Kiana has clinic tomorrow - UPDATE on appt.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.


New member
Ellie has been through two bronchs and it literally takes less than 15 minutes. The first time was hard because she had never been under anesthisia before. we were able to stay with her until they put her under. We then left for the waiting room. Less than 30 minutes later the doctor was back out talking with us. They also were able to take pictures of what the inside of her lungs look like, so that helped too.