Lextives (not sure if I am spelling this right)


New member
I take a ton of meds to make me go poop in the morning. One I put in a cup of tea and the rest go down my G-tube. And then I take enamias like every week. Beucase I am always stoped up! I hate it it's been this way even as a child and I know it's all my CF. I was in the hospital for a Tune-up and had a blowel plug so bad that it took 7 large hospital enamias to get it all out. Now I am on Reglan to help empiy out my tummy better. I take that 4 times a day down the G-tube.
But I still hate eatting and I am always sick in my tummy. I also do tube-feedings I like tube-feeding better then just eatting. and I am fat for having CF. I think I am maybe I am not but I am 5,5 and 145 about sometimes 137. I also get bad water pounds some times from my PMS I gain like 20 punds just from my PMS. and I hate it. So anyway does anyone have this same issue of not liking to eat and always feeling sick in the tummy?

And is 5,5 or about 5,4 1/2 and 145 good? I just feel so wird that I am not like stick thin..
20/w CF F508
You need a cool head and a warm heart to make it thru the day with CF!


New member
I take a ton of meds to make me go poop in the morning. One I put in a cup of tea and the rest go down my G-tube. And then I take enamias like every week. Beucase I am always stoped up! I hate it it's been this way even as a child and I know it's all my CF. I was in the hospital for a Tune-up and had a blowel plug so bad that it took 7 large hospital enamias to get it all out. Now I am on Reglan to help empiy out my tummy better. I take that 4 times a day down the G-tube.
But I still hate eatting and I am always sick in my tummy. I also do tube-feedings I like tube-feeding better then just eatting. and I am fat for having CF. I think I am maybe I am not but I am 5,5 and 145 about sometimes 137. I also get bad water pounds some times from my PMS I gain like 20 punds just from my PMS. and I hate it. So anyway does anyone have this same issue of not liking to eat and always feeling sick in the tummy?

And is 5,5 or about 5,4 1/2 and 145 good? I just feel so wird that I am not like stick thin..
20/w CF F508
You need a cool head and a warm heart to make it thru the day with CF!


New member
I take a ton of meds to make me go poop in the morning. One I put in a cup of tea and the rest go down my G-tube. And then I take enamias like every week. Beucase I am always stoped up! I hate it it's been this way even as a child and I know it's all my CF. I was in the hospital for a Tune-up and had a blowel plug so bad that it took 7 large hospital enamias to get it all out. Now I am on Reglan to help empiy out my tummy better. I take that 4 times a day down the G-tube.
But I still hate eatting and I am always sick in my tummy. I also do tube-feedings I like tube-feeding better then just eatting. and I am fat for having CF. I think I am maybe I am not but I am 5,5 and 145 about sometimes 137. I also get bad water pounds some times from my PMS I gain like 20 punds just from my PMS. and I hate it. So anyway does anyone have this same issue of not liking to eat and always feeling sick in the tummy?

And is 5,5 or about 5,4 1/2 and 145 good? I just feel so wird that I am not like stick thin..
20/w CF F508
You need a cool head and a warm heart to make it thru the day with CF!


New member
I take a ton of meds to make me go poop in the morning. One I put in a cup of tea and the rest go down my G-tube. And then I take enamias like every week. Beucase I am always stoped up! I hate it it's been this way even as a child and I know it's all my CF. I was in the hospital for a Tune-up and had a blowel plug so bad that it took 7 large hospital enamias to get it all out. Now I am on Reglan to help empiy out my tummy better. I take that 4 times a day down the G-tube.
But I still hate eatting and I am always sick in my tummy. I also do tube-feedings I like tube-feeding better then just eatting. and I am fat for having CF. I think I am maybe I am not but I am 5,5 and 145 about sometimes 137. I also get bad water pounds some times from my PMS I gain like 20 punds just from my PMS. and I hate it. So anyway does anyone have this same issue of not liking to eat and always feeling sick in the tummy?

And is 5,5 or about 5,4 1/2 and 145 good? I just feel so wird that I am not like stick thin..
20/w CF F508
You need a cool head and a warm heart to make it thru the day with CF!


New member
I take a ton of meds to make me go poop in the morning. One I put in a cup of tea and the rest go down my G-tube. And then I take enamias like every week. Beucase I am always stoped up! I hate it it's been this way even as a child and I know it's all my CF. I was in the hospital for a Tune-up and had a blowel plug so bad that it took 7 large hospital enamias to get it all out. Now I am on Reglan to help empiy out my tummy better. I take that 4 times a day down the G-tube.
But I still hate eatting and I am always sick in my tummy. I also do tube-feedings I like tube-feeding better then just eatting. and I am fat for having CF. I think I am maybe I am not but I am 5,5 and 145 about sometimes 137. I also get bad water pounds some times from my PMS I gain like 20 punds just from my PMS. and I hate it. So anyway does anyone have this same issue of not liking to eat and always feeling sick in the tummy?

And is 5,5 or about 5,4 1/2 and 145 good? I just feel so wird that I am not like stick thin..
20/w CF F508
You need a cool head and a warm heart to make it thru the day with CF!


New member
I have no experience with tube feeding. However, I battle constipation and I find that adding fiber to my diet helps alot. After I had my daughter I was horribly constipated for months. I found that eating 3-6 prunes every morning helped considerably. Maybe you could try eating just some food and building up slowly, all food that is high in fiber and good for you, perhaps then you could regulate your bowels and your belly would feel better.

Your body mass index BMI is healthy


New member
I have no experience with tube feeding. However, I battle constipation and I find that adding fiber to my diet helps alot. After I had my daughter I was horribly constipated for months. I found that eating 3-6 prunes every morning helped considerably. Maybe you could try eating just some food and building up slowly, all food that is high in fiber and good for you, perhaps then you could regulate your bowels and your belly would feel better.

Your body mass index BMI is healthy


New member
I have no experience with tube feeding. However, I battle constipation and I find that adding fiber to my diet helps alot. After I had my daughter I was horribly constipated for months. I found that eating 3-6 prunes every morning helped considerably. Maybe you could try eating just some food and building up slowly, all food that is high in fiber and good for you, perhaps then you could regulate your bowels and your belly would feel better.

Your body mass index BMI is healthy


New member
I have no experience with tube feeding. However, I battle constipation and I find that adding fiber to my diet helps alot. After I had my daughter I was horribly constipated for months. I found that eating 3-6 prunes every morning helped considerably. Maybe you could try eating just some food and building up slowly, all food that is high in fiber and good for you, perhaps then you could regulate your bowels and your belly would feel better.

Your body mass index BMI is healthy


New member
I have no experience with tube feeding. However, I battle constipation and I find that adding fiber to my diet helps alot. After I had my daughter I was horribly constipated for months. I found that eating 3-6 prunes every morning helped considerably. Maybe you could try eating just some food and building up slowly, all food that is high in fiber and good for you, perhaps then you could regulate your bowels and your belly would feel better.

Your body mass index BMI is healthy


New member
Are you drinking enough water? I have never had problems as bad as you are describing, but I notice that if I don't get enough water I get backed up. Even if you put it through your g-tube at least you're getting it.


New member
Are you drinking enough water? I have never had problems as bad as you are describing, but I notice that if I don't get enough water I get backed up. Even if you put it through your g-tube at least you're getting it.


New member
Are you drinking enough water? I have never had problems as bad as you are describing, but I notice that if I don't get enough water I get backed up. Even if you put it through your g-tube at least you're getting it.


New member
Are you drinking enough water? I have never had problems as bad as you are describing, but I notice that if I don't get enough water I get backed up. Even if you put it through your g-tube at least you're getting it.


New member
Are you drinking enough water? I have never had problems as bad as you are describing, but I notice that if I don't get enough water I get backed up. Even if you put it through your g-tube at least you're getting it.


New member
Like you I have constipation problems. For years I'd have a bad bowel obstruction almost every month. I had to drink lots of Golytle to get rid of them. It was terrible!! I also drank about 3 bottles of magnesium citrate a week, plus enemas just to "go" everyday. But that ended about 2 years ago when I discovered prunes. Wonderful prunes! I eat 15-20 a day and haven't had much problem since. I always scoffed at the suggestion before, but it works for me.
I'm always sick to my stomach & don't like to eat much either. My weight is very low at 94lbs (I'm 5'7") so I need to gain more weight somehow. I was 88lbs. I have a feed tube, but hate using it. It always upset my stomach worse. Have you tried an antiacid? It helps my tummy some. Maybe you could try Megace it help food taste better.



New member
Like you I have constipation problems. For years I'd have a bad bowel obstruction almost every month. I had to drink lots of Golytle to get rid of them. It was terrible!! I also drank about 3 bottles of magnesium citrate a week, plus enemas just to "go" everyday. But that ended about 2 years ago when I discovered prunes. Wonderful prunes! I eat 15-20 a day and haven't had much problem since. I always scoffed at the suggestion before, but it works for me.
I'm always sick to my stomach & don't like to eat much either. My weight is very low at 94lbs (I'm 5'7") so I need to gain more weight somehow. I was 88lbs. I have a feed tube, but hate using it. It always upset my stomach worse. Have you tried an antiacid? It helps my tummy some. Maybe you could try Megace it help food taste better.



New member
Like you I have constipation problems. For years I'd have a bad bowel obstruction almost every month. I had to drink lots of Golytle to get rid of them. It was terrible!! I also drank about 3 bottles of magnesium citrate a week, plus enemas just to "go" everyday. But that ended about 2 years ago when I discovered prunes. Wonderful prunes! I eat 15-20 a day and haven't had much problem since. I always scoffed at the suggestion before, but it works for me.
I'm always sick to my stomach & don't like to eat much either. My weight is very low at 94lbs (I'm 5'7") so I need to gain more weight somehow. I was 88lbs. I have a feed tube, but hate using it. It always upset my stomach worse. Have you tried an antiacid? It helps my tummy some. Maybe you could try Megace it help food taste better.



New member
Like you I have constipation problems. For years I'd have a bad bowel obstruction almost every month. I had to drink lots of Golytle to get rid of them. It was terrible!! I also drank about 3 bottles of magnesium citrate a week, plus enemas just to "go" everyday. But that ended about 2 years ago when I discovered prunes. Wonderful prunes! I eat 15-20 a day and haven't had much problem since. I always scoffed at the suggestion before, but it works for me.
I'm always sick to my stomach & don't like to eat much either. My weight is very low at 94lbs (I'm 5'7") so I need to gain more weight somehow. I was 88lbs. I have a feed tube, but hate using it. It always upset my stomach worse. Have you tried an antiacid? It helps my tummy some. Maybe you could try Megace it help food taste better.



New member
Like you I have constipation problems. For years I'd have a bad bowel obstruction almost every month. I had to drink lots of Golytle to get rid of them. It was terrible!! I also drank about 3 bottles of magnesium citrate a week, plus enemas just to "go" everyday. But that ended about 2 years ago when I discovered prunes. Wonderful prunes! I eat 15-20 a day and haven't had much problem since. I always scoffed at the suggestion before, but it works for me.
I'm always sick to my stomach & don't like to eat much either. My weight is very low at 94lbs (I'm 5'7") so I need to gain more weight somehow. I was 88lbs. I have a feed tube, but hate using it. It always upset my stomach worse. Have you tried an antiacid? It helps my tummy some. Maybe you could try Megace it help food taste better.
