lightNlife is in the hospital again


New member
I'm so glad they are getting her pain under control. That is so stressful on the body and mind. Thanks so much for the update. You are both in my prayers.



New member
I'm so glad they are getting her pain under control. That is so stressful on the body and mind. Thanks so much for the update. You are both in my prayers.



New member
I'm so glad they are getting her pain under control. That is so stressful on the body and mind. Thanks so much for the update. You are both in my prayers.



New member
I'm so glad they are getting her pain under control. That is so stressful on the body and mind. Thanks so much for the update. You are both in my prayers.



New member
I'm so glad they are getting her pain under control. That is so stressful on the body and mind. Thanks so much for the update. You are both in my prayers.
<br />
<br />Stacey


New member
The surgery isn't scheduled until October 29th. The surgeon is unavailable until then, but that's actually a good thing because they wanted to put her through a whole run of antibiotics first. This way, she'll be in the best possible shape when it's time to go in and clear things out.

Plus, since she has a long clotting time, they're going to make the surgery an inpatient procedure. Instead of letting her go home to finish the IVs (like usual) and then make her come right back in, they're just going to keep her around until after the procedure.


New member
The surgery isn't scheduled until October 29th. The surgeon is unavailable until then, but that's actually a good thing because they wanted to put her through a whole run of antibiotics first. This way, she'll be in the best possible shape when it's time to go in and clear things out.

Plus, since she has a long clotting time, they're going to make the surgery an inpatient procedure. Instead of letting her go home to finish the IVs (like usual) and then make her come right back in, they're just going to keep her around until after the procedure.


New member
The surgery isn't scheduled until October 29th. The surgeon is unavailable until then, but that's actually a good thing because they wanted to put her through a whole run of antibiotics first. This way, she'll be in the best possible shape when it's time to go in and clear things out.

Plus, since she has a long clotting time, they're going to make the surgery an inpatient procedure. Instead of letting her go home to finish the IVs (like usual) and then make her come right back in, they're just going to keep her around until after the procedure.


New member
The surgery isn't scheduled until October 29th. The surgeon is unavailable until then, but that's actually a good thing because they wanted to put her through a whole run of antibiotics first. This way, she'll be in the best possible shape when it's time to go in and clear things out.

Plus, since she has a long clotting time, they're going to make the surgery an inpatient procedure. Instead of letting her go home to finish the IVs (like usual) and then make her come right back in, they're just going to keep her around until after the procedure.


New member
The surgery isn't scheduled until October 29th. The surgeon is unavailable until then, but that's actually a good thing because they wanted to put her through a whole run of antibiotics first. This way, she'll be in the best possible shape when it's time to go in and clear things out.
<br />
<br />Plus, since she has a long clotting time, they're going to make the surgery an inpatient procedure. Instead of letting her go home to finish the IVs (like usual) and then make her come right back in, they're just going to keep her around until after the procedure.