lightNlife is in the hospital again


New member
Well, after this evening's visit, I do have something good to report! Lauren's FEV1 today was more than half a liter higher than when they admitted her two weeks ago. She's not quite up to the baseline the doctors want, but things are definitely progressing steadily in the right direction.

At one point earlier this week, we were thinking that they might be able to reschedule the surgery for the 22nd; that didn't pan out, but we're still on for the 29th.


New member
Well, after this evening's visit, I do have something good to report! Lauren's FEV1 today was more than half a liter higher than when they admitted her two weeks ago. She's not quite up to the baseline the doctors want, but things are definitely progressing steadily in the right direction.

At one point earlier this week, we were thinking that they might be able to reschedule the surgery for the 22nd; that didn't pan out, but we're still on for the 29th.


New member
Well, after this evening's visit, I do have something good to report! Lauren's FEV1 today was more than half a liter higher than when they admitted her two weeks ago. She's not quite up to the baseline the doctors want, but things are definitely progressing steadily in the right direction.

At one point earlier this week, we were thinking that they might be able to reschedule the surgery for the 22nd; that didn't pan out, but we're still on for the 29th.


New member
Well, after this evening's visit, I do have something good to report! Lauren's FEV1 today was more than half a liter higher than when they admitted her two weeks ago. She's not quite up to the baseline the doctors want, but things are definitely progressing steadily in the right direction.

At one point earlier this week, we were thinking that they might be able to reschedule the surgery for the 22nd; that didn't pan out, but we're still on for the 29th.


New member
Well, after this evening's visit, I do have something good to report! Lauren's FEV1 today was more than half a liter higher than when they admitted her two weeks ago. She's not quite up to the baseline the doctors want, but things are definitely progressing steadily in the right direction.
<br />
<br />At one point earlier this week, we were thinking that they might be able to reschedule the surgery for the 22nd; that didn't pan out, but we're still on for the 29th.