Living with cf

hey steve! i have CF too (or course)
i sent YOU a privet message too. albion15 up there (aka hannah) shes my friend that ive met on here.
shes 16 too. and shes really nice! im 15... yuonger than youss guys, but getting there! i would LOVE being your friend steve-bob... (dont ask, jsut look at the message i sent you lol) it would be an HONOR!!

i actually think im pretty kool as a matter of factly, and it would be QUITE a shame nto ta know me!

heheheh ttyl bob! (lol)
bye steve
hey steve! i have CF too (or course)
i sent YOU a privet message too. albion15 up there (aka hannah) shes my friend that ive met on here.
shes 16 too. and shes really nice! im 15... yuonger than youss guys, but getting there! i would LOVE being your friend steve-bob... (dont ask, jsut look at the message i sent you lol) it would be an HONOR!!

i actually think im pretty kool as a matter of factly, and it would be QUITE a shame nto ta know me!

heheheh ttyl bob! (lol)
bye steve
hey steve! i have CF too (or course)
i sent YOU a privet message too. albion15 up there (aka hannah) shes my friend that ive met on here.
shes 16 too. and shes really nice! im 15... yuonger than youss guys, but getting there! i would LOVE being your friend steve-bob... (dont ask, jsut look at the message i sent you lol) it would be an HONOR!!

i actually think im pretty kool as a matter of factly, and it would be QUITE a shame nto ta know me!

heheheh ttyl bob! (lol)
bye steve
hey steve! i have CF too (or course)
i sent YOU a privet message too. albion15 up there (aka hannah) shes my friend that ive met on here.
shes 16 too. and shes really nice! im 15... yuonger than youss guys, but getting there! i would LOVE being your friend steve-bob... (dont ask, jsut look at the message i sent you lol) it would be an HONOR!!

i actually think im pretty kool as a matter of factly, and it would be QUITE a shame nto ta know me!

heheheh ttyl bob! (lol)
bye steve
hey steve! i have CF too (or course)
i sent YOU a privet message too. albion15 up there (aka hannah) shes my friend that ive met on here.
shes 16 too. and shes really nice! im 15... yuonger than youss guys, but getting there! i would LOVE being your friend steve-bob... (dont ask, jsut look at the message i sent you lol) it would be an HONOR!!

i actually think im pretty kool as a matter of factly, and it would be QUITE a shame nto ta know me!

heheheh ttyl bob! (lol)
bye steve


New member
im 14 (so youngest so far i think)
yeah, i find it hard to tell people and once they find out i get sick of the questions.
i find it's easier to connect with people when i forget that i have CF.


New member
im 14 (so youngest so far i think)
yeah, i find it hard to tell people and once they find out i get sick of the questions.
i find it's easier to connect with people when i forget that i have CF.


New member
im 14 (so youngest so far i think)
yeah, i find it hard to tell people and once they find out i get sick of the questions.
i find it's easier to connect with people when i forget that i have CF.


New member
im 14 (so youngest so far i think)
yeah, i find it hard to tell people and once they find out i get sick of the questions.
i find it's easier to connect with people when i forget that i have CF.


New member
im 14 (so youngest so far i think)
yeah, i find it hard to tell people and once they find out i get sick of the questions.
i find it's easier to connect with people when i forget that i have CF.


New member
Im 19 to be honest i went for a long time not telling anyone i had cf. if they would ask about a cough or anything i would say it was ashma, something more well known. but most of the time no one ever did. i am really lucky. i try and live life as it comes. i get all my stuff done in the mornings and at night. go to school and well was a waitress now looking for a new job cause that got old lol. but back to my poiint when i did start getting older.. making close friends, boyfriends you realize its not that bad. true friends dont care about that. i mean they are there by your side when your sick but wont treat you any different. In fact it brings you closer. Heck im now engaged to a wonderful man.. in which for a long time i tried to hid the fact i had cf.. well little did i know he already knew from one of my friends.. so one day after we had been dating a while i (in tears) break the news... his response... I know.. so what? lol now he lives with me.. we moved out together and helps me out.. he gives me treatments and is always there for me. lol he says i have cf too its ok.. ( just a little joke between us) but he does go through it all with me so he kinda does lol


New member
Im 19 to be honest i went for a long time not telling anyone i had cf. if they would ask about a cough or anything i would say it was ashma, something more well known. but most of the time no one ever did. i am really lucky. i try and live life as it comes. i get all my stuff done in the mornings and at night. go to school and well was a waitress now looking for a new job cause that got old lol. but back to my poiint when i did start getting older.. making close friends, boyfriends you realize its not that bad. true friends dont care about that. i mean they are there by your side when your sick but wont treat you any different. In fact it brings you closer. Heck im now engaged to a wonderful man.. in which for a long time i tried to hid the fact i had cf.. well little did i know he already knew from one of my friends.. so one day after we had been dating a while i (in tears) break the news... his response... I know.. so what? lol now he lives with me.. we moved out together and helps me out.. he gives me treatments and is always there for me. lol he says i have cf too its ok.. ( just a little joke between us) but he does go through it all with me so he kinda does lol


New member
Im 19 to be honest i went for a long time not telling anyone i had cf. if they would ask about a cough or anything i would say it was ashma, something more well known. but most of the time no one ever did. i am really lucky. i try and live life as it comes. i get all my stuff done in the mornings and at night. go to school and well was a waitress now looking for a new job cause that got old lol. but back to my poiint when i did start getting older.. making close friends, boyfriends you realize its not that bad. true friends dont care about that. i mean they are there by your side when your sick but wont treat you any different. In fact it brings you closer. Heck im now engaged to a wonderful man.. in which for a long time i tried to hid the fact i had cf.. well little did i know he already knew from one of my friends.. so one day after we had been dating a while i (in tears) break the news... his response... I know.. so what? lol now he lives with me.. we moved out together and helps me out.. he gives me treatments and is always there for me. lol he says i have cf too its ok.. ( just a little joke between us) but he does go through it all with me so he kinda does lol


New member
Im 19 to be honest i went for a long time not telling anyone i had cf. if they would ask about a cough or anything i would say it was ashma, something more well known. but most of the time no one ever did. i am really lucky. i try and live life as it comes. i get all my stuff done in the mornings and at night. go to school and well was a waitress now looking for a new job cause that got old lol. but back to my poiint when i did start getting older.. making close friends, boyfriends you realize its not that bad. true friends dont care about that. i mean they are there by your side when your sick but wont treat you any different. In fact it brings you closer. Heck im now engaged to a wonderful man.. in which for a long time i tried to hid the fact i had cf.. well little did i know he already knew from one of my friends.. so one day after we had been dating a while i (in tears) break the news... his response... I know.. so what? lol now he lives with me.. we moved out together and helps me out.. he gives me treatments and is always there for me. lol he says i have cf too its ok.. ( just a little joke between us) but he does go through it all with me so he kinda does lol


New member
Im 19 to be honest i went for a long time not telling anyone i had cf. if they would ask about a cough or anything i would say it was ashma, something more well known. but most of the time no one ever did. i am really lucky. i try and live life as it comes. i get all my stuff done in the mornings and at night. go to school and well was a waitress now looking for a new job cause that got old lol. but back to my poiint when i did start getting older.. making close friends, boyfriends you realize its not that bad. true friends dont care about that. i mean they are there by your side when your sick but wont treat you any different. In fact it brings you closer. Heck im now engaged to a wonderful man.. in which for a long time i tried to hid the fact i had cf.. well little did i know he already knew from one of my friends.. so one day after we had been dating a while i (in tears) break the news... his response... I know.. so what? lol now he lives with me.. we moved out together and helps me out.. he gives me treatments and is always there for me. lol he says i have cf too its ok.. ( just a little joke between us) but he does go through it all with me so he kinda does lol


New member
Hi, I've been KNOWING that I've been living with CF for 9 years now, we found out I had it when I was 3, and about to die! I actually find it's pretty easy to make friends, even with my condition! Now I don't know how it would work out with a girl friend if I ever had one, but any way, it's been pretty easy to make friends, sort of.
PS: I'm 12, I'm the youngest person here, so far!


New member
Hi, I've been KNOWING that I've been living with CF for 9 years now, we found out I had it when I was 3, and about to die! I actually find it's pretty easy to make friends, even with my condition! Now I don't know how it would work out with a girl friend if I ever had one, but any way, it's been pretty easy to make friends, sort of.
PS: I'm 12, I'm the youngest person here, so far!


New member
Hi, I've been KNOWING that I've been living with CF for 9 years now, we found out I had it when I was 3, and about to die! I actually find it's pretty easy to make friends, even with my condition! Now I don't know how it would work out with a girl friend if I ever had one, but any way, it's been pretty easy to make friends, sort of.
PS: I'm 12, I'm the youngest person here, so far!


New member
Hi, I've been KNOWING that I've been living with CF for 9 years now, we found out I had it when I was 3, and about to die! I actually find it's pretty easy to make friends, even with my condition! Now I don't know how it would work out with a girl friend if I ever had one, but any way, it's been pretty easy to make friends, sort of.
PS: I'm 12, I'm the youngest person here, so far!


New member
Hi, I've been KNOWING that I've been living with CF for 9 years now, we found out I had it when I was 3, and about to die! I actually find it's pretty easy to make friends, even with my condition! Now I don't know how it would work out with a girl friend if I ever had one, but any way, it's been pretty easy to make friends, sort of.
PS: I'm 12, I'm the youngest person here, so far!