I agree 100% about the Heaters and Smoking !!
I can not stand to be in a room with a Kerosene heater, back in the early 90s
they became popular , I bought one, I used it one night, I woke up so tight
that I could barley breath.I never used it again.
I will never be or go around smokers. In fact I just threw two
people out of my house that refused to stop smoking in my basement.
It has been 2 months now and my waking O2 sats have gone up. Even with
the cold and dry heat in my house ( nat gas furnace ) <<they are vented .
Smokers do not realize how bad they smell, I had a friend
who smoked for 15 years, I stayed away when he smoked and never let him smoke in my car.. He quit and after he got
his sense of Smell back and was around a smoker he would
remark, " Did I Smell that Bad ! " Yes he did, just his
nose was so full of all the Carcinogens He could not smell
it.. So Your Father does Not Understand or Realize How
bad it smells.
Good Luck, you may want to try and have a talk with Your Father.