Liver functions


New member
My son just had his initial blood work done, which is routinely done at 6 months old at our clinic, and his liver fuction tests came back elevated.
The doctor has ordered an abdominal ultrasound for him, which we will be going for on Friday...
But in the mean time has anyone else experienced this with either themselves or their children? What was the end result? Is this normal for kiddos with CF?


New member
My son just had his initial blood work done, which is routinely done at 6 months old at our clinic, and his liver fuction tests came back elevated.
The doctor has ordered an abdominal ultrasound for him, which we will be going for on Friday...
But in the mean time has anyone else experienced this with either themselves or their children? What was the end result? Is this normal for kiddos with CF?


New member
My son just had his initial blood work done, which is routinely done at 6 months old at our clinic, and his liver fuction tests came back elevated.
The doctor has ordered an abdominal ultrasound for him, which we will be going for on Friday...
But in the mean time has anyone else experienced this with either themselves or their children? What was the end result? Is this normal for kiddos with CF?


New member
My son just had his initial blood work done, which is routinely done at 6 months old at our clinic, and his liver fuction tests came back elevated.
The doctor has ordered an abdominal ultrasound for him, which we will be going for on Friday...
But in the mean time has anyone else experienced this with either themselves or their children? What was the end result? Is this normal for kiddos with CF?


New member
<br />My son just had his initial blood work done, which is routinely done at 6 months old at our clinic, and his liver fuction tests came back elevated.
<br />The doctor has ordered an abdominal ultrasound for him, which we will be going for on Friday...
<br />But in the mean time has anyone else experienced this with either themselves or their children? What was the end result? Is this normal for kiddos with CF?


Staff member
DS' were when he was a few weeks old -- I always assumed they were elevated due to his being on TPN at the time. He was put on actigall (urisidol sp) -- bile salts shortly afterwards and so far hasn't had any issues since then.


Staff member
DS' were when he was a few weeks old -- I always assumed they were elevated due to his being on TPN at the time. He was put on actigall (urisidol sp) -- bile salts shortly afterwards and so far hasn't had any issues since then.


Staff member
DS' were when he was a few weeks old -- I always assumed they were elevated due to his being on TPN at the time. He was put on actigall (urisidol sp) -- bile salts shortly afterwards and so far hasn't had any issues since then.


Staff member
DS' were when he was a few weeks old -- I always assumed they were elevated due to his being on TPN at the time. He was put on actigall (urisidol sp) -- bile salts shortly afterwards and so far hasn't had any issues since then.


Staff member
DS' were when he was a few weeks old -- I always assumed they were elevated due to his being on TPN at the time. He was put on actigall (urisidol sp) -- bile salts shortly afterwards and so far hasn't had any issues since then.


New member
To answer your question I believe it is 10 to 15% of CF'ers who have some liver complications. Our daughter had elevated liver AST and ALT readings upon diagnosis at age 3. It really freaked me out as well. Some have suggested that it was because she wasn't on digestive enzymes yet, and it is all related.

Anyhow, her readings were <i>slightly</i> elevated and she was put on Ursodiol. It has to be compounded. She takes 300 mg per day I think, in two separate doses. Her liver readings are now normal and we are still on it.

She has never been on TPN. Takes Creon 10, Prevacid, Vitamins, etc. Hope this helps.


New member
To answer your question I believe it is 10 to 15% of CF'ers who have some liver complications. Our daughter had elevated liver AST and ALT readings upon diagnosis at age 3. It really freaked me out as well. Some have suggested that it was because she wasn't on digestive enzymes yet, and it is all related.

Anyhow, her readings were <i>slightly</i> elevated and she was put on Ursodiol. It has to be compounded. She takes 300 mg per day I think, in two separate doses. Her liver readings are now normal and we are still on it.

She has never been on TPN. Takes Creon 10, Prevacid, Vitamins, etc. Hope this helps.


New member
To answer your question I believe it is 10 to 15% of CF'ers who have some liver complications. Our daughter had elevated liver AST and ALT readings upon diagnosis at age 3. It really freaked me out as well. Some have suggested that it was because she wasn't on digestive enzymes yet, and it is all related.

Anyhow, her readings were <i>slightly</i> elevated and she was put on Ursodiol. It has to be compounded. She takes 300 mg per day I think, in two separate doses. Her liver readings are now normal and we are still on it.

She has never been on TPN. Takes Creon 10, Prevacid, Vitamins, etc. Hope this helps.


New member
To answer your question I believe it is 10 to 15% of CF'ers who have some liver complications. Our daughter had elevated liver AST and ALT readings upon diagnosis at age 3. It really freaked me out as well. Some have suggested that it was because she wasn't on digestive enzymes yet, and it is all related.

Anyhow, her readings were <i>slightly</i> elevated and she was put on Ursodiol. It has to be compounded. She takes 300 mg per day I think, in two separate doses. Her liver readings are now normal and we are still on it.

She has never been on TPN. Takes Creon 10, Prevacid, Vitamins, etc. Hope this helps.


New member
To answer your question I believe it is 10 to 15% of CF'ers who have some liver complications. Our daughter had elevated liver AST and ALT readings upon diagnosis at age 3. It really freaked me out as well. Some have suggested that it was because she wasn't on digestive enzymes yet, and it is all related.
<br />
<br />Anyhow, her readings were <i>slightly</i> elevated and she was put on Ursodiol. It has to be compounded. She takes 300 mg per day I think, in two separate doses. Her liver readings are now normal and we are still on it.
<br />
<br />She has never been on TPN. Takes Creon 10, Prevacid, Vitamins, etc. Hope this helps.