I take a ton of meds to make me go poop in the morning. One I put in a cup of tea and the rest go down my G-tube. And then I take enamias like every week. Beucase I am always stoped up! I hate it it's been this way even as a child and I know it's all my CF. I was in the hospital for a Tune-up and had a blowel plug so bad that it took 7 large hospital enamias to get it all out. Now I am on Reglan to help empiy out my tummy better. I take that 4 times a day down the G-tube.
But I still hate eatting and I am always sick in my tummy. I also do tube-feedings I like tube-feeding better then just eatting. and I am fat for having CF. I think I am maybe I am not but I am 5,5 and 145 about sometimes 137. I also get bad water pounds some times from my PMS I gain like 20 punds just from my PMS. and I hate it. So anyway does anyone have this same issue of not liking to eat and always feeling sick in the tummy?
And is 5,5 or about 5,4 1/2 and 145 good? I just feel so wird that I am not like stick thin..
20/w CF F508
You need a cool head and a warm heart to make it thru the day with CF!
But I still hate eatting and I am always sick in my tummy. I also do tube-feedings I like tube-feeding better then just eatting. and I am fat for having CF. I think I am maybe I am not but I am 5,5 and 145 about sometimes 137. I also get bad water pounds some times from my PMS I gain like 20 punds just from my PMS. and I hate it. So anyway does anyone have this same issue of not liking to eat and always feeling sick in the tummy?
And is 5,5 or about 5,4 1/2 and 145 good? I just feel so wird that I am not like stick thin..
20/w CF F508
You need a cool head and a warm heart to make it thru the day with CF!