Krill Oil- Great for my lungs


New member
The tonic water she uses has quinine(sp) in it. I wish I could remember who in this forum has the info on this, they have a separate web page with some info. My daughter drinks about 1/2 cup plain right now about twice a week we are thinking about uping the days so she does not develop any pockets. She says its not too bad and she is very picky. This is something we started recently so we are learning what works for her best. I was just so surprised how when she took that first drink she hicoupped and a little burp no hard racking cough and all this mucous came out. So far if she has a little pocket the tonic water seems to be what works.


New member
The tonic water she uses has quinine(sp) in it. I wish I could remember who in this forum has the info on this, they have a separate web page with some info. My daughter drinks about 1/2 cup plain right now about twice a week we are thinking about uping the days so she does not develop any pockets. She says its not too bad and she is very picky. This is something we started recently so we are learning what works for her best. I was just so surprised how when she took that first drink she hicoupped and a little burp no hard racking cough and all this mucous came out. So far if she has a little pocket the tonic water seems to be what works.


New member
The tonic water she uses has quinine(sp) in it. I wish I could remember who in this forum has the info on this, they have a separate web page with some info. My daughter drinks about 1/2 cup plain right now about twice a week we are thinking about uping the days so she does not develop any pockets. She says its not too bad and she is very picky. This is something we started recently so we are learning what works for her best. I was just so surprised how when she took that first drink she hicoupped and a little burp no hard racking cough and all this mucous came out. So far if she has a little pocket the tonic water seems to be what works.


New member
The tonic water she uses has quinine(sp) in it. I wish I could remember who in this forum has the info on this, they have a separate web page with some info. My daughter drinks about 1/2 cup plain right now about twice a week we are thinking about uping the days so she does not develop any pockets. She says its not too bad and she is very picky. This is something we started recently so we are learning what works for her best. I was just so surprised how when she took that first drink she hicoupped and a little burp no hard racking cough and all this mucous came out. So far if she has a little pocket the tonic water seems to be what works.


New member
<br />The tonic water she uses has quinine(sp) in it. I wish I could remember who in this forum has the info on this, they have a separate web page with some info. My daughter drinks about 1/2 cup plain right now about twice a week we are thinking about uping the days so she does not develop any pockets. She says its not too bad and she is very picky. This is something we started recently so we are learning what works for her best. I was just so surprised how when she took that first drink she hicoupped and a little burp no hard racking cough and all this mucous came out. So far if she has a little pocket the tonic water seems to be what works.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Sounds like we will be giving krill oil a try. Does anyone have any ideas for a natural supplement that assists with immune system</end quote></div>
The omega-3's in krill oil that are so good for their anti-inflammatory action- which has been shown to be of benefit to the respiratory system, among other places in the body- are also of benefit to the immune system. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Sounds like we will be giving krill oil a try. Does anyone have any ideas for a natural supplement that assists with immune system</end quote></div>
The omega-3's in krill oil that are so good for their anti-inflammatory action- which has been shown to be of benefit to the respiratory system, among other places in the body- are also of benefit to the immune system. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Sounds like we will be giving krill oil a try. Does anyone have any ideas for a natural supplement that assists with immune system</end quote></div>
The omega-3's in krill oil that are so good for their anti-inflammatory action- which has been shown to be of benefit to the respiratory system, among other places in the body- are also of benefit to the immune system. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Sounds like we will be giving krill oil a try. Does anyone have any ideas for a natural supplement that assists with immune system</end quote>
The omega-3's in krill oil that are so good for their anti-inflammatory action- which has been shown to be of benefit to the respiratory system, among other places in the body- are also of benefit to the immune system. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Sounds like we will be giving krill oil a try. Does anyone have any ideas for a natural supplement that assists with immune system</end quote>
<br />The omega-3's in krill oil that are so good for their anti-inflammatory action- which has been shown to be of benefit to the respiratory system, among other places in the body- are also of benefit to the immune system. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Krill oil is used for heart disease, high levels of certain blood fats
(triglycerides), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer,
osteoarthritis, depression, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and painful
menstrual periods. I required this for my Mother, she is suffering from
High blood pressure problem for a very long time, i came across Kill
Doctor Professional Brand Krill oil, i bought it online from their
website and very much satisfied with its decent price & moreover its
positive results,.


New member
Krill oil is used for heart disease, high levels of certain blood fats
(triglycerides), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer,
osteoarthritis, depression, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and painful
menstrual periods. I required this for my Mother, she is suffering from
High blood pressure problem for a very long time, i came across Kill
Doctor Professional Brand Krill oil, i bought it online from their
website and very much satisfied with its decent price & moreover its
positive results,.


New member
Krill oil is used for heart disease, high levels of certain blood fats
(triglycerides), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer,
osteoarthritis, depression, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and painful
menstrual periods. I required this for my Mother, she is suffering from
High blood pressure problem for a very long time, i came across Kill
Doctor Professional Brand Krill oil, i bought it online from their
website and very much satisfied with its decent price & moreover its
positive results,.


New member
<P>Hello All, As a lay nutritionist who has helped many people through the years, I have some constructive suggestions to make and I am not a distributor of any of the products I am to address here. First off, Krill oil is good but always read the label. Make sure that the product is of a high quality. You can determine this by seeing things like "independently tested for purity" and "distilled for purity" on the label. Don't get your vitamins at a discount supermarket or convenience store. Always go to an upscale vitamin store like Wegmans, Vitamin Shoppe, Whole Foods, etc. In my opinion and experience, to have an FDA approved seal on a vitamin bottle is meaningless. Many believe that the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies are in bed with one another. Go figure. Secondly, the omegas in Flaxseed oil are not enough. For upscale fish oil, there is nothing better than the products of Nordic Naturals. Upscale fish oil has two major facets: EPA and DHA. EPA is for heart health, muscle health, skin health, lung health, and fights stress. DHA is for preventing and treating neurological disorders. EPA has a little DHA in it and vice versa. EPA/DHA also treats and prevents post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Next... It is important to take a Vitamin E supplement daily. As we age, our blood pressure naturally raises. Vitamin E serves to counteract this process. But you have to start out slowly. If you take too much of it too soon it will make your blood pressure drop suddenly and cause dizziness. Start out with 100 IU a day and over a period of months slowly raise it until you get to two gel caps of 400 IU a day. By the way, doctors espouse that 800 IU of Vitamin E a day is what women who have a propensity toward breast cancer should be taking daily. My mother used to suffer from "white coat syndrome." Every time she went to see her doctor, the stress and anxiety would raise her blood pressure. So what she did was take a Vitamin E capsule just before walking out the door to a doctor's appointment - in addition to her regular supplementation. Then when the nurse took her blood pressure it always checked out fine. *LOL* Next... Someone in this thread inquired about an immune system booster. There is an inexpensive immune system booster called Vitamin D3, which is more potent than regular Vitamin D. A study was conducted at a hospital. Doctors and nurses were surrounded by patients with influenza. They each took 2,000 IU's of Vitamin D a day. The result: none of them came down with the flu. I tested this hypothesis with myself and my wife. We have been taking 2 to 5,000 IU's of Vitamin D3 a day since 2009 and have not only avoided the annual flu shot but also have not come down with any influenza whatsoever. The annual flu shot is plagued with problems because of the harsh chemicals and poor quality of the inoculations. For example, there are cases of children having seizures after getting the annual flu shot. Avoid that. Intead, take Vitamin D3 every day. You can get Vitamin D3 in gel cap form in many places, e.g., at Wegmans (the store brand). Next... The most important mineral in the body is Calcium. Not only is it crucial for bone and teeth health, but it also fights stress (better than a glass of warm milk) and has myriad other benefits to the body. The best calcium supplement on the planet (independently verified) is Brazilian Coral Calcium. One reason for this is because the purification process is cold pressed. My mother had Type 2 Diabetes and two minor strokes. The various medications she was prescribed beat the living hell out of her body and in my opinion hastened her death (August of 2009). Anyway, many months before she passed, she noticed that the drugs she was taking daily - like the blood thinner known as warfarin/coumadin, an ingredient in rat poison - was really sucking the calcium out of her body. She knew this because her front teeth started to become transparent (sic). Being the smart gal that she was, she decided to double up on her Coral Calcium intake. Instead of taking three small white capsules a day, the recommended dosage, she took six. Consequently, her teeth went back to normal. Another anecdote... Recommended by my Kaiser Permanente doctor on June 15, 2010, I allowed a KP nurse to administer a TDAP shot in my left arm, specifically into my left deltoid muscle. It was even painful going in. A decision I will always regret. It resulted in my getting Fibromyalgia. Weeks later I began to feel like a cripple in my left arm - directly in the site of the injection - and had so much pain that I couldn't sleep at night. Mobility in that arm had greatly reduced. After many months of investigation and experimentation, the ONLY thing that I found to successfully treat the Fibro was an up-and-coming supplement called NOPALEA. You take six tablespoons (or more) spread out during the day. Only after I delved into the second bottle did I notice the beginning of a reduction in the pain and inflammation in my left deltoid muscle, and the mobility slowly return. I am now about 95% cured of Fibromyalgia in my left arm. </P>
<P> </P>
<P>Nopalea may also help treat Cystic Fibrosis. Finally... There is a website that is a wealth of information on nutritional supplements and preventative medicine. Check it out. Take Care & God Bless! Yours In Service To The Light, Avadar </P>


New member
<P>Hello All, As a lay nutritionist who has helped many people through the years, I have some constructive suggestions to make and I am not a distributor of any of the products I am to address here. First off, Krill oil is good but always read the label. Make sure that the product is of a high quality. You can determine this by seeing things like "independently tested for purity" and "distilled for purity" on the label. Don't get your vitamins at a discount supermarket or convenience store. Always go to an upscale vitamin store like Wegmans, Vitamin Shoppe, Whole Foods, etc. In my opinion and experience, to have an FDA approved seal on a vitamin bottle is meaningless.Many believe that theFDA and the pharmaceutical companies are in bed with one another. Go figure. Secondly, the omegas in Flaxseed oil are not enough. For upscale fish oil, there is nothing better than the products of Nordic Naturals. Upscale fish oil has two major facets: EPA and DHA. EPA is for heart health, muscle health, skin health, lung health, and fights stress. DHA is for preventing and treating neurological disorders. EPA has a little DHA in it and vice versa. EPA/DHA also treats and prevents post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Next... It is important to take a Vitamin E supplement daily. As we age, our blood pressure naturally raises. Vitamin E serves to counteract this process. But you have to start out slowly. If you take too much of it too soon it will make your blood pressure drop suddenly and cause dizziness. Start out with 100 IU a day and over a period of months slowly raise it until you get to two gel caps of 400 IU a day. By the way, doctors espouse that 800 IU of Vitamin E a day is what women who have a propensity toward breast cancer should be taking daily. My mother used to suffer from "white coat syndrome." Every time she went to see her doctor, the stress and anxiety would raise her blood pressure. So what she did was take a Vitamin E capsule just before walking out the door to a doctor's appointment - in addition to her regular supplementation. Then when the nurse took her blood pressure it always checked out fine. *LOL* Next... Someone in this thread inquired about an immune system booster. There is an inexpensive immune system booster called Vitamin D3, which is more potent than regular Vitamin D. A study was conducted at a hospital. Doctors and nurses were surrounded by patients with influenza. They each took 2,000 IU's of Vitamin D a day. The result: none of them came down with the flu. I tested this hypothesis with myself and my wife. We have been taking 2 to 5,000 IU's of Vitamin D3 a day since 2009 and have not only avoided the annual flu shot but also have not come down with any influenza whatsoever. The annual flu shot is plagued with problems because of the harsh chemicals and poor quality of the inoculations. For example, there are cases of children having seizures after getting the annual flu shot. Avoid that. Intead, take Vitamin D3 every day. You can get Vitamin D3 in gel cap form in many places, e.g., at Wegmans (the store brand). Next... The most important mineral in the body is Calcium. Not only is it crucial for bone and teeth health, but it also fights stress (better than a glass of warm milk) and has myriad other benefits to the body. The best calcium supplement on the planet (independently verified) is Brazilian Coral Calcium. One reason for this is because the purification process is cold pressed. My mother had Type 2 Diabetes and two minor strokes. The various medications she was prescribed beat the living hell out of her body and in my opinion hastened her death (August of 2009). Anyway, many months before she passed, she noticed that the drugs she was taking daily - like the blood thinner known as warfarin/coumadin, an ingredient in rat poison - was really sucking the calcium out of her body. She knew this because her front teeth started to become transparent (sic). Being the smart gal that she was, she decided to double up on her Coral Calcium intake. Instead of taking three small white capsules a day, the recommended dosage, she took six. Consequently, her teeth went back to normal. Another anecdote... Recommended by my Kaiser Permanente doctor on June 15, 2010, I allowed a KP nurse to administer a TDAP shot in my left arm, specifically into my left deltoid muscle. It was even painful going in. A decision I will always regret. It resulted in my getting Fibromyalgia. Weeks later I began to feel like a cripple in my left arm - directly in the site of the injection - and had so much pain that I couldn't sleep at night. Mobility in that arm had greatly reduced. After many months of investigation and experimentation, the ONLY thing that I found to successfully treat the Fibro was an up-and-coming supplement called NOPALEA. You take six tablespoons (or more) spread out during the day. Only after I delved into the second bottle did I notice the beginning of a reduction in the pain and inflammation in my left deltoid muscle, and the mobility slowly return. I am now about 95% cured of Fibromyalgia in my left arm. </P>
<P>Nopalea may also help treat Cystic Fibrosis.Finally... There is a website that is a wealth of information on nutritional supplements and preventative medicine. Check it out. Take Care & God Bless! Yours In Service To The Light, Avadar </P>