so who on here has experienced kidney stones? last wednesday i started experiencing pain in my left lower back and pressure when i would use the bathroom. i went to small clinic in my town and saw a nurse practioner. he took a urine sample said there was blood in my urine and it sounded to be kidney stones. well monday i called my family dr. and went in. i had a ct scan done and it came back with stones. today i saw an urologist and i have a 4 mm stone in my left kidney and a 6mm in my uterer by my bladder. the pain has eased. and i think i would have noticed if i passed a 6mm stone. i mean thats like the size of a pencil eraser. she said there is a possibility it has lodged itself up against my bladder. i had an x-ray done today to see if she could see it. if she can see it on the x-ray i will take meds and hoepfully pass it, or she will have to go in and remove it. ughhhh!!!!