline, antibiotics, etc).


New member
Our doc did discuss Urso again, but as of right now he is not going back on it. At this point, my son is only taking Kalydeco and enzymes. All other CF meds are not being prescribed unless needed (Pulmozyme, hypertonic saline, antibiotics, etc).


New member
Also bare in mind that dosing was split between 3 groups (200,400,600mg) and in the conference call they said the 600mg dose had "a more consistent and more robust effect as compared to other doses". This is where I see the main hope in the results.