Looking for advise


New member
Hi Jennie,

I also just got out of hospital. I was in 3 weeks with double pneumonia. And I completely understand your situation. I have wonderful friends and most of them were there for me (pretty much daily), however there were 2 that disappointed me. One I didn't hear from period - and still haven't. The other came 1 night (when I was really sick) and told everyone she would be back the next day, but shockingly she did not. 2 weeks later she saw one of my other friends and mentioned that she had a lung infection and didn't want to come to the hospital. Completely understandable....but I can't catch an infection over the phone.
I have yet to say anything either, but I will. I think we have to be honest - just tell them how scary it is to be in hospital and how much it helps to have people you love around.
I'm here if you want to talk about it.


New member
Hi Jennie,

I also just got out of hospital. I was in 3 weeks with double pneumonia. And I completely understand your situation. I have wonderful friends and most of them were there for me (pretty much daily), however there were 2 that disappointed me. One I didn't hear from period - and still haven't. The other came 1 night (when I was really sick) and told everyone she would be back the next day, but shockingly she did not. 2 weeks later she saw one of my other friends and mentioned that she had a lung infection and didn't want to come to the hospital. Completely understandable....but I can't catch an infection over the phone.
I have yet to say anything either, but I will. I think we have to be honest - just tell them how scary it is to be in hospital and how much it helps to have people you love around.
I'm here if you want to talk about it.


New member
Hi Jennie,

I also just got out of hospital. I was in 3 weeks with double pneumonia. And I completely understand your situation. I have wonderful friends and most of them were there for me (pretty much daily), however there were 2 that disappointed me. One I didn't hear from period - and still haven't. The other came 1 night (when I was really sick) and told everyone she would be back the next day, but shockingly she did not. 2 weeks later she saw one of my other friends and mentioned that she had a lung infection and didn't want to come to the hospital. Completely understandable....but I can't catch an infection over the phone.
I have yet to say anything either, but I will. I think we have to be honest - just tell them how scary it is to be in hospital and how much it helps to have people you love around.
I'm here if you want to talk about it.


New member
Hi Jennie,

I also just got out of hospital. I was in 3 weeks with double pneumonia. And I completely understand your situation. I have wonderful friends and most of them were there for me (pretty much daily), however there were 2 that disappointed me. One I didn't hear from period - and still haven't. The other came 1 night (when I was really sick) and told everyone she would be back the next day, but shockingly she did not. 2 weeks later she saw one of my other friends and mentioned that she had a lung infection and didn't want to come to the hospital. Completely understandable....but I can't catch an infection over the phone.
I have yet to say anything either, but I will. I think we have to be honest - just tell them how scary it is to be in hospital and how much it helps to have people you love around.
I'm here if you want to talk about it.


New member
Hi Jennie,

I also just got out of hospital. I was in 3 weeks with double pneumonia. And I completely understand your situation. I have wonderful friends and most of them were there for me (pretty much daily), however there were 2 that disappointed me. One I didn't hear from period - and still haven't. The other came 1 night (when I was really sick) and told everyone she would be back the next day, but shockingly she did not. 2 weeks later she saw one of my other friends and mentioned that she had a lung infection and didn't want to come to the hospital. Completely understandable....but I can't catch an infection over the phone.
I have yet to say anything either, but I will. I think we have to be honest - just tell them how scary it is to be in hospital and how much it helps to have people you love around.
I'm here if you want to talk about it.


New member
Happy Belated Birthday!

My advice to you is " Touch it with a Feather and let it go". You are learning a lessn about you will be there for you and who probably won't . Most people don't understand what is it is like for you ( us ) in the hospital, they figure we have been doing it long enough , we have it together and don't need them. Or they are just what I call "Well" friends. They can only really handle it when your well. In that case we should have compassion for those who don't know how to deal with the sick. I see myself as an educator. Maybe you can too. I have always felt the only way people are going to learn about our needs And Cf, is if we tell them. kindly, and compassionately. for example, " I know it is probably hard for you guys when Im sick and to come to a hospital with a bunch of sick people but even a phone call would be great or you don't have to stay long if you come" Jennie you have enought to deal with don't let them take energy away from you that you need to get well and stay well.. Call them, write to them, bring stationary in with you when you get admitted. Teach your friends what you need. Give them time figure it out. It may be that they never come around . There will be others that do. You certainly shouldn't have to beg them to come in. Remember your the cream of the crop.



New member
Happy Belated Birthday!

My advice to you is " Touch it with a Feather and let it go". You are learning a lessn about you will be there for you and who probably won't . Most people don't understand what is it is like for you ( us ) in the hospital, they figure we have been doing it long enough , we have it together and don't need them. Or they are just what I call "Well" friends. They can only really handle it when your well. In that case we should have compassion for those who don't know how to deal with the sick. I see myself as an educator. Maybe you can too. I have always felt the only way people are going to learn about our needs And Cf, is if we tell them. kindly, and compassionately. for example, " I know it is probably hard for you guys when Im sick and to come to a hospital with a bunch of sick people but even a phone call would be great or you don't have to stay long if you come" Jennie you have enought to deal with don't let them take energy away from you that you need to get well and stay well.. Call them, write to them, bring stationary in with you when you get admitted. Teach your friends what you need. Give them time figure it out. It may be that they never come around . There will be others that do. You certainly shouldn't have to beg them to come in. Remember your the cream of the crop.



New member
Happy Belated Birthday!

My advice to you is " Touch it with a Feather and let it go". You are learning a lessn about you will be there for you and who probably won't . Most people don't understand what is it is like for you ( us ) in the hospital, they figure we have been doing it long enough , we have it together and don't need them. Or they are just what I call "Well" friends. They can only really handle it when your well. In that case we should have compassion for those who don't know how to deal with the sick. I see myself as an educator. Maybe you can too. I have always felt the only way people are going to learn about our needs And Cf, is if we tell them. kindly, and compassionately. for example, " I know it is probably hard for you guys when Im sick and to come to a hospital with a bunch of sick people but even a phone call would be great or you don't have to stay long if you come" Jennie you have enought to deal with don't let them take energy away from you that you need to get well and stay well.. Call them, write to them, bring stationary in with you when you get admitted. Teach your friends what you need. Give them time figure it out. It may be that they never come around . There will be others that do. You certainly shouldn't have to beg them to come in. Remember your the cream of the crop.



New member
Happy Belated Birthday!

My advice to you is " Touch it with a Feather and let it go". You are learning a lessn about you will be there for you and who probably won't . Most people don't understand what is it is like for you ( us ) in the hospital, they figure we have been doing it long enough , we have it together and don't need them. Or they are just what I call "Well" friends. They can only really handle it when your well. In that case we should have compassion for those who don't know how to deal with the sick. I see myself as an educator. Maybe you can too. I have always felt the only way people are going to learn about our needs And Cf, is if we tell them. kindly, and compassionately. for example, " I know it is probably hard for you guys when Im sick and to come to a hospital with a bunch of sick people but even a phone call would be great or you don't have to stay long if you come" Jennie you have enought to deal with don't let them take energy away from you that you need to get well and stay well.. Call them, write to them, bring stationary in with you when you get admitted. Teach your friends what you need. Give them time figure it out. It may be that they never come around . There will be others that do. You certainly shouldn't have to beg them to come in. Remember your the cream of the crop.



New member
Happy Belated Birthday!

My advice to you is " Touch it with a Feather and let it go". You are learning a lessn about you will be there for you and who probably won't . Most people don't understand what is it is like for you ( us ) in the hospital, they figure we have been doing it long enough , we have it together and don't need them. Or they are just what I call "Well" friends. They can only really handle it when your well. In that case we should have compassion for those who don't know how to deal with the sick. I see myself as an educator. Maybe you can too. I have always felt the only way people are going to learn about our needs And Cf, is if we tell them. kindly, and compassionately. for example, " I know it is probably hard for you guys when Im sick and to come to a hospital with a bunch of sick people but even a phone call would be great or you don't have to stay long if you come" Jennie you have enought to deal with don't let them take energy away from you that you need to get well and stay well.. Call them, write to them, bring stationary in with you when you get admitted. Teach your friends what you need. Give them time figure it out. It may be that they never come around . There will be others that do. You certainly shouldn't have to beg them to come in. Remember your the cream of the crop.



New member
Hi Jennie, I think you got lots of good advice so i just want to give you a {{{{{Hug}}}}} and say <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> Happy Birthday To You <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> .. Do you have comp. access in the hospital? I know it has been so good for me to have my comp. in hosp. especially to be able to chat.. PM me if you want to talk ~ <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
Hi Jennie, I think you got lots of good advice so i just want to give you a {{{{{Hug}}}}} and say <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> Happy Birthday To You <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> .. Do you have comp. access in the hospital? I know it has been so good for me to have my comp. in hosp. especially to be able to chat.. PM me if you want to talk ~ <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
Hi Jennie, I think you got lots of good advice so i just want to give you a {{{{{Hug}}}}} and say <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> Happy Birthday To You <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> .. Do you have comp. access in the hospital? I know it has been so good for me to have my comp. in hosp. especially to be able to chat.. PM me if you want to talk ~ <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
Hi Jennie, I think you got lots of good advice so i just want to give you a {{{{{Hug}}}}} and say <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> Happy Birthday To You <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> .. Do you have comp. access in the hospital? I know it has been so good for me to have my comp. in hosp. especially to be able to chat.. PM me if you want to talk ~ <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni


New member
Hi Jennie, I think you got lots of good advice so i just want to give you a {{{{{Hug}}}}} and say <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> Happy Birthday To You <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> .. Do you have comp. access in the hospital? I know it has been so good for me to have my comp. in hosp. especially to be able to chat.. PM me if you want to talk ~ <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> joni