I agree with what Meg just said. My daughter has a wonderful relationship with the school nurse to the point of where she wants to make sure to give her Christmas presents, Valentines, etc... I also developed a closer relationship with her through my daughter. The nurse calls me all the time now and lets me know if there's a lot of kids sick in the class, or if my daughter just looks too flushed after gym class - I love it, b/c she became my eyes at school when I can't be with my daughter. Like I said earlier, b/c of the 504 plan being in place, it was the school nurse who caught the fact that they had my daughter on the same bus with another child that had CF and also has Burkholderia Cep.
Tracey, mom to Sydney, 6 and Seth, 2 both w/cf
Tracey, mom to Sydney, 6 and Seth, 2 both w/cf