lost wife to cystic fibrosis friday


Digital opinion leader
I am so sorry to read your news Skydl. You will be in my thoughts.

This is a good place to come for support, there are many here who can understand your pain. When you are ready to share some things about you and your wife, we would all like to get to know you better.


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> As a fellow c.f. suffere, aged 34, I can not imagine your grief right now, but my fiancee always tells me that it doesn`t matter the amount of time we have, it`s how we fill it. Deepest Sympathies, Vincent, Dublin.


New member
i just love her so much i just cant go on without her. every waking
second of my life is nothing but sadness and pain. the mornings are
so hard cause as soon as i wake up i just cant wait intill its time
to go back to sleep. and it just seems these days are just going by
so slow. i am just about to lose it.


New member
I am so sorry for the pain that you are in now..I can't imagine how you feel but I wanted to let you know that I think it is good that you are posting about your feelings. So many ppl on this board have gone through what you have and so many of them are used to dealing with pain as a second nature to them.

I hope that you do take Allie and the others up on chatting with them. I know that for me in my life, and the pain that I have experienced it has always helped me to know that I wasn't alone in my feelings and that others understood or where there to listen.

I do know the feeling of hating to wake up in the morning because then you hve to get through the whole day again before you can go back to sleep... I feel for you and will certainly be praying for you.

Keep posting your feelings it is so good to get them out.



New member
I am also sorry you are in such pain, but it is perfectly understandable and expected right now. As hard as it may be, the best thing you can do is try to do something routine. I know that sounds ridiculous and near impossible to do, but if you have something you used to do routinely, ( for example.. taking a walk or bike ride, or having takeout for dinner on a certain day, or stopping somewhere on your way home from work) this would be a good time to make every attempt to start doing it again, so you will at least have a sense of normalcy in your life. Unfortunately you have been forced into a new life now and it is very hard but you have to find your way.... and you will....in time. Do you have family nearby? Maybe spending time with family or good friends may help you to feel better. If you live alone, maybe now would be a good time for a pet. Someone to love you unconditionally, someone to come home to, someone to depend on you. Keep coming back and posting....we all care and want to help in any way we possibly can. **Huggs**


New member
I am so sorry for your loss. I am 29 year old female with cf I have a husband and 2 children that do not have cf. I don't know what it is like to lose a loved one to cf. I cant even imagine. this is of course something that I will have to go thru with my sister who is 30 yrs w/ cf and not doing too well. I have tried to prepare my husband as much as possible, I just dont think that there is anything that can. All I can say is that you and your family are in my prayers. Please don't let your wife's light dim. keep her close and you may not feel it right now, but use this experience to help others.

Lannea S. 29/cf



I am so sorry. I hope you will find some peace in your heart.


New member
I too lost my brother yesterday in his fight with CF. I know what it feels like to fight so hard for someone and CF wins.
Sounds odd, but what has kept me going in the last 24 hours is know he can finally breathe without a fight. No more pills and machines and doctor visits. I know my bro is here with me, as your wife is with you. My brother always told me if something were to happen, he wanted me and my mom to continue living a full life. I promised him yesterday before he passed that I would take care of my mom. I know he was worried about her, and after that he seemed to relax. I will hold to my promise even though my mom and I don't have the greatest relationship.

Sky, I don't think this will ever get easier, but know you wife will always be in your heart and you can still talk to her and she will hear you. I know your wife would want you to continue on living your life and to be happy again. Give yourself some time and space. One minute at a time, one day at a time.

If you need to talk, please feel free to contact me. I will pray for your continued strength.


New member
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that no words that I say, or anyone else, can even begin to ease your pain. My younger brother also has CF and I can't even imagine what it would be like if he lost his fight before me. There is alot of support on this board, so whenever you feel like to need to talk or vent your feelings, you can come here and we'll listen.


New member
Please know that you are in our thoughts/prayers.
I hope that soon you will see a little light in your days and then gradually more and more light as time goes on.
Please feel free to share any thoughts you may have with us. There are many others here that have lost loved ones that would be glad to offer support however they can.


New member
You picked a great place to make your post Sky. I lost my wife of nine years to CF a little more than a month ago. If you look at the future ahead of you, your life ahead of you as one large "thing" then yes it can seem like too much to bear. The trick is to look at the life ahead of you just one day at a time.

When my wife passed away my boss gave me two weeks off of work. Being at home with just me and the children was hard. It was when I went back to work and reestablished my routine that life started to appear more like normal. I have the opposite of just wanting to sleep. Seeing my empty bed reminds me the most that my wife is gone. I have a hard time making myself fall asleep. I have my children to focus on, which does help. You need to try and find a focus, even if that focus is yourself.

Feel free to chat or private message me for anything, even just to talk.