Looking into new CF clinic


New member
Those are the exact emotions I feel like when I have to go to my own clinic. The past 2 years I have been feeling symptoms of whatever mystery is going on in my body, researching what it could possibly be on mayoclinic.com or webmd, posting on here to see if anyone else has the same issue or have had the same issues in the past, then I present the diagnosis to the doctor who always seems to agree THEN treat.

So I've pretty much been my own CF doctor. It's very discouraging. I've been suffering from breathing difficulties for weeks and they just put me on IV's again after a brief break from my previous 8 week stint. I posted on here the other day asking about breathing difficulty at night, and after someone stated they have had the same in the past and suggested an oxygen test at night. I presented it to my doctor and THEN he ordered it. He would not have ordered it otherwise, even after I presented the same symptoms to him last week.

It's really an awful feeling. Thank you SO much for your help!


New member
Those are the exact emotions I feel like when I have to go to my own clinic. The past 2 years I have been feeling symptoms of whatever mystery is going on in my body, researching what it could possibly be on mayoclinic.com or webmd, posting on here to see if anyone else has the same issue or have had the same issues in the past, then I present the diagnosis to the doctor who always seems to agree THEN treat.

So I've pretty much been my own CF doctor. It's very discouraging. I've been suffering from breathing difficulties for weeks and they just put me on IV's again after a brief break from my previous 8 week stint. I posted on here the other day asking about breathing difficulty at night, and after someone stated they have had the same in the past and suggested an oxygen test at night. I presented it to my doctor and THEN he ordered it. He would not have ordered it otherwise, even after I presented the same symptoms to him last week.

It's really an awful feeling. Thank you SO much for your help!


New member
Those are the exact emotions I feel like when I have to go to my own clinic. The past 2 years I have been feeling symptoms of whatever mystery is going on in my body, researching what it could possibly be on mayoclinic.com or webmd, posting on here to see if anyone else has the same issue or have had the same issues in the past, then I present the diagnosis to the doctor who always seems to agree THEN treat.

So I've pretty much been my own CF doctor. It's very discouraging. I've been suffering from breathing difficulties for weeks and they just put me on IV's again after a brief break from my previous 8 week stint. I posted on here the other day asking about breathing difficulty at night, and after someone stated they have had the same in the past and suggested an oxygen test at night. I presented it to my doctor and THEN he ordered it. He would not have ordered it otherwise, even after I presented the same symptoms to him last week.

It's really an awful feeling. Thank you SO much for your help!


New member
Those are the exact emotions I feel like when I have to go to my own clinic. The past 2 years I have been feeling symptoms of whatever mystery is going on in my body, researching what it could possibly be on mayoclinic.com or webmd, posting on here to see if anyone else has the same issue or have had the same issues in the past, then I present the diagnosis to the doctor who always seems to agree THEN treat.

So I've pretty much been my own CF doctor. It's very discouraging. I've been suffering from breathing difficulties for weeks and they just put me on IV's again after a brief break from my previous 8 week stint. I posted on here the other day asking about breathing difficulty at night, and after someone stated they have had the same in the past and suggested an oxygen test at night. I presented it to my doctor and THEN he ordered it. He would not have ordered it otherwise, even after I presented the same symptoms to him last week.

It's really an awful feeling. Thank you SO much for your help!


New member
Those are the exact emotions I feel like when I have to go to my own clinic. The past 2 years I have been feeling symptoms of whatever mystery is going on in my body, researching what it could possibly be on mayoclinic.com or webmd, posting on here to see if anyone else has the same issue or have had the same issues in the past, then I present the diagnosis to the doctor who always seems to agree THEN treat.
<br />
<br />So I've pretty much been my own CF doctor. It's very discouraging. I've been suffering from breathing difficulties for weeks and they just put me on IV's again after a brief break from my previous 8 week stint. I posted on here the other day asking about breathing difficulty at night, and after someone stated they have had the same in the past and suggested an oxygen test at night. I presented it to my doctor and THEN he ordered it. He would not have ordered it otherwise, even after I presented the same symptoms to him last week.
<br />
<br />It's really an awful feeling. Thank you SO much for your help!


New member
There is no downside. Get your second (or third) opinion. You might find you like this doctor/team much better and you might even find a new respect for your old team. how will you know?
Go for it. you'll feel much better (emotionally and hopefully physically)


New member
There is no downside. Get your second (or third) opinion. You might find you like this doctor/team much better and you might even find a new respect for your old team. how will you know?
Go for it. you'll feel much better (emotionally and hopefully physically)


New member
There is no downside. Get your second (or third) opinion. You might find you like this doctor/team much better and you might even find a new respect for your old team. how will you know?
Go for it. you'll feel much better (emotionally and hopefully physically)


New member
There is no downside. Get your second (or third) opinion. You might find you like this doctor/team much better and you might even find a new respect for your old team. how will you know?
Go for it. you'll feel much better (emotionally and hopefully physically)


New member
There is no downside. Get your second (or third) opinion. You might find you like this doctor/team much better and you might even find a new respect for your old team. how will you know?
<br />Go for it. you'll feel much better (emotionally and hopefully physically)


New member
I don't think it hurts anything at all to get a second opinion. I have done it. It can ruffle some of the doctors feathers, which is sad. You should have the right to get as many as you would like without it being a problem........

Please keep me in touch on how it goes. I'm always open for better care, especially with the way things have been going lately with Maks health.

Looking forward to hear from you,,,,,,Karla


New member
I don't think it hurts anything at all to get a second opinion. I have done it. It can ruffle some of the doctors feathers, which is sad. You should have the right to get as many as you would like without it being a problem........

Please keep me in touch on how it goes. I'm always open for better care, especially with the way things have been going lately with Maks health.

Looking forward to hear from you,,,,,,Karla


New member
I don't think it hurts anything at all to get a second opinion. I have done it. It can ruffle some of the doctors feathers, which is sad. You should have the right to get as many as you would like without it being a problem........

Please keep me in touch on how it goes. I'm always open for better care, especially with the way things have been going lately with Maks health.

Looking forward to hear from you,,,,,,Karla


New member
I don't think it hurts anything at all to get a second opinion. I have done it. It can ruffle some of the doctors feathers, which is sad. You should have the right to get as many as you would like without it being a problem........

Please keep me in touch on how it goes. I'm always open for better care, especially with the way things have been going lately with Maks health.

Looking forward to hear from you,,,,,,Karla


New member
I don't think it hurts anything at all to get a second opinion. I have done it. It can ruffle some of the doctors feathers, which is sad. You should have the right to get as many as you would like without it being a problem........
<br />
<br />Please keep me in touch on how it goes. I'm always open for better care, especially with the way things have been going lately with Maks health.
<br />
<br />Looking forward to hear from you,,,,,,Karla


New member
I'm in a study at NIH in Bethesda; but I have heard good things about Hopkins. You should feel comfortable...

I hope it works out!


New member
I'm in a study at NIH in Bethesda; but I have heard good things about Hopkins. You should feel comfortable...

I hope it works out!


New member
I'm in a study at NIH in Bethesda; but I have heard good things about Hopkins. You should feel comfortable...

I hope it works out!


New member
I'm in a study at NIH in Bethesda; but I have heard good things about Hopkins. You should feel comfortable...

I hope it works out!


New member
I'm in a study at NIH in Bethesda; but I have heard good things about Hopkins. You should feel comfortable...
<br />
<br />I hope it works out!