Laras results


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<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">I am very sorry for your news. I have come to this site for one reason. I have a very good friend who has 2 children both with cf. I lost contact with this friend about 6 years ago. I hope this info will reach this friend and if this could help anyone else in the mean time; fantastic. First of all, please do not get the wrong impression of this info. This is a very complicated illness. I am in no way guaranteeing any results, but anything helpful could be worth a chance. That being said: please try doing a google search on the name SOLOMON WICKEY. Solomon is an absolutely AMAZING!! herbalist located in Auburn IN. He does not charge for his services and he does not mark up any herbs at all!! I know it sounds fantastic, but he has SUCCESSFULLY treated CF, among other illnesses. Only take this info for what it is. I am not a medical proffessional, I am simply a first hand witness to some of the accomplishments of this man. I do not wish to raise false hopes or make any empty promises, I just hope you will at least research solomon and then decide for yourself if you would like to give him a try.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">I am very sorry for your news. I have come to this site for one reason. I have a very good friend who has 2 children both with cf. I lost contact with this friend about 6 years ago. I hope this info will reach this friend and if this could help anyone else in the mean time; fantastic. First of all, please do not get the wrong impression of this info. This is a very complicated illness. I am in no way guaranteeing any results, but anything helpful could be worth a chance. That being said: please try doing a google search on the name SOLOMON WICKEY. Solomon is an absolutely AMAZING!! herbalist located in Auburn IN. He does not charge for his services and he does not mark up any herbs at all!! I know it sounds fantastic, but he has SUCCESSFULLY treated CF, among other illnesses. Only take this info for what it is. I am not a medical proffessional, I am simply a first hand witness to some of the accomplishments of this man. I do not wish to raise false hopes or make any empty promises, I just hope you will at least research solomon and then decide for yourself if you would like to give him a try.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">I am very sorry for your news. I have come to this site for one reason. I have a very good friend who has 2 children both with cf. I lost contact with this friend about 6 years ago. I hope this info will reach this friend and if this could help anyone else in the mean time; fantastic. First of all, please do not get the wrong impression of this info. This is a very complicated illness. I am in no way guaranteeing any results, but anything helpful could be worth a chance. That being said: please try doing a google search on the name SOLOMON WICKEY. Solomon is an absolutely AMAZING!! herbalist located in Auburn IN. He does not charge for his services and he does not mark up any herbs at all!! I know it sounds fantastic, but he has SUCCESSFULLY treated CF, among other illnesses. Only take this info for what it is. I am not a medical proffessional, I am simply a first hand witness to some of the accomplishments of this man. I do not wish to raise false hopes or make any empty promises, I just hope you will at least research solomon and then decide for yourself if you would like to give him a try.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">I am very sorry for your news. I have come to this site for one reason. I have a very good friend who has 2 children both with cf. I lost contact with this friend about 6 years ago. I hope this info will reach this friend and if this could help anyone else in the mean time; fantastic. First of all, please do not get the wrong impression of this info. This is a very complicated illness. I am in no way guaranteeing any results, but anything helpful could be worth a chance. That being said: please try doing a google search on the name SOLOMON WICKEY. Solomon is an absolutely AMAZING!! herbalist located in Auburn IN. He does not charge for his services and he does not mark up any herbs at all!! I know it sounds fantastic, but he has SUCCESSFULLY treated CF, among other illnesses. Only take this info for what it is. I am not a medical proffessional, I am simply a first hand witness to some of the accomplishments of this man. I do not wish to raise false hopes or make any empty promises, I just hope you will at least research solomon and then decide for yourself if you would like to give him a try.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">I am very sorry for your news. I have come to this site for one reason. I have a very good friend who has 2 children both with cf. I lost contact with this friend about 6 years ago. I hope this info will reach this friend and if this could help anyone else in the mean time; fantastic. First of all, please do not get the wrong impression of this info. This is a very complicated illness. I am in no way guaranteeing any results, but anything helpful could be worth a chance. That being said: please try doing a google search on the name SOLOMON WICKEY. Solomon is an absolutely AMAZING!! herbalist located in Auburn IN. He does not charge for his services and he does not mark up any herbs at all!! I know it sounds fantastic, but he has SUCCESSFULLY treated CF, among other illnesses. Only take this info for what it is. I am not a medical proffessional, I am simply a first hand witness to some of the accomplishments of this man. I do not wish to raise false hopes or make any empty promises, I just hope you will at least research solomon and then decide for yourself if you would like to give him a try.


New member
5T, 7T, or 9T is a polythymidine tract on Intron 8 which modifies the phenotype of the disease associated with the polymorphism (R75Q in Lara's case). 5T is usually associated with more classic CF while 7T and 9T are associated with atypical CF.

Again, it also depends on what gene you pair it up with.

A lot of parent's of newly diagnosed CFer's are keen to know what their child's genes/mutations will mean for their child in terms of clinical outcome. Unfortunately, genes/mutations don't necessarily predict clinical outcome and at the end of the day, all you really know is that your child has CF.

Regardless of gene class/type or symptoms, I encourage you to be very proactive with your daughters care. When it comes to CF the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", couldn't be more true.


New member
5T, 7T, or 9T is a polythymidine tract on Intron 8 which modifies the phenotype of the disease associated with the polymorphism (R75Q in Lara's case). 5T is usually associated with more classic CF while 7T and 9T are associated with atypical CF.

Again, it also depends on what gene you pair it up with.

A lot of parent's of newly diagnosed CFer's are keen to know what their child's genes/mutations will mean for their child in terms of clinical outcome. Unfortunately, genes/mutations don't necessarily predict clinical outcome and at the end of the day, all you really know is that your child has CF.

Regardless of gene class/type or symptoms, I encourage you to be very proactive with your daughters care. When it comes to CF the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", couldn't be more true.


New member
5T, 7T, or 9T is a polythymidine tract on Intron 8 which modifies the phenotype of the disease associated with the polymorphism (R75Q in Lara's case). 5T is usually associated with more classic CF while 7T and 9T are associated with atypical CF.

Again, it also depends on what gene you pair it up with.

A lot of parent's of newly diagnosed CFer's are keen to know what their child's genes/mutations will mean for their child in terms of clinical outcome. Unfortunately, genes/mutations don't necessarily predict clinical outcome and at the end of the day, all you really know is that your child has CF.

Regardless of gene class/type or symptoms, I encourage you to be very proactive with your daughters care. When it comes to CF the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", couldn't be more true.


New member
5T, 7T, or 9T is a polythymidine tract on Intron 8 which modifies the phenotype of the disease associated with the polymorphism (R75Q in Lara's case). 5T is usually associated with more classic CF while 7T and 9T are associated with atypical CF.

Again, it also depends on what gene you pair it up with.

A lot of parent's of newly diagnosed CFer's are keen to know what their child's genes/mutations will mean for their child in terms of clinical outcome. Unfortunately, genes/mutations don't necessarily predict clinical outcome and at the end of the day, all you really know is that your child has CF.

Regardless of gene class/type or symptoms, I encourage you to be very proactive with your daughters care. When it comes to CF the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", couldn't be more true.


New member
5T, 7T, or 9T is a polythymidine tract on Intron 8 which modifies the phenotype of the disease associated with the polymorphism (R75Q in Lara's case). 5T is usually associated with more classic CF while 7T and 9T are associated with atypical CF.

Again, it also depends on what gene you pair it up with.

A lot of parent's of newly diagnosed CFer's are keen to know what their child's genes/mutations will mean for their child in terms of clinical outcome. Unfortunately, genes/mutations don't necessarily predict clinical outcome and at the end of the day, all you really know is that your child has CF.

Regardless of gene class/type or symptoms, I encourage you to be very proactive with your daughters care. When it comes to CF the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", couldn't be more true.


New member
Marie-- You get to feel overwhelmed, scared, sad, and A LOT of other stuff, but most of all, you'll be ready to fight for Lara's best care and super health. We are almost a year into our diagnosis (France is 5), and I'm just making sense of a lot of stuff but am totally still in the dark about stuff I don't even know yet! The emotional numbing wore off after about 6 months, though, so there is light at the end of that particular tunnel...

Good luck with your new "hobby": learning, reading, watching, listening, talking CF everywhere and anywhere. This site will be your best friend because there are a lot of caring, knowledgeable people here.


New member
Marie-- You get to feel overwhelmed, scared, sad, and A LOT of other stuff, but most of all, you'll be ready to fight for Lara's best care and super health. We are almost a year into our diagnosis (France is 5), and I'm just making sense of a lot of stuff but am totally still in the dark about stuff I don't even know yet! The emotional numbing wore off after about 6 months, though, so there is light at the end of that particular tunnel...

Good luck with your new "hobby": learning, reading, watching, listening, talking CF everywhere and anywhere. This site will be your best friend because there are a lot of caring, knowledgeable people here.


New member
Marie-- You get to feel overwhelmed, scared, sad, and A LOT of other stuff, but most of all, you'll be ready to fight for Lara's best care and super health. We are almost a year into our diagnosis (France is 5), and I'm just making sense of a lot of stuff but am totally still in the dark about stuff I don't even know yet! The emotional numbing wore off after about 6 months, though, so there is light at the end of that particular tunnel...

Good luck with your new "hobby": learning, reading, watching, listening, talking CF everywhere and anywhere. This site will be your best friend because there are a lot of caring, knowledgeable people here.


New member
Marie-- You get to feel overwhelmed, scared, sad, and A LOT of other stuff, but most of all, you'll be ready to fight for Lara's best care and super health. We are almost a year into our diagnosis (France is 5), and I'm just making sense of a lot of stuff but am totally still in the dark about stuff I don't even know yet! The emotional numbing wore off after about 6 months, though, so there is light at the end of that particular tunnel...

Good luck with your new "hobby": learning, reading, watching, listening, talking CF everywhere and anywhere. This site will be your best friend because there are a lot of caring, knowledgeable people here.


New member
Marie-- You get to feel overwhelmed, scared, sad, and A LOT of other stuff, but most of all, you'll be ready to fight for Lara's best care and super health. We are almost a year into our diagnosis (France is 5), and I'm just making sense of a lot of stuff but am totally still in the dark about stuff I don't even know yet! The emotional numbing wore off after about 6 months, though, so there is light at the end of that particular tunnel...

Good luck with your new "hobby": learning, reading, watching, listening, talking CF everywhere and anywhere. This site will be your best friend because there are a lot of caring, knowledgeable people here.


New member
Hello. My husband has r75Q and Delta 508. My son has r75q and Delta 507. Both are doing great. They would of never of been diagnosed if it wasn't for my daughter's diagnosis when she was 3 with delta 508 and 507. The outcome will be fine. I just got back from the national cf conference. Lots of good things are coming.


New member
Hello. My husband has r75Q and Delta 508. My son has r75q and Delta 507. Both are doing great. They would of never of been diagnosed if it wasn't for my daughter's diagnosis when she was 3 with delta 508 and 507. The outcome will be fine. I just got back from the national cf conference. Lots of good things are coming.


New member
Hello. My husband has r75Q and Delta 508. My son has r75q and Delta 507. Both are doing great. They would of never of been diagnosed if it wasn't for my daughter's diagnosis when she was 3 with delta 508 and 507. The outcome will be fine. I just got back from the national cf conference. Lots of good things are coming.


New member
Hello. My husband has r75Q and Delta 508. My son has r75q and Delta 507. Both are doing great. They would of never of been diagnosed if it wasn't for my daughter's diagnosis when she was 3 with delta 508 and 507. The outcome will be fine. I just got back from the national cf conference. Lots of good things are coming.


New member
Hello. My husband has r75Q and Delta 508. My son has r75q and Delta 507. Both are doing great. They would of never of been diagnosed if it wasn't for my daughter's diagnosis when she was 3 with delta 508 and 507. The outcome will be fine. I just got back from the national cf conference. Lots of good things are coming.